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Hem Loyal Nomata Hem Kasem Test

Hem Loyal Nomata Hem Kasem Test

1, 2. Wat nao Peter expectim taem Jesus preach lo Capernaum, bat wat nao happen?

 IMAGINIM Peter lukluk raon lo evriwan wea lisin taem Jesus teach lo sinagog lo Capernaum. Diswan hem hom taon blo Peter and fishing bisnis blo hem stap lo there, lo north saed blo Sea blo Galilee. Staka lo olketa frens, relative, and pipol wea hem savve duim bisnis witim olketa stap lo there tu. So Peter expectim pipol lo there for garem sem tingting olsem hem abaotem Jesus, and olketa bae hapi for lane abaotem Kingdom blo God from datfala nambawan teacher. Bat datwan no happen olsem.

2 Staka no laek lisin. Samfala olketa komplen, and no agree lo message blo Jesus. Peter feel nogud go moa taem hem lukim samting wea samfala lo olketa disaepol duim. Feis blo olketa showim olketa no hapi lo olketa niu truth wea Jesus teachim. Olketa barava kros and feel nogud. Samfala talem hao wat Jesus talem hem here nogud tumas. From olketa no laek lisin lo hem moa, olketa lusim sinagog and stop for followim Jesus tu.—Readim John 6:60, 66.

3. Hao nao faith blo Peter helpem hem staka taem?

3 Lo datfala taem hem no isi for Peter and olketa nara aposol. Peter no really minim wat Jesus talem lo datfala day. Dastawe hem isi for Peter minim rong wat Jesus teachim sapos Jesus no explainim gud lo olketa. Wat nao bae Peter duim? Hem no firstaem for hem kasem test for no loyal lo Masta blo hem, and hem no last taem tu. Bae iumi lukim hao faith blo Peter helpem hem for gohed loyal nomata hem feisim olketa challenge hia.

Loyal Taem Olketa Narawan No Loyal

4, 5. Wat nao samfala samting wea Jesus duim wea difren from wat pipol expectim?

4 Staka taem Peter sapraes lo wat Jesus talem and duim. Samfala taem, Masta blo hem savve duim and talem samting wea difren from wat pipol expectim. Just wan day bifor nomoa, Jesus duim mirakol for feedim staka thousand pipol. From datwan olketa laek for mekem hem kamap king. Bat, staka sapraes taem Jesus go from olketa, hem talem olketa disaepol blo hem for go insaed boat and sail go lo Capernaum. Taem olketa disaepol sail go lo naet, olketa sapraes for lukim Jesus wakabaot kam lo Sea blo Galilee wea raf tumas, wea datwan teachim Peter wanfala important leson lo wei for garem faith.

5 Lo next morning, olketa faendaot dat olketa pipol hia raon followim datfala lake for meetim olketa. Really, olketa pipol hia kam for meetim Jesus bikos olketa laekem hem for duim mirakol for feedim olketa, no bikos olketa laek for lanem olketa spiritual truth. Jesus tok stret lo olketa from olketa tingim nomoa material samting. (John 6:25-27) Datfala story hem continue moa lo sinagog lo Capernaum, lo there Jesus storyim moa samfala important truth wea difren from wat olketa expectim.

6. Wat kaen tokpiksa nao Jesus storyim, and wat nao reaction blo olketa wea lisin?

6 Jesus no laekem pipol for kam lo hem bikos olketa laek kasem physical kaikai, bat hem laekem olketa for luksavve God bae givim laef olowe lo olketa, only sapos olketa garem faith lo sakrifaes blo Jesus and followim example blo hem. So hem storyim wanfala tokpiksa wea hem comparem hemseleva witim manna, datfala bred wea kam daon from heven lo taem blo Moses. Taem samfala no laek lisin, hem iusim nara tokpiksa moa wea explainim dat hem important for kaikaim body and blood blo hem mekem man kasem laef olowe. Taem hem talem datwan nao olketa barava kros tumas. Samfala sei: “Disfala toktok hem here nogud tumas, bae hu nao laek herem?” Staka lo olketa disaepol blo Jesus stop for followim hem nao. aJohn 6:48-60, 66.

7, 8. (a) Wat nao Peter no minim yet abaotem waka blo Jesus? (b) Hao nao Peter ansarem kwestin wea Jesus askem lo olketa aposol?

