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Wat nao olketa nara wei wea join witim mercy?

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ps 51:​1, 2—Taem King David begim Jehovah for showimaot mercy, hem ask for kasem forgiveness and for kamap klin from sin blo hem

    • Lu 10:​29-37—Jesus teachim leson abaotem mercy taem hem storyim wanfala Samaritan wea kaen and helpem wanfala Jew

Why nao evri human being needim mercy?

Wat nao samfala example lo hao Jehovah showimaot mercy?

Ex 34:6; Ne 9:17; Ps 103:8; 2Co 1:3

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Job 42:​1, 2, 6-10; Jas 5:11—Jehovah showimaot mercy lo Job and teachim hem for showimaot mercy tu

    • Lu 15:​11-32—Jesus storyim example lo mercy blo Jehovah taem hem storyim hao wanfala dadi hem acceptim bak son blo hem wea repent

Why nao Jehovah showim mercy lo iumi?

Hao nao sakrifaes blo Christ helpem iumi kasem forgiveness for olketa sin?

Why nao iumi shud ask for kasem mercy and tinghae lo datwan?

Lu 11:​2-4; Heb 4:16

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ps 51:​1-4—King David, feel nogud tumas bikos hem guilty lo sin blo hem. Hem hambol and prea for kasem mercy from Jehovah

    • Lu 18:​9-14—Jesus iusim olketa illustration for strongim hao Jehovah showimaot mercy lo olketa wea hambol and luksavve lo wik point blo olketa

Nomata samwan duim serious sin, why nao hem still savve garem hope for kasem mercy?

De 4:​29-31; Isa 55:7

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 2Ch 33:​9-13, 15—Nomata Manasseh hem wanfala barava nogud king, taem hem repent and askem God for mercy, Jehovah mekem hem kamap king moa, bihaen datwan hem duim samting wea showimaot hem barava changem wei blo hem

    • Jon 3:​4-10—Nomata olketa blo Nineveh savve raf tumas and killim dae pipol, olketa repent and God showimaot mercy lo olketa

Why nao hem important for confess and changem wei blo iumi sapos iumi laek for kasem mercy from Jehovah?

Mercy blo Jehovah hem no minim bae iumi no kasem panis or nogud samting wea kamap from sin blo iumi

Why nao iumi shud showimaot mercy lo narawan?

If iumi fail for showimaot mercy, hao nao datwan bae affectim frenship blo iumi witim Jehovah?

Mt 9:13; 23:23; Jas 2:13

Lukim tu Pr 21:13

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Mt 18:​23-35—Jesus iusim wanfala illustration for showimaot dat sapos man fail for showimaot mercy, hem tu bae no kasem mercy from Jehovah

    • Lu 10:​29-37—Disfala illustration showimaot Jehovah and Jesus no hapi lo olketa wea no showimaot mercy, bat olketa hapi lo pipol wea olsem datfala Samaritan wea showimaot mercy

Hao nao Jehovah treatim pipol wea showimaot mercy?