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Wat nao olketa qualification wea olketa Christian overseer mas traem best for kasem?

Olketa overseer lo kongregeson mas showimaot gud example saed lo olketa wanem samting?

Wat nao olketa qualification wea olketa ministerial servant mas traem best for kasem?

Why nao iumi fit for sei holy spirit blo God hem appointim olketa overseer?

Ac 20:28

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ac 13:​2-5; 14:23—Tufala traveling overseer, Paul and Barnabas appointim samfala responsible man lo samfala kongregeson bifor. Olketa circuit overseer distaem duim sem samting, olketa prea for holy spirit and careful for followim wanem olketa Scripture talem abaotem olketa qualification wea olketa need for kasem

    • Tit 1:​1, 5—Titus kasem waka for travel go lo olketa kongregeson for appointim olketa elder

Kongregeson hem blo hu, and haomas nao hem peim lo hem?

Why nao Bible sei olketa overseer mas helpem, or servem narawan?

Why nao olketa overseer mas hambol?

Php 1:1; 2:​5-8; 1Th 2:​6-8; 1Pe 5:​1-3, 5, 6

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ac 20:​17, 31-38—Aposol Paul storyim lo olketa elder lo Ephesus abaotem waka wea hem bin duim, and olketa barava tinghae lo love and wei wea hem kea for olketa

Hao nao wanfala Christian overseer ting lo olketa direction wea kam from “wakaman wea faithful and wise”?

Wat nao best wei for olketa elder teachim olketa narawan?

1Ti 4:12; 1Pe 5:​2, 3

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ne 5:​14-16—Bikos Governor Nehemiah barava tinghae and respectim Jehovah, hem no iusim rong authority wea hem garem ovarem pipol blo God, and hem no even tekem tu samting wea hem fit for tekem

    • Joh 13:​12-15—Jesus teachim olketa follower blo hem thru lo wei for showimaot example for hambol

Hao nao wanfala Christian shepherd savve showimaot hem lovem and kea for each wan lo kongregeson?

Hao nao olketa elder savve helpem olketa wea sik lo spiritual wei?

Wat responsibility nao olketa elder garem taem olketa teach?

Why nao olketa elder mas waka hard for keepim kongregeson klin?

Olketa elder trainim hu?

2Ti 2:​1, 2

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Mt 10:​5-20—Jesus trainim 12 aposol bifor hem sendem olketa for go preach

    • Lu 10:​1-11—Jesus givim klia instruction lo 70 disaepol blo hem bifor olketa go preach

Wat nao helpem olketa elder for duim gud olketa responsibility blo olketa?

1Pe 5:​1, 7

Lukim tu Pr 3:​5, 6

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 1Ki 3:​9-12—King Solomon prea lo Jehovah for garem wei for luksavve and minim samting mekem hem savve hao for judgem pipol blo Jehovah

    • 2Ch 19:​4-7—King Jehoshaphat appointim olketa judge lo olketa taon blo Judah, and hem remindim olketa dat Jehovah bae stap witim olketa for helpem olketa duim datfala important responsibility

Hao nao olketa lo kongregeson shud ting lo olketa faithful overseer?

1Th 5:​12, 13; 1Ti 5:17; Heb 13:​7, 17

Lukim tu Eph 4:​8, 11, 12

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ac 20:37—Olketa elder lo Ephesus no hol bak for showimaot love lo aposol Paul

    • Ac 28:​14-16—Taem aposol Paul travel go lo Rome, olketa brata from datfala city travel kam samting olsem 65 kilometer (40 mi) for meetim hem lo Market lo Appius, datwan barava encouragem hem