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Wei blo Christian

Wei blo Christian

Why nao olketa Christian mas live followim wanem olketa bilivim?

Wei blo hu nao olketa Christian shud followim?

Wanem gud samting nao savve kamap, taem olketa Christian live followim standard blo God?

Wat nao samfala information wea savve helpem Christian for stap klia lo olketa nogud wei?

Pr 4:​23-27; Jas 1:​14, 15

Lukim tu Mt 5:28; 15:19; Ro 1:​26, 27; Eph 2:​2, 3

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

Wat nao samfala information wea savve helpem Christian for duim stret samting?

Ro 12:2; Eph 4:​22-24; Php 4:8; Col 3:​9, 10

Lukim tu Pr 1:​10-19; 2:​10-15; 1Pe 1:​14-16

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ge 39:​7-12—Joseph againstim temptation from waef blo Potiphar

    • Job 31:​1, 9-11—Job disaed for no showimaot interest lo eni difren woman lo wei wea no stret

    • Mt 4:​1-11—Jesus againstim temptation from Satan

Wat kaen rong attitude nao olketa Christian shud avoidim?

Wat nao olketa wei wea no stret wea olketa Christian shud avoidim?

Lukim “Wei wea No Stret

Wat nao olketa gudfala wei wea Christian shud garem?

Klinfala wei

2Co 11:3; 1Ti 4:12; 5:​1, 2, 22; 1Pe 3:​1, 2

Lukim tu Php 4:8; Tit 2:​3-5

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ge 39:​4-12—Joseph keepim wei blo hem klin nomata waef blo Potiphar no givap for aftarem hem

    • Ca 4:12; 8:6—Datfala Shulammite gele hem loyal lo man wea hem lovem, and hem keepim wei blo hem klin, hem nating durong

Trustim Jehovah

Lukim “Trustim Jehovah

Ting lo olketa narawan olsem olketa gud winim iuseleva

Lukim “Hambol


Lukim “Satisfae

Waka tugeta witim olketa narawan

Ec 4:​9, 10; 1Co 16:16; Eph 4:​15, 16

Lukim tu Ps 110:3; Php 1:​27, 28; Heb 13:17

Brave; No fraet

Lukim “Brave; No Fraet

Encouragem narawan; strongim man

Isa 35:​3, 4; Ro 1:​11, 12; Heb 10:​24, 25

Lukim tu Ro 15:2; 1Th 5:11

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 1Sa 23:​15-18—Jonathan encouragem David, wea kasem persecution from King Saul

    • Ac 15:​22-31—First-century governing body sendem leta witim olketa traveling representative, and datwan encouragem evriwan

No givap; gohed strong; stand strong

Mt 24:13; Lu 21:19; 1Co 15:58; Ga 6:9; Heb 10:36

Lukim tu Ro 12:12; 1Ti 4:16; Re 2:​2, 3

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Heb 12:​1-3—Aposol Paul storyim example blo Jesus for encouragem olketa Christian for no givap

    • Jas 5:​10, 11—James storyim example blo Job for no givap and showim hao Jehovah rewardim Job

Faithful lo evri samting

Lu 16:10

Lukim tu Ge 6:22; Ex 40:16

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Da 1:​3-5, 8-20—Profet Daniel and thrifala fren blo hem stand strong for no kaikaim kaikai wea Law blo Moses stopem

    • Lu 21:​1-4—Jesus luksavve smol contribution wea wanfala widow woman givim hem showimaot widow hia garem bigfala faith

Fraet lo Jehovah

Job 28:28; Ps 33:8; Pr 1:7

Lukim tu Ps 111:10

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ne 5:​14-19—Governor Nehemiah fraet lo Jehovah, dastawe hem no mekius lo olketa pipol olsem hao samfala nara governor duim

    • Heb 5:​7, 8—Jesus showimaot example blo wei for fraet lo God

Frut blo Spirit

Lukim “Frut blo Holy Spirit

Willing for give; Kaen

Lovem God; Faithful lo God

1Ti 6:6; 2Pe 2:9; 3:11

Lukim tu 1Ti 5:4; 2Ti 3:12

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ac 10:​1-7—Nomata Cornelius hem wanfala Gentile, Jehovah luksavve hem man for prea, lovem God, and fraet lo hem, and hem kaen

    • 1Ti 3:16—Jesus showimaot best example for lovem God

Story kaen, talem gudfala toktok

Pr 12:18; 16:24; Col 4:6; Tit 2:​6-8

Lukim tu Pr 10:11; 25:11; Col 3:8

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ps 45:2—Wanfala profesi abaotem Messiah hem sei King wea Jehovah appointim, bae story kaen lo pipol

    • Lu 4:22—Wei wea Jesus story kaen mekem pipol for hapi lo hem


Lukim “Honest

Showimaot welkam

Lukim “Showimaot Welkam

Hambol; luksavve lo wat man fit for duim

Lukim “Hambol

No teksaed; Neutral

Lukim “No Teksaed; Neutral

Wei for waka hard; full-soul

Lukim “Waka


Lukim “Faithful

Showimaot interest and tingim narawan


Lukim “Loyal


Lukim “Mercy

No ova tumas lo wat iumi duim


Lukim “Obey

Followim order

No givap for prea

Willing for forgive

Lukim “Forgiveness

Showimaot Respect

Php 2:​3, 4; 1Pe 3:15

Lukim tu Eph 5:33; 1Pe 3:​1, 2, 7

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Nu 14:​1-4, 11—Taem olketa Israelite no showimaot respect lo profet Moses and Hae Priest Aaron, Jehovah ting lo datwan olsem olketa no respectim hem

    • Mt 21:​33-41—Jesus iusim illustration for showimaot wat bae happen lo olketa wea no respectim olketa profet blo Jehovah and Son blo Hem

Spiritual saed; putim wat Jehovah laekem first lo laef blo iumi

Mt 6:33; Ro 8:5; 1Co 2:​14-16

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Heb 11:​8-10—Abraham stap lo olketa tent olsem wanfala foreigner bikos hem barava bilivim Kingdom blo God hem really stap

    • Heb 11:​24-27—Profet Moses mekem olketa disison wea showimaot Jehovah hem barava real lo hem

Stap anda; Obeyim man wea garem authority

Eph 5:21; Heb 13:17

Lukim tu Joh 6:38; Eph 5:​22-24; Col 3:18

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Lu 22:​40-43—Jesus showimaot example lo wei for obeyim wanem Dadi blo hem laekem nomata taem datwan hem barava no isi for duim

    • 1Pe 3:​1-6—Aposol Peter storyim Sarah olsem example for olketa Christian waef saed lo wei for stap anda and obeyim hasband

Sorre and kaen lo narawan

Wei for tok tru

Lukim “Honest