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Wanem Nao Judgment Day?

Wanem Nao Judgment Day?

LONG tingting bilong iu, wanem nao Judgment Day? Long tingting bilong plande pipol, staka billion pipol bae standap long wanfala big laen and God bae kolem kam long throne bilong hem each man wanwan and bae hem judgem olketa. Samfala bae kasem reward for stap long heven and garem bigfala hapi, olketa narawan bae kasem judgment for safa for olowe. Bat samting wea Bible talem abaotem datfala taem hem barava difren. Word bilong God no storyim diswan olsem taem wea fitim for man barava fraetem, bat olsem wanfala taem bilong hope and wei for gud bak moa.

Long Revelation 20:11, 12, aposol John storyim Judgment Day and hem sei: “Mi lukim wanfala white throne wea big tumas, and tu, man wea sidaon long hem. Earth and skae ranawe from hem, and olketa no faendem moa ples for olketa stap. And mi lukim olketa wea dae finis, olketa bigman and olketa man nating, olketa standap front long throne, and olketa scroll hem open. Bat narafala scroll hem open; hem nao scroll bilong laef. And olketa wea dae finis kasem judgment followim samting olketa scroll talem, fitim samting olketa duim.” Hu nao Judge wea scripture hia storyim?

Jehovah God nao barava haefala Judge bilong olketa man. Nomata olsem, hem markem narawan nao for duim datfala waka for judge. Long Acts 17:31, aposol Paul talem hao God “markem wanfala day wea hem bae iusim wanfala man wea hem appointim for judgem evriwan long earth long raeteous wei.” Disfala Judge wea hem markem hem Jesus Christ wea resurrect. (John 5:22) Bat wanem taem nao Judgment Day hem start? For hao long nao datwan bae gohed?

Buk bilong Revelation showimaot hao Judgment Day hem start bihaen datfala war wea Bible kolem Armageddon, wea hem nao taem wea world bilong Satan bae distroe. * (Revelation 16:14, 16; 19:19–20:3) Bihaen Armageddon, Satan and olketa demon bilong hem bae insaed datfala tokpiksa hol wea deep tumas wea kamap olsem prison bilong olketa for wan thousand year. Insaed datfala taem, datfala 144,000 bae duim waka for judge and rul “olsem olketa king witim Christ for wan thousand year.” (Revelation 14:1-3; 20:1-4; Romans 8:17) Judgment Day hem no samting wea happen insaed 24 hour nomoa. Hem bae gohed for wan thousand year.

Insaed datfala wan thousand year, Jesus Christ bae “judgem olketa wea laef and olketa wea dae finis.” (2 Timothy 4:1) “Olketa wea laef” bae datfala “bigfala sekson” wea no dae long Armageddon. (Revelation 7:9-17) Aposol John lukim tu “olketa wea dae finis . . . olketa standap front long throne” bilong judgment. Jesus talem promis hao “olketa long olketa grev bae herem voice bilong [Christ] and kamaot” long wei for resurrect. (John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15) Christ bae judgem evriwan followim wanem samting?

Long vision bilong aposol John, “olketa scroll hem open,” and “olketa wea dae finis kasem judgment followim samting olketa scroll talem, fitim samting olketa duim.” Waswe, olketa scroll hia talem nomoa evri samting wea man duim bifor hem dae? Nomoa, pipol bae no kasem judgment for samting olketa duim bifor olketa dae. Hao nao iumi savve long datwan? Bible hem sei: “Man wea dae no guilty nao for sin bilong hem.” (Romans 6:7) So taem olketa wea dae finis laef bak, olketa stap klin front long God, from hem no tingim sin bilong olketa nao. Dastawe, masbi olketa scroll hia talem olketa nara samting wea God laekem pipol for duim. For kasem laef olowe, olketa wea no dae long Armageddon and olketa wea resurrect mas obeyim olketa komandment bilong God, wea insaed diswan hem olketa samting wea hem laekem olketa for duim insaed datfala wan thousand year. So man wanwan bae kasem judgment followim samting hem duim insaed datfala Judgment Day.

Judgment Day bae givim plande billion pipol first chance wea olketa kasem for lanem will bilong God and duim datwan. Diswan minim wanfala big waka for teachim pipol bae kamap. Tru nao, “raeteous fasin nao samting wea pipol long datfala gud land bae barava lanem.” (Isaiah 26:9) Nomata olsem, no evriwan bae willing for duim will bilong God. Isaiah 26:10 hem sei: “Nomata man wea wicked kasem gudfala samting, hem bae nating lanem raeteous fasin. Hem bae duim samting wea no stret long land bilong stretfala fasin and bae hem no lukim haefala position bilong Jehovah.” Wicked pipol hia bae kasem panis for dae for olowe insaed datfala Judgment Day.Isaiah 65:20.

Kasem end bilong Judgment Day, olketa man wea laef yet bae “garem laef” evribit bikos olketa bae perfect. (Revelation 20:5) So insaed Judgment Day, olketa man bae kasem bak wei for perfect olsem long firstaem. (1 Corinthians 15:24-28) Then wanfala last test bae kamap. Jesus bae letem Satan go aot from prison bilong hem and letem hem for trae pullim olketa man awe from God, wea diswan bae last taem for hem savve duim datwan. (Revelation 20:3, 7-10) Olketa wea no letem hem for pullim olketa bae enjoyim nao wei wea datfala Bible promis hem fulfill evribit, wea sei: “Olketa wea raeteous bae kasem earth olsem present, and olketa bae stap for olowe long hem.” (Psalm 37:29) Tru nao, Judgment Day bae wanfala blessing for evriwan wea faithful!

^ par. 1 Saed long Armageddon, plis lukim Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, page 594-5, 1037-8, and chapter 20 long buk Worshipim Datfala Only Tru God, wea Olketa Jehovah’s Witness pablisim.