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Sorre Taem Samwan Dae

Sorre Taem Samwan Dae

Wanem Bible example nao showimaot dat hem normal samting for sorre taem samwan dae?

Wat nao showim dat Jehovah barava laek for givim comfort for olketa wea sorre?

Taem iumi savve lo wat nao happen lo olketa wea dae, hao nao datwan comfortim iumi?

Ec 9:​5, 10; 1Th 4:13

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Lu 20:​37, 38—Story blo Jesus mekem iumi barava sure dat resurrection bae happen bikos lo tingting blo God, hem olsem olketa wea dae finis olketa still laef

    • Joh 11:​5, 6, 11-14—Afta Lazarus wea hem gud fren blo Jesus hem dae, Jesus sei dae hem olsem sleep nomoa

    • Heb 2:​14, 15—Aposol Paul explainim dat iumi no need for fraetem dae

Why nao taem samwan hem dae, hem garem gudfala nem winim taem hem born?

Hao nao Bible storyim dae and wat nao God bae duim lo dae?

Why nao iumi savve trustim datfala resurrection hope for future?

Isa 26:19; Joh 5:​28, 29; Ac 24:15

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Bible storyim naenfala resurrection. Eitfala, hem olketa wea resurrect and stap lo earth. Each wan lo olketa resurrection hia savve comfortim and givim hope for olketa wea sorre tumas from olketa lusim samwan wea olketa lovem lo dae

      • 1Ki 17:​17-24—Profet Elijah resurrectim son blo wanfala widow lo Zarephath, wanfala taon lo Sidon

      • 2Ki 4:​32-37—Profet Elisha resurrectim wanfala boy lo taon blo Shunem and givim datfala boy lo parents blo hem

      • 2Ki 13:​20, 21—Wanfala man wea just dae hem resurrect taem body blo hem tasim bone blo profet Elisha

      • Lu 7:​11-15—Lo city blo Nain, Jesus meetim staka pipol wea karem dead body blo son blo wanfala widow woman. Jesus stopem olketa and hem resurrectim son blo datfala widow woman

      • Lu 8:​41, 42, 49-56—Jesus resurrectim young gele blo Jairus, wea hem bigman blo sinagog

      • Joh 11:​38-44—Jesus resurrectim gud fren blo hem Lazarus, and hem stap tugeta moa witim olketa sista blo hem, Martha and Mary

      • Ac 9:​36-42—Aposol Peter resurrectim Dorcas, wanfala Christian wea staka pipol savve lo hem bikos hem kaen tumas

      • Ac 20:​7-12—Aposol Paul resurrectim Eutychus, wanfala young man wea dae from hem foldaon lo window

    • Jesus Christ laef bak olsem wanfala spirit and datwan mekem iumi for barava trustim olketa promis blo Jehovah for future

    • Jesus hem first wan wea resurrect and go lo heven and kamap wanfala spirit. And 144,000 wea hem anointim tu kasem sem kaen resurrection

Hao nao iumi savve helpem olketa wea sorre from olketa lusim samwan wea olketa lovem lo dae?