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Bible—Wanfala Buk From God

Bible—Wanfala Buk From God
  • Long olketa wanem wei nao Bible hem difren from evri nara buk?

  • Hao nao Bible savve helpem iu for deal witim olketa problem?

  • Why nao iu fit for trustim olketa profesi insaed Bible?

1, 2. Long olketa wanem wei nao Bible hem wanfala nambawan present from God?

WASWE, iu savve rememberim taem wea fren bilong iu givim iu wanfala naes present? Datwan hem barava mekem iu hapi. Wei wea man givim present olsem showimaot hem laekem iutufala for mas gohed for fren. For sure iu talem hem hao iu barava tinghae long samting wea hem duim wea showimaot hem tingim iu.

2 Bible hem wanfala present from God, and iumi shud barava tinghae long wei wea hem givim iumi diswan. Disfala buk hem spesol and hem talem iumi olketa samting wea no eni narafala buk savve talem. Olsem example, hem talem iumi hao God creatim olketa star, earth, and first man and woman. Bible talem iumi olketa principle wea iumi savve trustim for helpem iumi deal witim olketa problem and hevi wea iumi garem. Hem explainim hao God bae fulfillim plan bilong hem and mekem living bilong iumi long earth kamap moabeta. Tru nao, Bible hem wanfala nambawan present!

3. Wei wea Jehovah givim iumi Bible showimaot wanem samting abaotem hem, and why nao diswan hem muvim heart bilong iumi?

3 Bible hem wanfala present wea barava muvim heart bilong iumi tu, bikos hem showimaot important samting abaotem Man wea givim datwan, Jehovah God. Wei wea hem givim disfala buk pruvim hao hem laekem iumi for savve gud long hem. Tru nao, Bible savve helpem iu for fren gud witim Jehovah.

4. Wanem samting abaotem wei wea olketa givimaot olketa Bible nao iu tinghae long hem?

4 Staka pipol garem Bible. Olketa printim and givimaot full Bible or samfala part bilong hem long winim 2,300 languis, wea mekem winim 90 percent bilong pipol long world savve kasem datwan. Olketa givimaot winim wan million Bible evri week! Olketa wakem plande billion Bible finis. Tru nao, no eni nara buk hem olsem Bible.

“New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures” hem stap long plande languis

5. Long wanem wei nao Bible hem “kam from God”?

5 Nara samting, “evri scripture kam from God.” (2 Timothy 3:16) Hao nao olsem? Bible hem sei: “Holy spirit muvim olketa man for raetem toktok bilong God.” (2 Peter 1:21) For minim diswan, tingim wei wea wanfala boss askem narawan long office for raetem wanfala leta for hem. Insaed datfala leta hem tingting and olketa instruction bilong datfala boss. So really, datwan hem leta bilong boss, no man wea raetem datwan. Olsem tu, Bible garem wanfala message from God, no bilong olketa man wea raetem datwan. So full Bible hem barava “toktok bilong God.”1 Thessalonians 2:13.


6, 7. Why nao wei wea olketa part bilong Bible agree witim each other hem mekem iumi sapraes?

6 Olketa start for raetem Bible long 1513 B.C.E., and olketa finis for raetem 1,600 year bihaen. Olketa man wea raetem Bible stap long olketa difren taem and garem difren living. Samfala olketa farmer, fisherman, and shepherd. Olketa narawan profet, judge, and king. Man wea raetem wanfala long olketa Gospel, Luke, hem wanfala doctor. Nomata olketa man wea raetem Bible garem difren living, evri buk insaed Bible barava agree witim each other.

7 First buk insaed Bible talem iumi abaotem hao olketa problem long world hem start. Last buk showimaot hao full world bae kamap wanfala paradaes. Each part insaed Bible helpem iumi for minim gud plan bilong God and hao datwan bae fulfill. Wei wea evri part insaed Bible hem agree witim olketa nara part hem barava mekem iumi tinghae long hem. Bat datwan hem mas olsem, bikos hem wanfala buk from God.

8. Talem olketa example wea showim hao Bible hem talem stretfala samting saed long science.

8 Bible talem stretfala samting saed long science tu. Hem talem olketa samting wea olketa scientist just start for luksavve long hem no longtaem go nomoa. Olsem example, buk bilong Leviticus garem olketa law for olketa Israelite wea olketa nara nation nating savve or minim. Samfala long olketa law hia hem for mekem man wea sik stap difren from olketa narawan, and saed long wei for klin long body. Longfala taem bifor, pipol garem plande rong idea abaotem sheip bilong earth, bat long semtaem wea olketa idea hia stap, Bible sei earth hem wanfala circle, or ball. (Isaiah 40:22) Bible hem stret taem hem sei God “no hangem earth long eni samting.” (Job 26:7) Hem tru, Bible no wanfala science buk. Bat taem hem storyim samting wea join witim science, samting hem talem hem stret. Bat datwan hem mas olsem, bikos hem wanfala buk from God.