7 Wat nao Peter bae duim? Peter tu mas konfius taem hem herem wat Jesus talem. Hem no minim yet dat Jesus mas dae for fulfillim wat God laekem. Waswe, Peter laek followim tu olketa nara disaepol wea lusim Jesus lo datfala day? Nomoa, Peter garem wanfala naes wei wea mekem hem barava difren from olketa man hia. Wat nao datfala naes wei?

8 Jesus luk lo olketa aposol blo hem and sei: “Waswe long iufala, iufala laek go tu?” (John 6:67) Hem askem datfala kwestin lo 12-fala aposol bat Peter nao ansa. Staka taem hem olsem. Masbi, Peter nao hem old winim evriwan lo olketa. Nomata wat nao reason, Peter hem man wea savve story on behalf lo olketa, and luk olsem Peter hem no savve hol bak for talem wat nao lo tingting blo hem. Bat distaem, wat hem talem from tingting blo hem, hem samting wea iumi no savve forgetim, hem sei: “Lord, no eniwan moa for mifala followim. Toktok bilong iu nomoa savve mekem man laef olowe.”—John 6:68.

9. Wat nao Peter duim wea showimaot hem loyal lo Jesus?

9 Masbi olketa toktok hia kasem heart blo iu. Faith wea Peter garem lo Jesus helpem hem for strongim disfala nambawan wei, wea hem nao for loyal. Peter luksavve hao Jesus nao only Savior wea Jehovah provaedem, and Jesus sevem iumi thru lo olketa teaching blo hem abaotem Kingdom blo God. So Peter luksavve, nomata hem no minim gud staka samting, no eniwea moa for hem go sapos hem laekem God for hapi lo hem and for kasem blessing for laef olowe.

Iumi need for loyal lo olketa teaching blo Jesus, nomata sapos hem no wat iumi expectim or iumi tingse hem no fitim iumi

10. Hao nao iumi savve followim example blo Peter for loyal?

10 Iu ting olsem tu? Sorre samting, staka lo world distaem sei olketa lovem Jesus bat olketa nating loyal lo hem. For loyal lo Christ hem minim for garem sem tingting olsem Peter abaotem olketa teaching blo Jesus. Iumi need for lanem, minim gud, and followim lo laef blo iumi, nomata sapos hem no wat iumi expectim or iumi tingse hem no fitim iumi. Only wei for iumi kasem laef olowe wea Jesus laekem iumi for kasem, hem nao for showimaot iumi loyal.Readim  Psalm 97:10.

Loyal Taem Hem Kasem Kaonsel

11. Jesus tekem olketa follower blo hem go lo wea? (Lukim tu footnote.)

11 Bihaen datfala busy day, Jesus leadim olketa aposol blo hem and samfala disaepol and olketa wakabaot go for north saed. Samfala taem, iu savve lukim go snow antap lo Maunt Hermon wea stap lo north saed blo Promis Land, sapos iu lo Sea blo Galilee. Taem olketa gogo for Maunt Hermon, Jesus and olketa disaepol blo hem travel go lo olketa vilij klosap Caesarea Philippi. b Taem olketa kasem lo there and luk kam daon for Promis land lo south, Jesus askem wanfala important kwestin lo olketa follower blo hem.

12, 13. (a) Why nao Jesus laek for savve lo tingting blo pipol abaotem hu nao hem? (b) Hao nao toktok wea Peter talem lo Jesus showimaot hem garem faith?

12 “Long tingting bilong pipol, mi hu nao ia?” Jesus laek for savve. Imaginim Peter hem luk lo eye blo Jesus and hem luksavve Masta blo hem kaen, garem paoa and bigfala savve. Jesus interest for savve lo tingting blo pipol abaotem hem from wat olketa lukim and herem. Olketa disaepol blo Jesus ansarem hem taem olketa storyim samfala samting wea pipol talem wea no stret abaotem hu nao Jesus. Bat Jesus laek for savve moa lo samfala samting. Hao, olketa follower blo hem garem sem tingting olsem tu? Hem askem olketa: “Waswe iufala, iufala tingse mi hu nao ia?”—Luke 9:18-20.

