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Trustim Jehovah, “God wea Givim Iumi Comfort”

Trustim Jehovah, “God wea Givim Iumi Comfort”

Trustim Jehovah, “God wea Givim Iumi Comfort”

“Praisem God wea hem Dadi bilong Lord bilong iumi Jesus Christ. Hem Dadi wea kaen and sorre long iumi, and hem God wea givim iumi comfort wea iumi needim.”—2 COR. 1:3.

1. Wanem nao iumi evriwan needim?

 FROM taem iumi born iumi needim samwan for comfortim iumi. Baby savve krae taem hem hangre or laekem iumi for karem hem. Olketa bigman tu needim samwan for comfortim olketa taem olketa kasem hard taem.

2. Wanem nao Jehovah promisim for olketa wea trustim hem?

2 Famili and olketa fren bilong iumi savve comfortim iumi. Bat samfala problem wea iumi kasem, God nomoa savve helpem iumi long hem. Bible sei: “Jehovah evritaem herem olketa wea prea long hem, . . . and hem bae helpem olketa.” (Ps. 145:18, 19) Tru tumas, “Jehovah hem lukluk long olketa wea raeteous and hem herem prea bilong olketa.” (Ps. 34:15) Bat sapos iumi laekem God for helpem iumi, iumi mas trustim hem. David sei: “Jehovah, iu nao sef ples for pipol wea narawan spoelem olketa. Iu nao sef ples for olketa long taem bilong trabol. Jehovah, olketa wea savve long iu bae trustim iu bikos iu bae nating lusim olketa wea lukaotem iu.”—Ps. 9:9, 10.

3. Wanem nao Jesus talem for helpem iumi luksavve Jehovah lovem iumi?

3 Jehovah tinghae long olketa wea worshipim hem. Jesus sei: “Man savve salem faevfala smol bird for tufala selen nomoa, iaman? Nomata olsem, God hem no forgetim eniwan long olketa. Bat hem kaontem finis evri hair long hed bilong iufala. So iufala no fraet, bikos iufala barava important winim evri smol bird hia.” (Luke 12:6, 7) Jehovah talem olketa Israelite: “Mi evritaem lovem iufala dastawe mi kaen long iufala.”—Jer. 31:3.

4. Why nao iumi savve bilivim olketa promis wea Jehovah talem?

4 Taem iumi kasem hard taem, Jehovah savve comfortim iumi sapos iumi trustim and bilivim olketa promis bilong hem. Iumi shud trustim God olsem Joshua duim. Hem sei: “God bilong iufala Jehovah hem duim evri samting wea hem promisim. No eni samting wea hem promisim hem no kamap tru. Evri promis bilong hem kamap tru.” (Josh. 23:14) Nomata iumi kasem hard taem, iumi savve “God hem keepim olketa promis bilong hem.” Hem bae nating lusim olketa wea faithful long hem.—Readim 1 Corinthians 10:13.

5. Hao nao iumi savve comfortim narawan?

5 Aposol Paul sei Jehovah hem “God wea givim iumi comfort wea iumi needim.” For givim comfort minim for helpem and strongim man wea kasem hard taem. Hem nao wanem Jehovah duim. (Readim 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4.) Hem savve duim eni samting for comfortim olketa wea lovem hem. From Jehovah comfortim iumi, iumi tu savve comfortim olketa brata and sista “long eni hard taem wea [olketa] kasem.” Tru tumas, no eniwan savve givim comfort long iumi olsem Jehovah!

Olketa Samting wea Mekem Iumi Safa

6. Wanem nao samfala samting wea savve mekem iumi safa?

6 Iumi needim comfort bikos staka nogud samting nao savve kasem iumi. Iumi savve sorre tumas taem hasband, waef, or pikinini wea iumi lovem hem dae. Maet narawan needim comfort bikos pipol duim nogud samting long olketa. Wei for olo, poor, sik, and olketa nogud samting wea happen long world savve mekem iumi safa tu.

