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Gohed Fren Gud Witim Jehovah

Gohed Fren Gud Witim Jehovah

“Fren gud witim God and bae hem fren gud witim iufala.” —JAS. 4:8.

1, 2. (a) Wanem nao nogud plan bilong Satan? (b) Wanem nao savve helpem iumi for fren gud witim God?

OLKETA man need for fren witim God. Hem nao wei wea Jehovah wakem olketa. Bat Satan laekem iumi for tingse iumi no need for fren witim Jehovah. Start kam long taem wea Satan laea long Eve, hem trae for mekem olketa man bilivim diswan. (Gen. 3:4-6) Kam kasem distaem staka pipol tingse man no need for fren witim God.

2 Iumi fit for stap klia long disfala trap bilong Satan, bikos Bible story abaotem olketa wei wea Satan trae for trikim iumi. (2 Cor. 2:11) Plan bilong Satan hem for mekem iumi chus for duim olketa samting wea bae spoelem wei wea iumi fren witim Jehovah. Study bifor diswan storyim hao iumi savve mekem gudfala disison saed long waka, hapitaem, and famili bilong iumi. Disfala study bae storyim nara fofala samting wea Satan iusim for trae switim iumi. Olketa nao technology, health, selen, and wei for praod. Sapos iumi mekem gudfala disison long olketa samting hia, datwan savve helpem iumi for “fren gud witim God.”—Jas. 4:8.


3. Hao nao technology savve kamap gudfala samting and nogud samting?

3 Distaem staka pipol iusim olketa samting saed long technology olsem computer, mobile, and kaen samting olsem. Taem iumi iusim olketa samting hia long stretfala wei, olketa savve barava helpem iumi. Bat taem iumi no iusim olketa long stretfala wei, diswan savve spoelem wei wea iumi fren witim Dadi bilong iumi long heven. Olsem example, tingim olketa computer. Organization bilong Jehovah iusim olketa computer for helpem olketa for raetem and pablisim Wastaoa magasin. Computer savve helpem iumi for duim research and for story witim narawan, and iumi savve iusim for hapitaem tu. Bat sapos iumi interest tumas long computer, maet iumi tingim olowe and spendem staka taem tumas for iusim computer. Staka advertisement switim iumi for mas peim evri niu samting saed long technology. Wanfala young man wea laekem tumas wankaen computer hem go operate for aotem wanfala kidney bilong hem and salem, mekem hem savve peim datfala computer. Datwan hem krangge samting for duim!

4. Wanem nao wanfala brata duim for changem wei wea hem ova tumas for iusim computer?

4 Samting wea worse go moa hem sapos iumi letem computer or nara technology for spoelem spiritual saed bilong iumi. Datwan savve happen sapos iumi iusim technology for duim rong samting or iumi spendem staka taem tumas long hem. Wanfala brata wea klosap 30 year, wea nem bilong hem Jon, hem sei long bifor hem savve spendem staka taem tumas long computer and no study seleva. * Staka naet hem savve lukluk long Internet gogo hem sleep leit. Hem sei taem hem taed hem moa hard for hem stop for story witim olketa fren long Internet, or lukluk long olketa movie long Internet, wea samfala movie hia nogud. For helpem hem for no ova tumas for iusim computer, Jon hem changem setting long computer mekem computer savve off seleva long taem wea Jon shud go sleep.—Readim Ephesus 5:15, 16.

5, 6. (a) Wanem responsibility nao parents garem? (b) Wanem nao parents savve duim for helpem pikinini garem olketa gudfala fren?

5 Iufala parents, hem barava important for kontrolem wei wea pikinini bilong iufala iusim computer. No letem olketa for lukluk long olketa Web site wea showim rabis piksa or samting wea join witim spiritism. No letem olketa for pleim olketa raf game, or story witim nogud pipol long Internet. Sapos iu letem olketa for duim eni samting wea olketa laek for duim from iu no laekem olketa for disturbim iu, maet olketa tingse kaen samting olsem hem no rong. Iufala parents garem responsibility for protectim pikinini and olketa teenager bilong iufala from eni samting wea savve spoelem wei wea olketa fren witim Jehovah. Wanfala mami bear bae faet for protectim pikinini bilong hem from eni danger. Parents tu need for protectim pikinini bilong olketa from danger.— Comparem witim Hosea 13:8.