13 Semtaem nomoa Peter ansa nao. Toktok wea hem talem hem klia and kasem heart blo staka wea stap lo there. Hem sei: “Iu nao datfala Christ, wea hem Son bilong datfala God wea laef.” Imaginim Jesus hem smile lo Peter and praisem hem. Jesus remindim Peter dat ino man lo earth nao showim datfala important truth bat Jehovah God nao showim datwan lo olketa wea garem faith. Peter hem luksavve finis lo wanfala lo olketa main truth wea Jehovah no showimaot yet, wea hem nao for talemaot hu nao datfala promis Messiah, or Christ!—Readim Matthew 16:16, 17.

14. Wat nao samfala important responsibility wea Jesus givim lo Peter?

14 Disfala Christ nao hem datwan wea profesi kolem lo ston wea olketa man wea wakem haos les lo hem. (Ps. 118:22; Luke 20:17) Jesus tingim datfala profesi taem hem storyim dat Jehovah bae putim kongregeson blo hem lo datfala ston or rock wea Peter sei hem nao datfala Christ. Then hem givim lo Peter samfala important responsibility insaed datfala kongregeson. Jesus no givim lo Peter wanfala position wea winim olketa nara aposol, olsem samfala maet tingim, bat hem givim lo Peter olketa responsibility. Hem givim lo hem “olketa key bilong Kingdom.” (Matt. 16:19) Hem wanfala privilege for Peter openem wei for thrifala difren grup blo pipol for garem hope for go insaed Kingdom blo God. First grup hem olketa Jew, then olketa Samaritan, and then olketa Gentile, or olketa wea no Jew.

15. Wat nao mekem Peter for tok strong lo Jesus, and wat nao hem talem?

15 Nomata olsem, Jesus sei, man wea olketa givim hem staka waka, olketa expectim hem for mas duim gud datfala waka, and datfala toktok hem barava fitim Peter. (Luke 12:48) Jesus gohed for storyim olketa important truth abaotem datfala Messiah, includim wei wea hem bae safa and dae lo Jerusalem. Peter barava feel nogud taem hem herem datwan. Hem tekem Jesus and story seleva witim hem, hem tok strong and sei: “Lord, iu no tok olsem, bae olketa samting hia no kasem iu nomoa ia.”—Matt. 16:21, 22.

16. Wat nao Jesus duim for stretem Peter, and wat nao iumi evriwan savve lanem from kaonsel wea Jesus givim?

16 Peter tingse hem helpem Jesus, bat ansa blo Jesus mekem hem sapraes. Hem tane from Peter, and luk lo evri nara disaepol wea olketa tu maet garem sem tingting olsem Peter, and hem sei: “Satan, iu go from mi nao! Iu stopem mi for no duim wanem God hem laekem bikos samting wea iu tingim hem no tingting bilong God bat hem tingting bilong olketa man nomoa.” (Matt. 16:23; Mark 8:32, 33) Kaonsel wea Jesus talem hem fitim iumi evriwan. Hem isi tumas for iumi letem tingting blo man for winim tingting blo God. If iumi duim olsem, iumi encouragem samwan for duim samting wea mekem Satan hapi and no God, nomata iumi tingse iumi helpem hem. Bat wat nao Peter duim?

17. Wat nao Jesus minim taem hem sei lo Peter, “iu go from mi nao”?

17 Peter luksavve Jesus hem no kolem hem Satan datfala Devil. And tu, Jesus no story lo Peter lo sem wei wea hem story lo Satan. Lo Satan, Jesus sei: “Iu go nao”; bat lo Peter, Jesus sei: “Iu go from mi nao.” (Matt. 4:10) Jesus no raosem disfala aposol wea hem luksavve hem duim olketa gud samting, bat hem just stretem tingting blo Peter. Jesus laekem Peter for savve hao hem no need for duim samting for stopem Masta blo hem, bat hem needim Peter for sapotim hem.

Only sapos iumi hambol for acceptim discipline and lane from datwan, then iumi savve fren klos witim Jesus Christ and Dadi blo hem, Jehovah God

18. Hao nao Peter showimaot hem loyal, and hao nao iumi savve followim example blo hem?

18 Waswe, Peter argue, kros, or feel nogud? Nomoa, hem hambol for acceptim kaonsel. Diswan hem nara taem moa wea hem showimaot hem loyal. Evriwan wea followim Christ needim kaonsel samfala taem. Only sapos iumi hambol for acceptim discipline and lane from datwan, then iumi savve fren klos witim Jesus Christ and Dadi blo hem, Jehovah God.—Readim Proverbs 4:13.

