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No Ova Tumas; Balance

No Ova Tumas; Balance

Why nao olketa Christian shud no ova tumas?

Php 4:5; Tit 3:2; Jas 3:17

Lukim tu 1Ti 3:​2, 3

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ge 18:​23-33—Jehovah barava patient, taem Abraham kwestinim Hem abaotem hao Sodom and Gomorrah bae distroe

    • Ge 19:​16-22, 30—Jehovah hem garem balance tingting taem hem deal witim Lot, lo wei for acceptim request blo Lot for ranawe go lo Zoar instead for go lo olketa maunten

    • Mt 15:​21-28—Jesus showimaot hem balance taem datfala woman lo Phoenicia barava ask for help, bikos Jesus luksavve woman hia garem strong faith