9. (a) Long olketa wanem wei nao Bible showimaot hao information wea hem talem abaotem olketa samting wea happen bifor hem stret and man fit for trustim? (b) Wei wea olketa wea raetem Bible talem tru samting showimaot wanem abaotem Bible?

9 Man fit for trustim tu information long Bible abaotem samting wea happen bifor. Hem storyim olketa barava samting wea happen. Hem no just talem nem bilong pipol, bat hem talem tu famili laen bilong olketa. * Plande taem, hem wei bilong olketa man wea raet abaotem samting wea happen bifor for no raet abaotem taem wea kantri bilong olketa lus long faet. Bat olketa wea raetem Bible talem tru samting evritaem, olketa talem tu olketa mistek bilong olketa seleva and bilong kantri bilong olketa. Olsem example, long buk bilong Numbers, Moses talem nogud mistek wea hem duim and bigfala panis wea hem kasem for datwan. (Numbers 20:2-12) Staka taem, olketa buk abaotem samting wea happen bifor no savve talem tru samting, bat Bible hem no olsem, bikos hem kam from God.


10. Why nao iumi no sapraes for savve hao Bible hem wanfala buk wea helpem man?

10 From Bible hem kam from God, hem ‘gud for teachim man, for givim kaonsel, and for stretem evri samting.’ (2 Timothy 3:16) Tru nao, information insaed Bible savve barava helpem man. Bible barava showimaot hao God minim gud olketa wei bilong man. Tru tumas, hem minim iumi gud bikos hem creatim iumi! Hem minim moa samting abaotem feeling bilong iumi, and hao iumi ting long samting winim iumiseleva. And tu, Jehovah savve long wanem iumi needim for hapi. Hem savve tu long wanem iumi mas stap klia long hem.

11, 12. (a) Olketa wanem samting nao Jesus storyim long Sermon long Maunten? (b) Wanem nao olketa nara samting for helpem man wea Bible storyim, and why nao kaonsel bilong hem barava fitim iumi distaem tu?

11 Tingim tok wea Jesus givim long Matthew chapter 5 go kasem 7, wea olketa kolem datwan Sermon long Maunten. Jesus showimaot nambawan wei for teach taem hem storyim olketa subject olsem hao for garem trufala hapi, hao for finisim olketa raoa, hao for prea, and hao for garem stretfala tingting abaotem olketa material samting. Samting wea Jesus talem hem barava helpem iumi distaem tu.

12 Samfala Bible principle deal witim famili, hao for waka gud, and hao for stap gud witim olketa narawan. Olketa principle long Bible fitim evriwan, and kaonsel bilong hem evritaem helpem iumi. Samting wea God talem thru long Isaiah showimaot hao wisdom insaed Bible hem for helpem iumi. Hem sei: “Mi, Jehovah, mi nao God bilong iufala, Datwan wea teachim iufala for kasem gud samting for iufala seleva.”Isaiah 48:17.


Isaiah, wea hem raetem wanfala buk insaed Bible, talem hao Babylon bae finis

13. Wanem information nao Jehovah muvim profet Isaiah for raetem abaotem Babylon?

13 Bible garem staka profesi, and plande profesi olketa fulfill finis. Tingim wanfala example. Thru long profet Isaiah, Jehovah talem hao Babylon bae finis. (Isaiah 13:19; 14:22, 23) Isaiah talem information abaotem hao army bilong olketa enemy bae tekovarem disfala taon. Olketa bae mekem wata insaed main river long Babylon ran smol and olketa bae march go insaed datfala taon and no eniwan bae trae for stopem olketa. And tu, profesi bilong Isaiah talem nem bilong king wea bae finisim Babylon—Cyrus.Isaiah 44:27–45:2.

14, 15. Hao nao samfala samting long profesi bilong Isaiah abaotem Babylon hem fulfill?

14 Samting olsem 200 year bihaen—long naet bilong October 5, 539 B.C.E.—wanfala army hem camp klosap long Babylon. Hu nao komanda bilong army hia? Wanfala king bilong Persia wea nem bilong hem Cyrus. Diswan mekem wei for wanfala barava interesting profesi savve fulfill. Bat waswe, army bilong Cyrus bae tekova long Babylon bat no need for faetem olketa, olsem profesi talem?