Peter pruvim hem loyal nomata taem hem kasem kaonsel

Kasem Reward From Hem Loyal

19. Wanem toktok nao Jesus talem wea mekem pipol sapraes, and wat nao maet Peter tingim?

19 Jesus talem nara toktok wea mekem pipol sapraes, hem sei: “Mi talem iufala tru samting: Bifor samfala wea standap long hia olketa dae, bae olketa lukim Son bilong man kam long Kingdom bilong hem.” (Matt. 16:28) Toktok hia maet mekem Peter for barava laek for savve moa. So wat nao Jesus maet minim? Maet Peter tingse hem bae no fit for kasem eni spesol privilege olsem bikos hem just kasem wanfala strong kaonsel.

20, 21. (a) Storyim vision wea Peter lukim. (b) Hao nao story blo olketa wea insaed lo vision help for stretem tingting blo Peter?

20 Nomata olsem, samting olsem wan week bihaen, Jesus tekem James, John, and Peter go ap lo “wanfala hae maunten.” Masbi hem Maunt Hermon, wea stap klosap nomoa. Luk olsem, datwan happen lo naet bikos thrifala man hia stragol for wekap. Bat taem Jesus prea, samting hem happen wea mekem olketa no laek sleep nao.—Matt. 17:1; Luke 9:28, 29, 32.

21 Olketa lukim Jesus hem start for change. Feis blo hem start for shaen gogo hem braet tumas olsem sun. Kaleko blo hem barava white tumas. Then tufala man standap witim Jesus, wanfala representim Moses and narawan, Elijah. Tufala storyim dat “long Jerusalem nao Jesus bae lusim disfala world” wea minim dae and resurrection blo hem. Hem klia hao wei wea Peter ting Jesus bae no safa and dae, hem no stret!—Luke 9:30, 31.

22, 23. (a) Wat nao Peter duim wea showimaot hem kaen and willing for duim samting? (b) Wat nao nara reward wea Peter, James, and John kasem lo datfala naet?

22 Peter laekem tumas for part lo disfala spesol vision and for vision hia gohed firstaem. Moses and Elijah start for go from Jesus. So Peter sei: “Teacher, hem gud tumas for mifala stap long hia. Mifala laek putim thrifala tent long hia, narawan for iu, narawan for Moses, and narawan for Elijah.” Hem tru, tufala man lo vision wea representim tufala servant blo Jehovah wea dae longtaem no needim tent. Peter no tingting gud firstaem bifor hem story. Iumi tinghae lo wei blo Peter wea kaen and willing for duim samting.—Luke 9:33.

Witim James and John, Peter kasem reward for lukim wanfala spesol vision

23 Peter, James, and John kasem nara reward lo datfala naet. Wanfala cloud hem form ap and kavarem olketa lo datfala maunten. Wanfala voice kam from datfala cloud. Hem voice blo Jehovah God! Hem sei: “Disfala man hem Son bilong mi wea mi chusim. Iufala mas herem samting wea hem talem.” Then datfala vision hem finis, and olketa seleva witim Jesus nao stap lo datfala maunten.—Luke 9:34-36.

24. (a) Hao nao datfala vision helpem Peter? (b) Hao nao datfala vision helpem iumi distaem?

24 Datfala vision hem wanfala present for Peter and for iumi! Staka year bihaen, Peter raet abaotem datfala privilege wea hem kasem lo datfala naet, for lukim Jesus taem hem kasem glory olsem King lo heven, and for lukim seleva “nambawan glory bilong hem.” Datfala vision fulfillim staka profesi lo Bible and hem strongim faith blo Peter for no givap lo olketa hard taem wea hem bae kasem lo future. (Readim 2 Peter 1:16-19.) If iumi gohed loyal lo Masta blo iumi wea Jehovah appointim for lukaftarem iumi, lane from hem, acceptim discipline and kaonsel wea hem givim, and hambol for followim hem evritaem, iumi bae kasem sem samting olsem Peter.

a If iumi comparem reaction blo disfala crowd lo sinagog, iumi savve lukim hao tingting blo olketa barava change, bikos lo day bifor, taem olketa herem teaching blo Jesus, olketa sei hem wanfala profet blo God.—John 6:14.

b Sea blo Galilee hem stap lo wanfala valley and hem samting olsem 210 meter low winim sea level, datfala grup wakabaot go ap for 50 kilometer followim wanfala maunten wea hem 350 meter hae. Datfala ples hem luk naes tumas.