Waswe, Bible Savve Helpem Mi?
Tingim diswan: David draevem wanfala trak gogo hem luksavve hem followim rong road. Hem shud kasem nao ples wea hem gogo for hem, bat hem no luksavve nao long ples wea hem draev go kasem.
Sapos iu nao David, wanem nao bae iu duim?
Iu savve:
Askem samwan for showim iu stretfala road for iu followim.
Chekim map or iusim GPS.
Gohed draev followim road and hope iu bae kasem ples.
Luk olsem C bae no helpem iu.
Maet B hem gud winim A, bikos taem iu gogo for datfala ples iu bae garem map or GPS for showim iu wea nao for go.
Bible savve helpem iu long sem wei tu!
Staka pipol garem Bible, and hem savve
helpem iu for deal witim olketa problem wea iu kasem
helpem iu for garem olketa gudfala wei
helpem iu for garem gudfala laef
Start from taem iumi smol, iumi savve askem olketa kwestin.
Why nao skae hem blue?
Wanem nao olketa star?
Taem iumi start for big, iumi ask abaotem olketa samting wea gohed long world.
Why nao pipol dae?
Ansa for olketa kwestin hia stap longtaem finis insaed Bible.
Staka pipol sei Bible fulap long olketa kastom story nomoa. Samfala sei Bible hem old tumas and no fitim iumi distaem, or hem hard tumas for minim Bible. Bat waswe, Bible hem olsem, or tingting bilong pipol hia nao hem no stret?
Olsem example, long tingting bilong staka pipol, God nao kontrolem evri samting long world. Bat hard for hem olsem bikos world distaem hem nogud tumas and evri samting hem olobaot. Staka pipol safa tumas. Olketa savve sik and dae. And staka moa olketa poor, or natural disaster spoelem olketa. God lovem iumi, so hard tumas for hem duim olketa samting hia.
Maet iu sapraes for savve long wanem Bible talem abaotem hu nao kontrolem world!
Masbi iu lukim hao advaes insaed disfala buk hem kam from Bible. Olketa Jehovah’s Witness barava bilivim Bible hem garem gudfala advaes for iumi bikos ‘Bible kam from God and hem savve teachim pipol, showim iumi samting wea stret, and stretem evri samting.’ (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) Bible hem buk from bifor kam wea barava fitim distaem, and hem savve barava helpem iu long laef bilong iu!