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‘Hot Season and Cold Season Bae Nating Finis’

‘Hot Season and Cold Season Bae Nating Finis’

Creation Bilong Jehovah wea Luk Naes

‘Hot Season and Cold Season Bae Nating Finis’

BARAVA hot sun shaen kam long desert. Long olketa nara part bilong earth, sun hem start for moa hot long end bilong cold season. Tru nao, hot from sun hem wanfala main samting saed long weather and olketa season.

Olketa season savve difren long olketa difren ples long earth. Bat hao nao olketa season affectim iu? Waswe, iu feel hapi taem iu lukim sun shaen bihaen rain? Hao nao feeling bilong iu taem iu sisidaon long evening and feelim fresh wind blow kam? Waswe, iu laekem taem rain mekem garden bilong iu grow gud? Waswe, iu no hapi taem hem kasem season for harvest?

Wanem nao mekem olketa season kamap? Hem wei wea earth hem lei wansaed. Earth hem lei 23.5 degree and spin followim datwan taem hem go raon long sun. Sapos earth hem no lei wansaed lelebet, bae no eni season. Bae weather hem semsem evritaem. Diswan bae affectim olketa plant and harvest bilong olketa garden.

Wei wea olketa season change, givim pruv hao wanfala Creator hem stap. Taem hem story long Jehovah God datfala man for raetem psalm hem sei: “Iu nao markem olketa spialaen bilong earth; hot season and cold season—iuseleva nao mekem olketa kamap.”—Psalm 74:17. *

For saed bilong iumi olketa man, olketa samting long skae olsem planet, sun and star kamap samting wea barava showimaot olketa season. Taem hem creatim solar system bilong iumi, God hem talemaot: “Letem olketa samting for givim laet kamap long skae. . . , and waka bilong olketa hem for olsem saen and for markem olketa season and day and year.” (Genesis 1:14) Insaed long wanfala year wea earth gogo raonem full sun, hem kasem tufala ples long datfala gogo wea mekem sun hem stap barava antap midol bilong earth long midol day. Tufala taem hia olketa kolem equinox, and long planti kantri hem start bilong spring and autumn season. Long taem bilong equinox olketa hour bilong daylaet hem klosap semsem witim olketa hour bilong naet.

Wei wea olketa season kamap hem depend long olketa nara samting tu. Olketa season and weather barava join tugeta witim staka nara important samting wea mekem laef hem savve go ahed. Taem hem story witim pipol long Asia Minor wea planti long olketa savve gud long agriculture and for wakem garden, Christian aposol Paul and fren bilong hem Barnabas talem hao God nao “givim iufala rain from heven and olketa taem bilong harvest, mekem heart bilong iufala fulap witim kaikai and hapi.”—Acts 14:14-17.

Wei wea olketa plant long land and olketa sismol plant long sea iusim laet from sun and wanfala gas long air witim wata for mekem kaikai wea olketa needim for grow hem nambawan samting. From diswan, wei wea olketa samting wea laef depend long each other hem depend long weather long samfala spesol wei. Long wei wea fitim, Paul storyim wei wea Jehovah nao bihaenem diswan taem hem sei: “Graon wea drinkim rain wea kam long hem planti taem, and then mekem grow kaikai wea fitim for olketa wea plantim seed long datfala graon, kasem blessing from Jehovah for datwan.”—Hebrews 6:7.

Iumi minim why nao scripture hem sei “blessing” taem iumi tingim hao long spring season, weather hem no cold tumas, hem daylaet longtaem, and garem gudfala rain. Olketa niu flaoa kamap and olketa insect kamaot from ples wea olketa haed long cold season, and redy for karem go pollen long olketa flaoa. Olketa bird olsem olketa blue jay wea iu lukim long hia fulimap bush witim kala and singsing, and evriwea hem luk naes and fulap witim laef. Bush hem busy witim wei wea olketa niu tree start for grow, staka tree growim bak olketa leaf, and evri plant go ahed for grow. (Song of Solomon 2:12, 13) Diswan hem mek redy for harvest season wea hem klosap end bilong hot season or long autumn.—Exodus 23:16.

Wei wea Jehovah mekem earth hem lei wansaed, barava showimaot olketa nambawan waka bilong hem, wea mekem olketa day, naet, season, taem for plant, and harvest kamap. Iumi sure hao hot season bae kam bihaen cold season. God nao givim disfala promis: “For evriday wea earth hem go ahed, taem for plantim seed and harvestim, and hotfala season and coldfala season, and day and naet, bae hem nating finis.”—Genesis 8:22.


^ par. 6 Lukim 2004 Calendar of Jehovah’s Witnesses, July/August.

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Wanfala Satellite wea Barava Important for Laef

Long full history bilong olketa man, pipol barava sapraes long moon. Bat waswe, iu savve hao moon hem affectim olketa season? Moon wea hem olsem satellite help for mekem stedy wei wea earth hem lei wansaed and spin. Datfala man for raet saed long science Andrew Hill talem hao wei wea moon duim diswan “hem barava important saed long wei for mekem laef savve go ahed long Earth.” Sapos no eni bigfala satellite olsem stap for mekem wei wea earth hem lei wansaed hem stedy, earth bae kamap hot tumas and bae hem hard nao for laef go ahed. Dastawe wanfala team bilong olketa man wea studyim olketa star sei: “Iumi savve ting long moon olsem samting wea kontrolem weather long Earth.”—Psalm 104:19.

[Credit Line]

Moon: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C./Bart O’Gara

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Olketa Camel, North Africa and Arabian Peninsula