7. (a) Why nao iumi needim comfort taem iumi kasem hard taem? (b) Wanem nao Jehovah savve duim for helpem man wea heart bilong hem “brek and pisis”?

7 Samfala samting wea happen long laef savve spoelem iumi. Hem savve affectim heart bilong iumi, mekem iumi wari, no tingting stret, spoelem health bilong iumi, and mekem iumi no garem strongfala faith. Olsem example, tingim heart bilong iumi. Bible sei taem man kasem hard taem datwan savve mekem heart bilong hem “brek and pisis.” (Ps. 51:17) Nomata olsem, Jehovah savve helpem iumi. “Hem healim olketa wea sorre tumas, and hem bandagem garekil bilong olketa.” (Ps. 147:3) Taem barava nogud samting kasem iumi, God savve helpem iumi sapos iumi prea long hem, showimaot faith, and obeyim olketa law bilong hem.—Readim 1 John 3:19-22; 5:14, 15.

8. Taem iumi wari, wanem nao Jehovah duim for helpem iumi?

8 Samfala hard taem wea iumi kasem savve mekem iumi wari. Long taem olsem iumi needim samwan for comfortim and helpem iumi. Man wea raetem Psalm 94:19 sei: “Taem mi wari tumas, iu evritaem comfortim mi and mekem mi garem gudfala tingting moa.” Paul sei tu: “Iufala mas no wari abaotem eni samting bat long eni samting wea iufala needim, askem God for datwan long wei for prea long hem witim wei for barava askem help bilong hem and for talem thankiu tu. Taem iufala duim olsem, peace bilong God wea winim nao wanem man savve minim bae gaedem heart and tingting bilong iufala bikos long Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:6, 7) Taem iumi wari, iumi need for readim Bible and ting raonem wanem iumi readim. Datwan bae comfortim iumi.—2 Tim. 3:15-17.

9. Wanem nao savve helpem iumi taem iumi wikdaon and no tingting stret?

9 Samfala taem iumi barava wikdaon and datwan mekem iumi for no tingting stret. Maet iumi tingse iumi no fit for duim wanem Jehovah laekem or iumi no fit for duim waka long kongregeson. Long taem olsem, Jehovah savve comfortim and helpem iumi. Olsem example, taem Jehovah talem Joshua for leadim olketa Israelite againstim olketa enemy, Moses talem olketa Israelite: “Gohed strong and no fraet long olketa. God bilong iufala Jehovah hem stap witim iufala. Hem bae nating lusim iufala.” (Deut. 31:6) Jehovah helpem Joshua for winim evri enemy and for leadim olketa Israelite go insaed long Promis Land. Long bifor tu, Jehovah helpem Moses for leadim olketa Israelite long Red Sea.—Ex. 14:13, 14, 29-31.

10. Sapos nogud samting wea happen spoelem health bilong iumi, wanem nao iumi savve duim?

10 Olketa nogud samting wea happen savve spoelem health bilong iumi. Hem tru, taem iumi kaikaim olketa healthy kaikai, rest gud, exercise, and keepim haos and body bilong iumi klin, datwan savve helpem iumi. Bat nara samting wea savve helpem iumi tu hem for ting raonem wanem Bible talem abaotem future. So taem iumi kasem hard taem or problem, hem gud for tingim example bilong Paul. Hem sei: “Staka hard taem kasem mifala, bat datwan no stopem mifala. Nomata mifala konfius, bat wei hem stap for mifala savve gohed nomoa. Pipol spoelem mifala, bat God no lusim mifala. Mifala sorre, bat mifala gohed nomoa.”—2 Cor. 4:8, 9.