15 Olketa long Babylon gohed long wanfala festival long datfala naet and olketa feel sef nomoa from olketa maeti wall bilong datfala taon wea stap raonem olketa. Cyrus showimaot hem kleva tumas taem army bilong hem digim wanfala drain for mekem wata long river wea ran thru long taon hem go difren. No longtaem bihaen, wata hem ran smol and olketa soldia akrosim river. Bat hao nao army bilong Cyrus savve go thru long olketa door long wall? Bible no talem why, bat long datfala naet olketa security slak tumas and no satem olketa door long wall!

16. (a) Wanem nao Isaiah sei bae happen long Babylon? (b) Hao nao profesi bilong Isaiah abaotem wei wea Babylon bae distroe and no eniwan bae stap moa long hem, hem fulfill?

16 Bible hem sei olsem abaotem Babylon: “No eniwan bae stap long hem moa, and bae hem no stap from genereson go kasem genereson. And long there Arab bae no putim tent bilong hem, and no eni shepherd bae letem sheepsheep bilong olketa leidaon long there.” (Isaiah 13:20) Disfala profesi no just talem nomoa hao Babylon bae finis. Hem showim hao hem bae finis for olowe. Iu savve lukim pruv for samting wea Isaiah talem. Kam kasem distaem no eniwan stap long ples wea Babylon stap bifor, wea datwan hem samting olsem 80 kilometer south from Baghdad, long Iraq. Datwan pruvim hao samting wea Jehovah talem thru long Isaiah hem fulfill. Hem sei: “Mi bae swipim hem witim brum bilong wei for distroe.”Isaiah 14:22, 23.

Babylon distaem

17. Hao nao wei wea Bible profesi fulfill hem strongim faith bilong iumi?

17 Taem iumi tingim hao Bible hem talem olketa profesi olsem wea fulfill, datwan hem barava strongim faith bilong iumi! Sapos Jehovah God hem fulfillim olketa promis wea hem talem bifor, iumi savve barava bilivim hao hem bae fulfillim promis bilong hem for mekem earth kamap wanfala paradaes. (Numbers 23:19) Tru nao, iumi garem “hope for laef olowe, wea God, wea kanduit laea, promisim long taem bifor kam.”Titus 1:2. *


18. Wanem nao barava interesting samting wea aposol Paul talem abaotem “toktok bilong God”?

18 From samting iumi storyim long disfala chapter, hem klia hao Bible hem barava difren from evri nara buk. Wei wea olketa buk bilong hem agree witim each other, wei wea hem talem stretfala information abaotem science and samting wea happen bifor, givim gudfala advaes, and talem olketa profesi wea fulfill, hem savve helpem iumi, bat hem garem plande moa samting tu wea savve helpem iumi. Aposol Paul hem sei: “Toktok bilong God hem laef and garem paoa for duim samting and hem sharp winim eni tu-saed sword and hem savve kat go for divaedem soul and spirit, and olketa join and bon, and hem fit for luksavve long tingting and samting wea heart want for duim.”Hebrews 4:12.

19, 20. (a) Hao nao Bible savve helpem iu for lukluk gud long iuseleva? (b) Hao nao iu savve showimaot iu tinghae long Bible, wea hem wanfala spesol present from God?

19 Wei for readim “toktok” bilong God long Bible, wea datwan hem message bilong hem, savve barava changem laef bilong iumi. Hem savve helpem iumi for barava lukluk gud long iumiseleva. Maet iumi sei iumi lovem God, bat samting iumi duim taem iumi lanem wanem Bible hem teachim nao bae showimaot hao iumi ting long datwan, and barava samting wea heart bilong iumi laekem.

20 Tru nao, Bible hem wanfala buk from God. Hem buk wea iumi shud readim, studyim, and lovem. Showimaot iu tinghae long disfala present bilong God long wei for gohed readim evritaem. Taem iu duim datwan, bae iu barava minim gud plan bilong God for olketa man. Next chapter bae storyim information abaotem wanem nao plan bilong God and hao nao datwan bae kamap.

^ par. 9 Olsem example, lukim laen bilong Jesus long Luke 3:23-38.

^ par. 17 Wei wea Babylon distroe hem wanfala example nomoa hao Bible profesi hem fulfill. Olketa nara example hem hao Bible sei Tyre and Nineveh bae distroe. (Ezekiel 26:1-5; Zephaniah 2:13-15) And tu, profesi bilong Daniel storyim olketa kantri wea bae garem bigfala paoa bihaen Babylon hem finis. Tufala nao hem Media-Persia and Greece. (Daniel 8:5-7, 20-22) Appendix wea garem title “Jesus Christ—Messiah wea God Promis for Sendem Kam,” storyim plande profesi abaotem Messiah wea fulfill long Jesus Christ.