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Wat nao olketa responsibility blo mami?

Pr 31:​17, 21, 26, 27; Tit 2:4

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ge 21:​8-12—Taem Sarah luksavve Ishmael hem persecutim smol boy blo hem, Isaac, hem askem Abraham for protectim son blo tufala

    • 1Ki 1:​11-21—Taem Bath-sheba faendaot dat narawan laek for tek ovarem position blo son blo hem for kamap king, and laef blo Solomon hem stap lo danger, hem askem King David for helpem hem

Why nao iumi shud obeyim and respectim mami blo iumi?

Ex 20:12; De 5:16; 27:16; Pr 1:8; 6:​20-22; 23:22

Lukim tu 1Ti 5:​9, 10

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 1Pe 3:​5, 6—Aposol Peter explainim dat bikos lo strong faith blo Sarah, Sarah kamap olsem mami for staka dota

    • Pr 31:​1, 15, 21, 28—Mami blo King Lemuel provaedem important kaonsel for son blo hem wea king, abaotem marit and waka blo gud waef and mami

    • 2Ti 1:5; 3:15—Aposol Paul hem barava praisem mami blo Timothy, Eunice, bikos hem teachim olketa Scripture lo son blo hem from taem Timothy hem smol yet, nomata hasband blo Eunice no wanfala Christian