6 Helpem pikinini bilong iu for fren witim olketa nara young and olo Christian wea showimaot gud example. And no forget, olketa pikinini bilong iu needim iu for spendem taem witim olketa! Story witim olketa, plei witim olketa, and waka tugeta witim olketa. Diswan bae helpem iufala evriwan for fren gud witim Jehovah. *


7. Why nao iumi evriwan laek for gohed for healthy?

7 Staka taem, taem iumi sei hello long pipol, iumi savve ask tu hao nao olketa. Diswan hem bikos start kam long taem wea Adam and Eve sin againstim Jehovah, iumi evriwan savve sik. Satan hem hapi taem iumi sik, bikos hem no isi for worshipim Jehovah taem iumi sik. And sapos iumi dae, iumi no savve worshipim hem nao. (Ps. 115:17) So iumi laek for duim samting mekem iumi gohed for healthy. * And iumi laekem olketa brata and sista bilong iumi for healthy tu.

8, 9. (a) Hao nao iumi savve showimaot iumi no ova tumas for tingim and warim health? (b) Why nao hem gud for iumi hapi?

8 Nomata olsem, iumi shud no ova tumas for tingim and warim health bilong iumi. Long samfala kantri, samfala savve ova tumas for storyim wanem man mas duim or kaikaim mekem hem healthy. Olketa spendem moa taem for story abaotem diswan winim wei for story abaotem Kingdom bilong God. Maet olketa tingse olketa helpem narawan. Bat iumi shud no iusim taem wea iumi hipap bifor and bihaen long olketa meeting, assembly, or convention, for salem olketa medicine or storyim olketa idea bilong iumi abaotem health. Why nao olsem?

9 Iumi hipap tugeta for story abaotem olketa spiritual samting and for kasem hapi wea kam from holy spirit bilong God. (Gal. 5:22) Iumi no kam long olketa meeting for story abaotem olketa medicine or idea saed long health, nomata maet olketa narawan laek for story abaotem datwan. Kaen story olsem savve spoelem hapi bilong narawan tu. (Rome 14:17) Iumi shud letem olketa narawan disaed seleva saed long health bilong olketa. No eniwan savve finisim sik, nomata olketa doctor tu. And wei for wari abaotem health bilong iumi evritaem hem no savve helpem iumi. (Luke 12:25) Bible sei “heart wea hapi” savve helpem iumi for feel gud.—Prov. 17:22.

10. (a) Wanem nao mekem man luk naes long Jehovah? (b) Wanem taem nao bae iumi garem perfect health?

10 Hem fitim for iumi tingim tu lukluk bilong iumi. Bat iumi shud no ova tumas for trae for luk young. Bible sei: “White hair hem olsem crown wea luk naes tumas long man wea raeteous.” (Prov. 16:31) Long tingting bilong Jehovah samting wea insaed long heart bilong iumi nao hem important winim lukluk bilong iumi. Iumi tu shud garem sem tingting. (Readim 1 Peter 3:3, 4.) So waswe, hem fitim for iumi kasem operation wea maet spoelem health bilong iumi or putim laef bilong iumi long danger from iumi laek for luk naes nomoa? Nomata iumi young or olo, iumi healthy or sik, samting wea mekem iumi luk naes nao hem “hapi wea Jehovah givim.” (Neh. 8:10) Long niu world nomoa bae iumi garem perfect health and luk young moa. (Job 33:25; Isa. 33:24) Go kasem datfala taem, iumi need for mekem olketa wise disison and trustim olketa promis bilong Jehovah. Diswan bae helpem iumi for hapi long laef bilong iumi distaem and no ova tumas for tingim health bilong iumi.—1 Tim. 4:8.


11. Hao nao selen savve spoelem wei wea iumi fren witim Jehovah?

11 Hem no rong for garem selen or waka for kasem selen. (Eccl. 7:12; Luke 19:12, 13) Bat sapos iumi laekem tumas selen, datwan bae spoelem wei wea iumi fren witim Jehovah. (1 Tim. 6:9, 10) Wei for wari tumas abaotem “olketa samting long laef” wea iumi needim savve spoelem spiritual saed bilong iumi. “Riches wea savve switim man” savve trikim iumi and mekem iumi tingse selen bae mekem iumi hapi and stap gud. (Matt. 13:22) Jesus sei “no eniwan” savve worshipim God and long semtaem busy for kasem staka selen.—Matt. 6:24.

