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Recreation; Hapitaem

Recreation; Hapitaem

Waswe hem olraet nomoa for olketa Christian relax and enjoyim samfala recreation?

Ec 2:24; 3:​12, 13; 4:6

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Mr 6:​31, 32—Nomata Jesus hem busy, hem sei for hem and olketa disaepol blo hem go faendem samwea for olketa rest lelebet

Wat nao olketa principle wea savve helpem iumi for no letem recreation kamap moa important winim olketa spiritual waka blo iumi?

Why nao iumi shud stap klia lo olketa entertainment or recreation wea mekhae lo wei for durong?

Why nao iumi shud stap klia lo recreation wea encouragem man for raf or laek winim narawan?

Why nao iumi shud stap klia lo recreation wea mekhae lo violence?

Hao nao olketa Christian savve disaed wat kaen wei for mek fani nao hem no fitim?

Why nao iumi shud tingim konsens blo olketa narawan taem iumi mekem olketa disison abaotem recreation and entertainment?