11. Sapos faith bilong iumi no strong olsem bifor, wanem nao iumi savve duim?

11 Samfala nogud samting wea kasem iumi savve mekem iumi no garem strongfala faith. Jehovah savve helpem iumi long taem olsem tu. Bible sei: “Jehovah hem helpem olketa wea foldaon, and hem liftimap olketa wea wikdaon.” (Ps. 145:14) Sapos iumi savve faith bilong iumi no strong olsem bifor, iumi shud askem olketa elder for helpem iumi. (Jas. 5:14, 15) Nara samting wea savve strongim faith bilong iumi tu hem for tingim evritaem hope wea iumi garem for laef olowe.—John 17:3.

Olketa wea Kasem Comfort From God

12. Wanem nao Jehovah duim for comfortim Abraham?

12 Man wea raetem psalm sei long Jehovah: “Plis no forgetim promis wea iu mekem witim wakaman bilong iu bikos datwan mekem mi for trustim iu. Nomata mi safa, evritaem iu comfortim mi bikos wanem iu promisim hem strongim mi.” (Ps. 119:49, 50) Staka example long Bible showimaot Jehovah comfortim olketa wea worshipim hem. Tingim Abraham. Taem Abraham herem Jehovah bae finisim Sodom and Gomorrah, hem wari tumas. Hem askem God: “Waswe, bae iu killim dae olketa gudfala pipol tu witim olketa nogud pipol?” Jehovah comfortim Abraham. Hem sei bae hem no finisim Sodom sapos 50 raeteous man stap. Bat faevfala taem moa Abraham askem Jehovah: Hao sapos 45 raeteous man nao stap? Or hao sapos 40, or 30, or 20, or 10-fala raeteous man nomoa stap? Jehovah patient and promisim Abraham bae hem no finisim Sodom sapos 10-fala raeteous man stap long there. Nomata tenfala raeteous man no stap long Sodom, Jehovah sevem Lot and tufala gele bilong hem.—Gen. 18:22-32; 19:15, 16, 26.

13. Wanem nao Hannah duim wea showimaot hem trustim Jehovah?

13 Hannah, waef bilong Elkanah, laekem tumas for garem pikinini. Bat hem feel nogud tumas bikos hem no savve garem pikinini. Bihaen hem prea abaotem datwan, Hae Priest Eli sei long hem: “God bilong Israel bae givim iu samting wea iu askem.” Datwan comfortim Hannah, and hem “hapi nao.” (1 Sam. 1:8, 17, 18) Hannah trustim Jehovah bae helpem hem. Nomata hem no savve wanem nao bae happen, hem no wari. Gogo Jehovah ansarem prea bilong hem. Hem babule and bornem wanfala baby boy. Nem bilong hem nao Samuel.—1 Sam. 1:20.

14. David askem hu nao for comfortim hem and why nao olsem?

14 Jehovah comfortim King David tu. Jehovah “savve gud long tingting” bilong evriwan. Hem luksavve David laek for duim stret samting and worshipim hem, so hem chusim David for kamap king bilong Israel. (1 Sam. 16:7; 2 Sam. 5:10) Bat gogo David duim adultery witim Bath-sheba and trae for haedem datwan. Taem David luksavve hem duim bigfala sin, hem prea olsem long Jehovah: “From iu garem bigfala mercy, plis iu no tingim moa olketa sin wea mi duim. Plis mekem mi klin from olketa sin hia. Mi savve mi duim olketa nogud samting and mi tingim datwan evritaem.” (Ps. 51:1-3) David barava repent and Jehovah forgivim hem. Nomata David kasem nogud samting from wanem hem duim, Jehovah showim mercy long David and datwan comfortim hem.—2 Sam. 12:9-12.

15. Wanem nao Jehovah duim for helpem Jesus bifor hem dae?

15 Taem Jesus stap long earth, hem kasem staka hard taem. Nomata God letem datwan for happen, Jesus evritaem faithful long hem. Jesus hem perfect and hem evritaem trustim Jehovah and stap anda long rul bilong hem. Bifor Judas givim Jesus go long olketa enemy for olketa killim hem dae, Jesus prea olsem long Jehovah: “No duim samting wea mi laekem, duim nomoa samting wea iu nao laekem.” Then wanfala angel from heven kam long Jesus and strongim hem. (Luke 22:42, 43) God comfortim, strongim, and helpem Jesus long taem wea hem barava needim.

