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Hao important nao wei for obey?

Ex 19:5; De 10:​12, 13; Ec 12:13; Jas 1:22

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 1Sa 15:​17-23—Profet Samuel disciplinem King Saul from hem no obeyim Jehovah. Then Samuel explainim hao important nao wei for obey

    • Heb 5:​7-10—Nomata Jesus hem wanfala perfect son blo God, taem hem stap lo earth hem lane for obeyim dadi blo hem taem olketa treatim hem nogud

Wat nao wanfala Christian shud duim if wanfala man wea garem authority askem hem for no obeyim God?

Ac 5:29

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Da 3:​13-18—Nomata laef blo thrifala faithful Hebrew man stap lo danger, olketa no baodaon lo image wea King Nebuchadnezzar wakem

    • Mt 22:​15-22—Jesus explainim hao olketa follower blo hem obeyim olketa law blo kantri, bat olketa bae no obey sapos law sei for olketa duim samting wea Jehovah no laekem

    • Ac 4:​18-31—Nomata olketa wea garem paoa stopem aposol Paul for preach, hem no fraet for gohed preach

Wat nao iumi mas duim for gohed obeyim Jehovah?

De 6:​1-5; Ps 112:1; 1Jo 5:​2, 3

Lukim tu Ps 119:​11, 112; Ro 6:17

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ezr 7:​7-10—Datfala faithful priest Ezra preparem heart blo hem mekem hem obeyim law blo God and teachim lo olketa narawan

    • Joh 14:31—Jesus storyim why hem barava duim wat Dadi blo hem talem hem for duim

Wat nao shud muvim iumi for obeyim Jehovah and Jesus?

Hao nao wei wea iumi obey hem showimaot faith blo iumi?

Ro 1:5; 10:​16, 17; Jas 2:​20-23

Lukim tu De 9:23

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ge 6:​9-22; Heb 11:7—Noah showimaot hem garem faith lo wei for buildim datfala ark wea Jehovah komandim hem for duim, “hem duim evriting hia”

    • Heb 11:​8, 9, 17—Abraham showimaot hem garem faith from hem obeyim komand blo Jehovah, no just lo taem hem lusim Ur, bat lo taem wea hem willing for sakrifaesim son blo hemseleva tu

Hao nao Jehovah blessim wei wea iumi obey?

Jer 7:23; Mt 7:21; 1Jo 3:22

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

Wat nao bae kamaot from wei for no obey?

Ro 5:19; 2Th 1:​8, 9

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ge 2:​16, 17; 3:​17-19—From Adam and Eve disobeyim Jehovah God, tufala lusim nao Paradaes, wei for perfect, and laef olowe

    • De 18:​18, 19; Ac 3:​12, 18, 22, 23 —Jehovah profesi abaotem wanfala Profet wea winim Moses and man wea disobeyim datfala Profet bae kasem nogud samting

    • Jude 6, 7—Olketa angel wea bighed and pipol blo Sodom and Gomorrah mekem Jehovah kros bikos olketa no obey

Why nao iumi shud obeyim Jesus Christ?

Ge 49:10; Mt 28:18

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

Why nao olketa Christian obeyim olketa overseer lo kongregeson?

Why nao wanfala Christian waef shud obeyim hasband blo hem?

Why nao olketa pikinini obeyim parents blo olketa?

Pr 23:22; Eph 6:1; Col 3:20

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ge 37:​3, 4, 8, 11-13, 18—Young Joseph obeyim dadi blo hem and go for lukim olketa brata blo hem nomata hem savve olketa heitim hem

    • Lu 2:51—Jesus gohed obeyim Joseph and Mary nomata hem perfect and parents blo hem olketa no perfect

Why nao hem gud for obeyim boss blo iumi nomata lo taem wea boss no stap?

Why nao olketa Christian obeyim olketa gavman?