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No Mekem Holy Spirit Bilong Jehovah Sorre

No Mekem Holy Spirit Bilong Jehovah Sorre

No Mekem Holy Spirit Bilong Jehovah Sorre

“No mekem holy spirit bilong God sorre, from holy spirit nao markem iufala.”​—⁠EPH. 4:​30.

1. Jehovah duim wanem samting for staka million pipol, and wanem nao olketa mas duim?

 JEHOVAH duim spesol samting for staka million pipol wea stap long disfala nogud world. Hem sendem spesol Son bilong hem Jesus Christ for helpem pipol hia for fren witim Hem. (John 6:​44) Iu nao wanfala long olketa sapos iu dedicate finis long God and gohed for lovem hem witim full heart bilong iu. From iu baptaes long nem bilong holy spirit, iu mas gohed followim wei bilong holy spirit.​—⁠Matt. 28:⁠19.

2. Olketa wanem kwestin nao bae iumi ting raonem?

2 Iumi wea “followim holy spirit” mas garem niufala wei. (Gal. 6:8; Eph. 4:​17-​24) Bat aposol Paul warnim iumi for no mekem holy spirit bilong God sorre. (Readim Ephesians 4:​25-​32.) Wanem nao Paul minim taem hem sei for man no mekem holy spirit bilong God sorre? Long wanem wei nao maet samwan wea dedicate long Jehovah duim datwan? And wanem nao iumi mas keakea long hem for no mekem spirit bilong Jehovah sorre?

Samting wea Paul Minim

3. Wanem nao mining bilong toktok long Ephesians 4:​30?

3 Tingim firstaem wanem Paul talem long Ephesians 4:​30. Hem sei: “No mekem holy spirit bilong God sorre, from holy spirit nao markem iufala for wanfala day for kamap free bikos Christ givim laef bilong hem for sevem pipol.” From Paul lovem olketa brata and sista, hem no laekem olketa for duim eni samting wea bae spoelem wei wea olketa fren witim God. Spirit bilong Jehovah nao ‘markem olketa for wanfala day for kamap free bikos Christ givim laef bilong hem for sevem pipol.’ God iusim holy spirit for markem olketa faithful anointed Christian. Datfala mark hem olsem “wanfala promis for samting wea [olketa] bae kasem.” (2 Cor. 1:​22) Holy spirit mekem olketa luksavve God adoptim olketa and olketa bae kasem laef long heven. Full namba bilong olketa wea holy spirit markem hem 144,000.​—⁠Rev. 7:​2-4.

4. Why nao iumi mas no mekem spirit bilong God sorre?

4 Sapos wanfala Christian mekem spirit bilong God sorre, gogo datwan savve mekem holy spirit no helpem hem long laef bilong hem. Samting wea David talem bihaen hem sin witim Bath-sheba showimaot diswan. David barava repent and askem Jehovah olsem: “Iu no les long mi, and no tekem holy spirit bilong iu from mi.” (Ps. 51:11) Olketa anointed Christian wea ‘faithful go kasem taem olketa dae’ bae kasem datfala “crown” for laef olowe long heven. (Rev. 2:​10; 1 Cor. 15:53) Olketa Christian wea garem hope for laef olowe long earth tu needim holy spirit for helpem olketa gohed faithful long God and for kasem present for laef olowe. Olketa mas showimaot faith long Christ wea peim price for sevem pipol. (John 3:​36; Rom. 5:8; 6:​23) Dastawe iumi evriwan mas keakea for no mekem holy spirit bilong Jehovah sorre.

Long Wanem Wei Nao Maet Wanfala Christian Mekem Spirit Sorre?

5, 6. Long wanem wei nao maet wanfala Christian mekem spirit bilong Jehovah sorre?

5 Olketa Christian wea dedicate mas trae hard for no mekem spirit bilong God sorre. Sapos iumi “gohed followim spirit,” bae iumi no laek for duim eni nogud samting. (Gal. 5:​16, 25, 26) Bat sapos iumi no gohed followim spirit, maet iumi no luksavve firstaem bat iumi isisi duim samting wea Bible stopem. Sapos olsem, iumi mekem spirit bilong God sorre.

