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Why Nao Iumi Mas Respectim Olketa Olo?

Why Nao Iumi Mas Respectim Olketa Olo?

Why Nao Iumi Mas Respectim Olketa Olo?

KLOSAP long saedsea long California, U.S.A., wanfala tree stap wea staka pipol laek for tek piksa long hem. Olketa kolem disfala tree, Lone Cypress. Olketa sei, disfala tree hem stap laef for winim 250 year. Staka pipol luksavve disfala naes tree savve laef longtaem, datwan mekem pipol interest long hem long samfala wei. Wanfala samting olketa duim, olketa putim samfala strong cable and olketa mekem ston raonem botom bilong hem.

Disfala Lone Cypress tree, mekem iumi for tingim olketa olo Christian wea stap witim iumi wea gohed for faithful. From olketa gohed for talemaot gud nius, diswan showimaot olketa faithful. Profet Joel, talem finis “olketa olo man” bae talemaot message long Bible. (Joel 2:​28-​32; Acts 2:​16-​21) Tingim diswan, olketa olo hia iusim staka hour for barava helpem olketa narawan for lanem “gud nius abaotem kingdom”! (Matt. 24:14) Samfala long olketa olo hia, faithful for talemaot Kingdom nomata olketa kasem persecution and hard taem for staka year. Sapos pipol luksavve cypress tree savve laef longtaem and olketa strongim witim olketa cable and wakem ston raonem, datwan helpem iumi tu for tingim olketa olo wea stap witim iumi and for respectim olketa!

Jehovah God talem pipol bilong hem long taem bifor: ‘Iufala mas respectim olketa wea garem gray hair. And iufala mas showimaot iufala tingim olketa wea olo.’ (Lev. 19:32) Long olketa pipol bilong Jehovah distaem, iumi lukim olketa gudfala example bilong olketa wea faithful wea ‘fren gud witim God’ for staka year. (Mic. 6:⁠8) Taem olketa gohed for followim wanem Bible talem, gray hair wea olketa garem hem wanfala “crown wea luk naes tumas.”​—⁠Prov. 16:31.

Aposol Paul talem olsem long Timothy taem hem young: ‘No tok daonem man wea olo.’ Bat Timothy mas ‘story long wanfala olo man olsem dadi’ and “olketa olo woman olsem mami.” (1 Tim. 5:​1, 2) So Timothy mas ‘respectim’ olketa wea olo. Tru tumas, Jehovah laekem iumi for showimaot respect taem iumi story witim olketa.

Romans 12:10 sei: “Showimaot gudfala example long wei for respectim narawan.” Olketa overseer long kongregeson barava showimaot respect long olketa Christian wea olo. Bat iumi evriwan shud showimaot gudfala example long wei for respectim narawan.

Tru tumas, evriwan long famili garem spesol responsibility long olketa dadi and mami and olketa grani. Tingim moa disfala tree Lone Cypress. Pipol trae hard for gohed lukaftarem mekem hem stap longtaem. Olsem tu, iumi shud trae hard for gohed showimaot respect long olketa dadi and mami and olketa grani wea olo. So taem iumi lisin gud long olketa, datwan savve helpem iumi for tingim olketa and no tingim nomoa wanem iumiseleva laekem.​—⁠Prov. 23:22; 1 Tim. 5:⁠4.

Jehovah barava tinghae long olketa olo wea stap witim iumi. And hem no lusim olketa. (Ps. 71:18) Trufala God strongim olketa for gohed faithful for worshipim hem. Hem gud for iumi tu, gohed for strongim and respectim olketa wea olo.

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Olsem datfala Lone Cypress tree needim samting for strongim, iumi tu laek for tingim olketa wea olo and for respectim olketa

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