12. Wanem nao pipol duim for trae kasem staka selen kwiktaem, and wanem nao bae helpem iumi for no olsem?

12 Sapos iumi tingse selen nao main important samting, maet datwan mekem iumi duim samting wea no stret for kasem selen. (Prov. 28:20) Samfala peim olketa lucky ticket bikos olketa laek kasem staka selen kwiktaem. Samfala brata givim selen long olketa bisnis wea promis olketa bae kasem big selen kwiktaem, and olketa brata hia switim samfala long kongregeson for duim sem samting. Samfala brata kaonem selen from olketa narawan long kongregeson for duim bisnis and promis olketa bae changem bak witim bigfala selen bihaen. Sapos iumi greedy, maet iumi duim samting wea mekem iumi lusim staka selen. So iumi mas no greedy. Plande taem hem hard tumas for man kasem staka selen kwiktaem.

13. Jehovah laekem iumi for garem wanem tingting abaotem selen?

13 Sapos “Kingdom and olketa samting wea God sei hem stret” hem first samting long laef bilong iumi, Jehovah bae blessim waka wea iumi duim for kasem need bilong iumi. (Matt. 6:33; Eph. 4:28) Jehovah no laekem iumi for wari abaotem selen taem iumi long meeting, or for sleep long meeting from waka bilong iumi mekem iumi taed tumas. Staka pipol long world tingse olketa mas busy olowe for aftarem selen from olketa laek garem gudfala living taem olketa olo. Plande taem olketa talem pikinini bilong olketa for duim sem samting. Bat Jesus sei pipol wea ting olsem no garem gudfala tingting. (Readim Luke 12:15-21.) Gehazi tingse hem savve greedy and long semtaem gohed fren gud witim Jehovah tu.—2 Ki. 5:20-27.

14, 15. Why nao hem no wise for iumi trustim selen? Storyim example.

14 Samfala eagle draon bikos olketa no laek for let go long fish wea olketa kasholem wea hem hevi tumas. Semkaen samting savve happen long iumi sapos iumi trae for kamap rich. Wanfala elder wea nem bilong hem Alex, sei hem savve barava careful long hao hem iusim selen bilong hem. Olsem example, hem sei nomata lelebet shampoo, hem no savve weistim tu. Bat hem tingse sapos hem savve kasem samfala selen moa, hem savve finis from waka bilong hem and pioneer. So hem lane hao for baem and salem olketa share long stock market and hem iusim evri selen bilong hem for baem olketa share. Hem kaonem selen tu for baem samfala share moa! Bat price bilong olketa share wea hem baem hem barava go daon. Alex sei: “Mi laekem tumas for kasem bak selen bilong mi.” Hem tingse sapos hem weit nomoa, price bilong olketa share bae go ap moa.

15 For staka month, Alex tingim nomoa olketa share bilong hem. Hem no savve sleep gud, and hem faendem hem hard for putim olketa spiritual samting firstaem. Bat price bilong olketa share bilong hem nating go ap moa. Evri selen bilong Alex hem lus, and hem mas salem haos bilong hem tu. Hem sei hem kosim staka problem for famili bilong hem. Bat hem lanem wanfala important samting. Hem sei eniwan wea tingse world bilong Satan savve mekem man hapi and stap gud, bae hem barava sorre. (Prov. 11:28) Sapos iumi trustim selen or savve bilong iumi for kasem selen, iumi trustim Satan nomoa wea hem “god bilong disfala world.” (2 Cor. 4:4; 1 Tim. 6:17) Distaem Alex changem samfala samting long laef bilong hem mekem hem spendem moa taem long preaching waka. Diswan mekem Alex and famili bilong hem hapi winim bifor and helpem olketa for fren gud witim Jehovah.—Readim Mark 10:29, 30.


