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Wanem Nao God Laekem?

Wanem Nao God Laekem?

God laekem iumi for garem peace and for hapi long paradaes long earth for olowe!

Maet iu ask olsem: “Waswe, bae datwan kamap tu?” Bible sei Kingdom bilong God bae mekem datwan for happen, and God laekem evri pipol for lane abaotem datfala Kingdom and plan bilong hem for iumi.—Psalm 37:11, 29; Isaiah 9:7.

God laekem iumi for kasem gudfala samting.

Dadi bilong iumi long heven hem olsem wanfala gud dadi wea laekem olketa pikinini bilong hem for kasem gud samting. Hem laekem iumi for hapi for olowe. (Isaiah 48:17, 18) God hem promis olsem: “Man wea duim wanem [mi] laekem bae stap for olowe.”—1 John 2:17.

God laekem iumi for followim olketa wei bilong hem.

Bible sei Creator bilong iumi laek for “teachim iumi olketa wei bilong hem” and for iumi “followim olketa wei hia.” (Isaiah 2:2, 3) Hem organizem “pipol wea . . . garem nem bilong hem” for talem long olketa man evriwea long earth samting wea hem laekem olketa for duim.—Acts 15:14.

God laekem iumi for wan mind for worshipim hem.

Taem pipol worshipim Jehovah long stretfala wei, diswan mekem olketa garem wan mind and barava lovem each other. (John 13:35) Hu nao teachim pipol evriwea long earth for worshipim God witim wan mind long distaem? Taem iu readim disfala brochure bae iu savve long ansa.