6 Sapos iumi gohed for no followim holy spirit, iumi bae mekem holy spirit sorre. Datwan minim Jehovah nao bae sorre. Taem iumi ting raonem Ephesians 4:​25-​32, iumi bae luksavve wanem iumi mas duim for no mekem spirit bilong God sorre.

Keakea for No Mekem Spirit Sorre

7, 8. Storyim why iumi mas tok tru.

7 Iumi mas tok tru. Long Ephesians 4:​25, Paul sei: “From iufala lusim disfala wei for laea, iufala evriwan mas talem tru samting long narawan, bikos iumi evriwan wanfala sekson nomoa.” From iumi wan mind, iumi mas no trikim olketa brata and sista or mekem olketa tingim samting wea no tru, bikos sapos iumi duim olsem, iumi laea long olketa. Eniwan wea gohed for duim olsem, gogo bae hem no fren witim God.​—⁠Readim Proverbs 3:​32.

8 Sapos iumi laea long narawan or duim samting for trikim narawan, diswan savve mekem kongregeson no wan mind. Dastawe iumi shud olsem profet Daniel wea pipol trustim hem, and pipol savve hem no duim eni nogud samting. (Dan. 6:⁠4) Hem gud for iumi tingim kaonsel wea Paul talem long olketa Christian wea garem hope for go long heven. Hem sei olketa evriwan part long “body bilong Christ,” so olketa mas wan mind witim olketa nara anointed Christian wea followim Jesus. (Eph. 4:​11, 12) Sapos iumi garem hope for laef olowe long Paradaes long earth, iumi tu mas tok tru long narawan. Taem iumi duim olsem, iumi wan mind witim evri brata long full world.

9. Why nao iumi mas duim wanem Ephesians 4:​26, 27 talem?

9 Iumi mas againstim Devil, and no givim hem chance for spoelem wei wea iumi fren witim God. (Jas. 4:⁠7) Holy spirit helpem iumi for againstim Satan. Iumi savve againstim hem taem iumi trae hard for no barava kros tumas. Paul sei: “Iufala savve kros, bat no sin, no letem sun go daon taem iufala kros yet, and no givim eni chance long Devil.” (Eph. 4:​26, 27) Sapos iumi kros, hem gud for kwiktaem prea mekem iumi savve “garem kwaet spirit,” and kontrolem iumiseleva mekem iumi no duim eni samting wea savve mekem spirit bilong God sorre. (Prov. 17:27) Iumi mas no gohed for kros bikos datwan bae givim chance for Satan mekem iumi for duim rabis samting. (Ps. 37:​8, 9) Iumi savve againstim Satan taem iumi followim wanem Jesus talem and kwiktaem stretem eni raoa.​—⁠Matt. 5:​23, 24; 18:​15-​17.

10, 11. Why nao iumi mas duim stret samting and no steal?

10 Iumi mas duim stret samting and no steal. Paul sei olsem abaotem man wea steal: “Man wea savve steal mas finis for steal and mas duim hard waka, and iusim hand bilong hem for duim gudfala waka, mekem hem savve garem samting for givim long samwan wea garem need.” (Eph. 4:​28) Sapos Christian wea dedicate finis hem steal, hem bae “spoelem nem bilong God.” (Prov. 30:​7-9) Nomata man hem poor, hem no stret for hem steal tu. Pipol wea lovem God and nara pipol luksavve hem no stret for steal enitaem.​—⁠Mark 12:​28-​31.

11 Bat Paul storyim tu wanem iumi shud duim. Sapos iumi followim holy spirit, iumi bae waka hard for lukaftarem famili bilong iumi and iumi savve garem “samting for givim long samwan wea garem need.” (1 Tim. 5:⁠8) Jesus and olketa aposol bilong hem keepim samfala selen for helpem pipol wea poor, bat Judas Iscariot stealim samfala selen hia. (John 12:​4-6) Hem nating letem holy spirit for leadim hem. Iumi wea letem spirit bilong God for leadim iumi “laek duim nomoa olketa stret samting,” olsem Paul tu duim. (Heb. 13:18) Taem iumi duim olsem, iumi no mekem holy spirit bilong Jehovah sorre.