16. Wanem kaen wei for praod nao hem gud, bat wanem nao savve happen sapos iumi tinghae tumas long iumiseleva?

16 Hem fitim for iumi praod long samfala samting. Olsem example, iumi shud praod iumi Olketa Jehovah’s Witness. (Jer. 9:24) From iumi praod long datwan, iumi traem best for mekem olketa gudfala disison and followim olketa hae standard bilong God. Bat iumi mas keakea for no praod long wei for tinghae tumas long iumiseleva and tingse savve bilong iumi hem winim savve bilong Jehovah. Tingting olsem savve spoelem wei wea iumi fren witim Jehovah.—Ps. 138:6; Rome 12:3.

17, 18. (a) Hu nao samfala long Bible wea hambol and samfala wea praod? (b) Wanem nao wanfala brata duim mekem wei for praod no spoelem wei wea hem fren witim Jehovah?

17 Bible story abaotem pipol wea praod and pipol wea hambol. From King David hem hambol hem askem Jehovah for leadim hem, and Jehovah blessim hem. (Ps. 131:1-3) Bat Jehovah panisim King Nebuchadnezzar and King Belshazzar bikos tufala praod. (Dan. 4:30-37; 5:22-30) Samfala samting savve happen long iumi tu wea showimaot sapos iumi hambol or praod. Olsem example, Ryan, wanfala ministerial servant wea hem 32 year, hem muv go long niu kongregeson. Hem tingse no longtaem bihaen, bae hem kamap elder. Bat bihaen wanfala year, hem no elder yet. Waswe, Ryan hem kros long olketa elder from olketa no recommendim hem? Waswe, hem no laek go long olketa meeting and letem diswan spoelem wei wea hem fren witim Jehovah and olketa long kongregeson? Sapos iu nao Ryan, wanem nao bae iu duim?

18 Ryan duim research abaotem wei for patient. (Prov. 13:12) Hem sei: “Mi start for luksavve mi mas lane for patient and hambol. Mi mas letem Jehovah trainim mi.” So Ryan start for ting raonem wanem hem savve duim for helpem olketa long kongregeson and pipol wea hem meetim long ministry. No longtaem bihaen, hem garem samfala Bible study wea gohed gud. Hem sei: “Wan and haf year bihaen, taem olketa appointim mi for elder, mi no expectim datwan. From mi barava enjoyim ministry bilong mi, mi no tingting tumas nao abaotem why mi no elder.”—Readim Psalm 37:3, 4.


19, 20. (a) Hao nao iumi savve mek sure sevenfala samting wea iumi storyim no spoelem wei wea iumi fren witim Jehovah? (b) Hu nao samfala wea no letem eni samting spoelem wei wea olketa fren witim Jehovah?

19 Sevenfala samting wea iumi storyim long disfala study and study bifor diswan, olketa no rong. Iumi praod iumi Olketa Jehovah’s Witness. Iumi savve garem hapi famili and gudfala health. Iumi mas waka and garem selen for kasem need bilong iumi and famili bilong iumi. Hapitaem hem gud samting wea savve strongim iumi, and technology savve helpem iumi. Bat iumi mas no forget sapos iumi duim eni samting long taem wea no fitim, long wei wea ova tumas, or wea stopem iumi for no duim wanem Jehovah laekem, datwan bae spoelem wei wea iumi fren witim Jehovah.

No letem eni samting spoelem wei wea iu fren witim Jehovah!

20 Datwan nao samting wea Satan laekem for happen. Bat iu savve duim samting for protectim iuseleva and famili bilong iu! (Prov. 22:3) Fren gud witim Jehovah, and no letem eni samting spoelem datwan. Bible story abaotem staka wea duim diswan. Enoch and Noah “wakabaot witim trufala God.” (Gen. 5:22; 6:9) Moses “hem gohed strong bikos hem olsem hem lukim God wea no eniwan savve lukim.” (Heb. 11:27) Jesus evritaem duim wanem Dadi bilong hem laekem, and Jehovah blessim hem for datwan. (John 8:29) Followim example bilong olketa. Bible sei: “Iufala mas hapi olowe. Iufala mas prea evritaem. Talem thankiu long God for evri samting.” (1 Thess. 5:16-18) No letem eni samting spoelem wei wea iu fren witim Jehovah!

^ par. 4 Mifala changem samfala nem.

^ par. 6 Lukim article “How to Raise Responsible Children” long October 2011, Awake!

^ par. 7 Lukim article “Five Keys to Better Health” long March 2011, Awake!