16. Hao nao Jehovah savve helpem iumi sapos laef bilong iumi stap long danger?

16 Nomata sapos laef bilong iumi stap long danger bikos long biliv bilong iumi, Jehovah savve helpem iumi for faithful long hem. From iumi savve man wea dae bae laef bak long future, datwan comfortim iumi. Iumi luk forward tu long taem wea ‘lastfala enemy dae bae finis.’ (1 Cor. 15:26) Jehovah no forgetim olketa wea faithful wea dae finis. Hem bae mekem olketa for laef bak and olketa narawan tu wea no worshipim hem. (John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15) Datfala promis comfortim and strongim iumi taem pipol spoelem iumi.

17. Taem samwan wea iumi lovem hem dae, hao nao Jehovah savve comfortim iumi?

17 Iumi hapi bikos olketa wea iumi lovem wea dae finis bae laef bak long paradaes. Long niu world, no eniwan bae safa. Hem bae nambawan privilege for “big crowd” wea no dae long Armageddon for welkamim and teachim olketa wea laef bak!—Rev. 7:9, 10.

God Hem Olsem Sef Ples for Haed

18, 19. Wanem nao God duim for comfortim pipol bilong hem taem narawan spoelem olketa?

18 Moses raetem singsing wea comfortim olketa Israelite. Hem singsing olsem: “God wea hem stap for olowe hem olsem sef ples for haed.” (Deut. 33:27) Profet Samuel talem olketa Israelite: “Iufala mas no lusim Jehovah bat worshipim Jehovah long full heart bilong iufala. . . . Jehovah bae no lusim iufala bikos long nem bilong hem.” (1 Sam. 12:20-22) Sapos iumi gohed faithful long Jehovah, hem bae nating lusim iumi. Hem bae evritaem helpem iumi.

19 Long olketa last day, God helpem and comfortim pipol bilong hem. Long olketa year wea go pas, pipol spoelem staka brata and sista bilong iumi and putim olketa long prison bikos olketa worshipim Jehovah. Nomata olketa kasem hard taem, Jehovah comfortim olketa. Tingim wanfala brata wea stap long prison long Soviet Union for 23 year bikos long biliv bilong hem. Nomata hem stap long prison, hem kasem samfala buk bilong iumi wea strongim and comfortim hem. Hem sei: “Long olketa year wea mi stap long prison, mi lane for trustim Jehovah and hem helpem mi.”—Readim 1 Peter 5:6, 7.

20. Why nao iumi savve Jehovah bae no lusim iumi?

20 Nomata iumi no savve wanem nao bae kasem iumi long future, tingim hao “Jehovah bae no lusim pipol bilong hem.” (Ps. 94:14) Samfala taem iumi needim samwan for comfortim iumi and iumi tu savve comfortim narawan. Long next study, bae iumi lanem wanem iumi savve duim for comfortim olketa wea safa.

Wanem Nao Ansa Bilong Iu?

• Wanem nao samfala samting wea savve mekem iumi safa?

• Wanem nao Jehovah duim for comfortim pipol bilong hem?

• Sapos laef bilong iumi stap long danger, wanem nao savve comfortim iumi?

[Olketa Kwestin]

[Box/Piksa long page 25]


affectim heart Ps. 147:3; 1 John 3:19-22; 5:14, 15

mekem iumi wari Ps. 94:19; Phil. 4:6, 7

mekem iumi no tingting stret Ex. 14:13, 14; Deut. 31:6

spoelem health 2 Cor. 4:8, 9

mekem iumi no garem strong faith Ps. 145:14; Jas. 5:14, 15