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Waswe, Iu Tingim Yet?

Waswe, Iu Tingim Yet?

Waswe, Iu Tingim Yet?

Waswe, iu lanem gud samting from olketa Wastaoa magasin wea iu readim no longtaem go nomoa? Trae for ansarem olketa kwestin hia:

• Wanem story long Bible nao storyim wanfala young gele and leprosy, wea distaem hem Hansen’s disease?

Second Kings chapter 5 story abaotem wanfala Israelite gele wea waka for Naaman, bigman bilong army bilong Syria. From Naaman garem leprosy, gele hia talem hem for go lukim profet Elisha for healim hem.​—1/1, page 22.

• Waswe, olketa tru Christian iusim nem bilong God olsem magic samting for protectim olketa?

Pipol ting long samfala samting wea olketa garem olsem magic samting for protectim olketa, bat pipol bilong God no ting long nem bilong God olsem magic samting for protectim olketa. Olketa showimaot faith long Jehovah and trae for duim wanem hem laekem. Olketa trustim nem bilong Jehovah olsem sef ples for haed. (Zeph. 3:​12, 13)​—1/15, page 5-6.

• Why nao Jehovah les long King Saul?

Saul shud weitim profet Samuel for mekem sakrifaes, bat Saul no obey and hemseleva nao mekem datfala sakrifaes. Bihaen, hem no obeyim wanem Jehovah talem for mas killim dae evriwan long Amalek.​—2/15, page 22-​23.

• Hao nao iumi savve showimaot iumi heitim wei for no obey?

Bae iumi no ova tumas long alcohol, bae iumi stap klia long samting wea join witim devildevil, and bae iumi obeyim warning bilong Jesus abaotem samting wea no stret. Olsem example, bae iumi no lukluk long olketa rabis piksa wea bae mekem iumi for tingim olketa rabis samting. (Matt. 5:​27, 28) And bae iumi no kaban witim olketa wea disfellowship tu.​—2/15, page 29-​32.

• Hao nao Jeremiah olsem tree wea “grow klosap long river wea evritaem wata hem kasem rut bilong hem”? (Jer. 17:​7, 8)

Jeremiah evritaem garem frut. Nomata pipol tok spoelem hem, hem no letem datwan affectim hem. Hem evritaem trustim Jehovah, wea hem nao givim wata for mekem man gohed laef. Hem duim evri samting wea Jehovah talem.​—3/15, page 14.