Olketa Nara Wei for No Mekem Spirit Sorre

12, 13. (a) Olsem Ephesians 4:​29 hem sei, iumi mas no talem wanem kaen toktok? (b) Toktok bilong iumi mas hao?

12 Tingting gud firstaem bifor iumi toktok. Paul sei: “Iufala mas no talem eni rabis toktok, bat iufala mas talem nomoa toktok wea savve helpem man long taem wea fitim, mekem olketa wea herem datwan savve kasem gud samting.” (Eph. 4:​29) Aposol Paul talem moa wanem iumi shud duim. Spirit bilong God savve leadim iumi for ‘talem samting wea savve helpem man mekem olketa wea herem datwan savve kasem gud samting.’ And iumi shud no “talem eni rabis toktok.” Long Greek languis, disfala word “rabis” savve minim samting wea rotten olsem frut, fish, or meat. Iumi les long kaikai wea rotten and smell nogud, so iumi mas no talem toktok wea Jehovah no laekem.

13 Toktok bilong iumi shud gudfala, kaen, and “garem solt.” (Col. 3:​8-​10; 4:⁠6) Taem pipol herem toktok bilong iumi, olketa shud luksavve iumi no olsem pipol long world. So hem gud for iumi talem toktok wea “savve helpem man.” Iumi shud garem semkaen tingting olsem David. Hem sei: “Jehovah, iu nao strongfala ples bilong mi for haed and iu nao sevem mi. Mi laekem toktok bilong mi and samting wea stap long heart bilong mi for mas mekem iu hapi.”​—⁠Ps. 19:⁠14.

14. Olketa wanem wei nao iumi mas no garem wea Ephesians 4:​30, 31 storyim?

14 Iumi mas lusim wei for tok spoelem narawan, wei for feel nogud long narawan, for kros tumas, and lusim evri nogud wei. Bihaen Paul warnim iumi for no mekem spirit bilong God sorre, hem sei: “Iufala mas lusim evri wei for feel nogud long narawan and kros tumas long eniwan and singaot nogud and tok spoelem narawan, and iufala mas lusim evri nogud wei tu.” (Eph. 4:​30, 31) From iumi no perfect, iumi mas waka hard for kontrolem wanem iumi tingim and wanem iumi duim. Sapos iumi gohed “for feel nogud long narawan and kros tumas long eniwan,” iumi bae mekem spirit bilong God sorre. Sapos iumi no willing for forgetim olketa nogud samting wea narawan duim long iumi, or iumi gohed for kros and no willing for fren moa witim hem, datwan tu bae mekem holy spirit bilong God sorre. Sapos iumi start for no followim kaonsel long Bible, gogo maet wei bilong iumi mekem iumi for sin againstim holy spirit and kasem barava nogud samting tu.

15. Sapos samwan spoelem iumi, wanem nao iumi shud duim?

15 Iumi mas kaen long narawan, tingim feeling bilong hem, and forgivim hem. Paul sei: “Iufala mas kaen long narawan, tingim feeling bilong pipol, willing for forgivim olketa olsem God tu hem forgivim iufala bikos long Christ.” (Eph. 4:​32) Nomata iumi barava feel nogud taem samwan spoelem iumi, iumi mas forgivim hem, olsem God forgivim iumi tu. (Luke 11:⁠4) Tingim sapos Christian brata or sista talem nogud samting abaotem iumi. Iumi mas go story witim hem for stretem datwan. Then sapos hem sorre and askem iumi for forgivim hem, iumi mas forgivim hem. Bat iumi mas duim nara samting tu. Leviticus 19:18 sei: “Iu mas no changem bak nogud samting wea narawan duim long iu or kros olowe long pipol bilong iu, and iu mas lovem nara man olsem iu lovem iuseleva. Mi nao Jehovah.”

