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Why Nao Hem Hard for Sei Sorre?

Why Nao Hem Hard for Sei Sorre?

Why Nao Hem Hard for Sei Sorre?

LONG July 2000, California State Legislature long United States mekem wanfala law for man no garem blame saed long law sapos hem sei sorre long man wea garekil insaed accident wea tufala hia insaed. Why nao olketa mekem law olsem? From olketa lukim hao taem wanfala accident kamap pipol planti taem hol bak for sei sorre from olketa fraet nogud kot tingse hem talem diswan from hem guilty. Long narasaed, olketa wea tingse man shud sei sorre semtaem samting hem happen savve feel nogud, and maet wanfala smol accident nomoa, gogo kamap bigfala raoa nao.

Hem tru, iu no need for sei sorre for wanfala accident wea iu no kosim. And samfala taem maet hem barava wise for careful abaotem samting iu talem. Wanfala oldfala proverb sei: “Man wea toktok tumas bae sin, bat man wea kontrolem mouth bilong hem duim wisefala samting.” (Proverbs 10:19; 27:12) Nomata olsem, iu savve showimaot kaen fasin and wei for help.

Bat waswe, iu agree hao planti pipol distaem stop for sei sorre, nomata hem no join witim wei for go long kot? Long haos maet wanfala waef feel sorre and sei, ‘Hasband bilong mi no savve sei sorre for eniting.’ Long wakples boss maet komplen olsem, ‘Olketa wakman bilong mi no laek for talemaot olketa duim mistek, and klosap no enitaem olketa sei sorre.’ Long skul wanfala teacher maet talem hao, ‘Olketa pikinini no lane hao for sei excuse mi.’

Wanfala reason why samwan maet hol bak for sei sorre hem from hem maet fraet nogud narawan les for herem datwan. From hem garem disfala tingting, maet hem no talemaot really feeling bilong hem. Maet man wea feel nogud hem barava les nao long hem, wea bae mekem wei for olketa fren bak hem moa hard.

Maet nara reason wea mekem samfala no sei sorre hem wei for no tingim feeling bilong narawan. Olketa maet ting olsem, ‘Wei for sei sorre bae hem no changem rong samting wea mi duim finis.’ Samfala narawan maet hol bak for sei sorre from olketa fraetem samting wea maet kamaot from datwan. Olketa ting olsem, ‘Waswe, bae olketa sei mi nao garem blame and then askem mi for givim compensation?’ Bat really, barava main samting wea mekem hem hard for pipol for sei olketa nao mistek hem praod fasin. Samwan wea praod tumas for sei “mi sorre” maet garem kaen tingting olsem, ‘Mi no laek lus mark long wei for sei mi nao rong. Datwan bae mekem pipol no tinghae long mi.’

Nomata wanem nao reason, planti faendem hem hard for talem olketa toktok for sei sorre. Bat waswe, iumi really need for sei sorre? Wanem gud samting nao bae kamaot from wei for sei sorre?

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“Olketa pikinini no lane hao for sei excuse mi”

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“Olketa wakman bilong mi no laek for talemaot olketa duim mistek”

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“Hasband bilong mi no savve sei sorre”