Iumi Mas Keakea

16. Wanem nao maet iumi need for duim for no mekem spirit bilong Jehovah sorre?

16 Taem iumi stap seleva, hem isi for duim samting wea God no hapi long hem. Tingim diswan, maet wanfala brata lisin long music wea no fitim olketa Christian. Gogo, conscience bilong hem pokem hem bikos hem no followim kaonsel long Bible wea stap long olketa buk wea iumi kasem from “wakaman wea faithful and wise.” (Matt. 24:45) Maet hem prea abaotem diswan and hem maet tingim toktok wea Paul talem long Ephesians 4:​30. Hem no laek for mekem spirit bilong God sorre, so hem disaed for no lisin moa long music olsem. Jehovah bae blessim datfala brata from hem duim datwan. Dastawe iumi mas keakea evritaem for no duim eni samting wea savve mekem spirit bilong God sorre.

17. Wanem nao savve happen sapos iumi no keakea and no prea?

17 Sapos iumi no keakea and no prea, hem isi for iumi start for duim samting wea mekem holy spirit sorre. From Dadi bilong iumi long heven iusim holy spirit followim tingting bilong hem, iumi mekem Jehovah sorre taem iumi no followim holy spirit. Tru tumas, iumi barava no laek duim datwan. (Eph. 4:​30) Long first century, olketa Jew wea teachim law olketa sin taem olketa sei Jesus duim olketa mirakol from Satan nao givim paoa long hem. (Readim Mark 3:​22-​30.) Olketa hia wea enemy bilong Christ “tok againstim holy spirit,” so God bae nating forgivim olketa. Iumi barava no laek for olsem!

18. Wanem nao showimaot iumi no sin againstim holy spirit?

18 From iumi no laek duim sin wea God bae no forgivim, iumi mas no mekem holy spirit sorre olsem Paul talem. Bat waswe sapos iumi duim bigfala sin? Sapos iumi repent and olketa elder helpem iumi, diswan showimaot God forgivim iumi and iumi no sin againstim holy spirit. God savve helpem iumi for no duim moa eni samting wea mekem holy spirit sorre.

19, 20. (a) Wanem nao samfala samting wea iumi mas no duim? (b) Wanem nao iumi mas gohed for duim?

19 God iusim holy spirit for mekem pipol bilong hem showimaot love, hapi, and wan mind. (Ps. 133:​1-3) Sapos iumi tok spoelem narawan or talem eni samting wea bae mekem narawan for no respectim olketa elder, datwan bae mekem holy spirit sorre bikos holy spirit nao markem olketa. (Acts 20:28; Jude 8) Bat iumi mas trae hard for respectim olketa long kongregeson and wan mind witim olketa. Iumi mas no story evritaem witim samfala nomoa and no witim olketa narawan. Paul sei: “Olketa brata, long nem bilong Lord bilong iumi Jesus Christ, mi laekem iufala mas agree long toktok bilong iufala. Iufala mas no garem difren tingting bat mas wan mind long tingting bilong iufala.”​—⁠1 Cor. 1:​10.

20 Jehovah laekem tumas for helpem iumi for no mekem holy spirit sorre and hem fit for helpem iumi. Iumi mas gohed prea for holy spirit and no duim eni samting wea bae mekem holy spirit sorre. Iumi laek gohed “followim holy spirit” and iumi laekem holy spirit for leadim iumi distaem and for olowe.

Wanem Nao Ansa Bilong Iu?

• Wanem nao hem minim for mekem spirit bilong God sorre?

• Long wanem wei nao maet samwan wea dedicate long Jehovah mekem holy spirit sorre?

• Wanem nao iumi mas keakea long hem for no mekem holy spirit sorre?

[Olketa Study Kwestin]

[Piksa long page 30]

Kwiktaem stretem raoa

[Piksa long page 31]

Toktok bilong iu hem olsem wanem frut?