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“Strongim Go Moa Faith Bilong Mifala”

“Strongim Go Moa Faith Bilong Mifala”

“Helpem mi for strongim faith bilong mi!”—MARK 9:24.

SONG: 81, 135

1. Why nao hem important for iumi garem faith? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

WASWE, enitaem iu ting olsem: ‘Bae Jehovah sevem mi long taem bilong bigfala trabol?’ Aposol Paul sei hem important for iumi garem faith sapos iumi laek for laef long datfala taem. Hem sei: “Man wea no garem faith no savve mekem God hapi.” (Heb. 11:6) Bible sei tu: “No evriwan hem garem faith.” (2 Thess. 3:2) Tufala scripture hia helpem iumi for luksavve hem barava important for strongim faith bilong iumi.

2, 3. (a) Wanem nao Peter talem wea showimaot hem important for garem faith? (b) Olketa wanem kwestin nao bae iumi storyim long disfala study?

2 Aposol Peter story abaotem faith bilong olketa wea “kasem test.” (Readim 1 Peter 1:7.) From bigfala trabol hem klosap, iumi laek for “garem faith wea bae mekem iumi gohed for laef.” (Heb. 10:39) So iumi mas waka hard for strongim faith bilong iumi. Iumi laek for kasem reward taem King bilong iumi, Jesus Christ, hem showaot. Dastawe iumi tu laek for askem sem samting wea wanfala man askem long Jesus taem hem sei: “Helpem mi for strongim faith bilong mi!” (Mark 9:24) And, olsem olketa aposol, iumi savve sei: “Strongim go moa faith bilong mifala.”—Luke 17:5.

3 Long disfala study, iumi bae storyim thrifala kwestin hia: Wanem nao iumi savve duim for strongim faith bilong iumi? Wanem nao bae showimaot iumi garem strongfala faith? Why nao iumi sure God bae strongim faith bilong iumi taem iumi askem hem for duim datwan?


4. Example bilong olketa hu nao savve encouragem iumi for strongim faith bilong iumi?

4 From hem important for iumi garem faith, Bible storyim example bilong staka pipol wea garem faith. Olketa example hia hem “for teachim iumi.” (Rome 15:4) Example bilong Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, and staka narawan savve encouragem iumi for strongim faith bilong iumi. (Heb. 11:32-35) And tu, long taem bilong iumi, iumi savve read abaotem olketa brata and sista wea garem strongfala faith. *

5. Wanem nao showimaot Elijah garem strongfala faith long Jehovah, and hem gud for iumi tingim wanem kwestin?

5 Profet Elijah hem wanfala man wea garem strongfala faith. Tingim faevfala samting wea happen wea showimaot Elijah barava trustim Jehovah. (1) Taem Elijah talem King Ahab hem bae no rain, hem no garem eni daot taem hem sei: “Olsem Jehovah, God bilong Israel wea mi worshipim wea hem laef, long olketa year hia no eni dew or rain bae kam.” (1 Ki. 17:1) (2) Elijah trustim Jehovah bae givim hem and olketa narawan wanem olketa needim long datfala taem wea hem no rain. (1 Ki. 17:4, 5, 13, 14) (3) Elijah barava sure Jehovah bae resurrectim son bilong wanfala widow woman. (1 Ki. 17:21) (4) Hem no daotem wei wea Jehovah bae sendem fire for bonem sakrifaes bilong hem long Maunt Carmel. (1 Ki. 18:24, 37) (5) Nomata hem no rain yet, Elijah showimaot hem trustim Jehovah taem hem sei long Ahab: “Go ap, kaikai and drink, bikos mi herem saond bilong bigfala rain.” (1 Ki. 18:41) Taem iumi ting raonem example bilong Elijah, hem gud for iumi tingim diswan: ‘Waswe, mi garem strongfala faith olsem Elijah?’


6. Wanem nao iumi mas askem long Jehovah mekem iumi savve strongim faith bilong iumi?

6 Iumi mas askem God for holy spirit mekem iumi savve strongim faith bilong iumi. Why nao olsem? Bikos holy spirit hem mekem man for garem faith. (Gal. 5:22) Iumi wise sapos iumi followim kaonsel bilong Jesus for gohed askem God for holy spirit. Jesus sei Jehovah bae “givim holy spirit long olketa wea askem hem.”—Luke 11:13.

7. Wanem nao iumi savve duim for gohed garem strongfala faith?

7 Iumi mas duim samting for gohed garem strongfala faith. Faith bilong iumi hem olsem wanfala fire. Long firstaem, fire hem savve laet big. Bat sapos iumi no gohed putim firewood long fire, hem bae dae and asis nomoa stap. Bat sapos iumi gohed for putim firewood long fire, bae hem gohed for laet. Faith bilong iumi hem olsem tu. Sapos iumi gohed for readim and studyim Bible evriday, bae iumi tinghae long wanem iumi lanem and iumi bae strongim wei wea iumi lovem Jehovah. Taem iumi duim olsem, datwan bae strongim faith bilong iumi.

8. Wanem nao savve helpem iumi for strongim faith bilong iumi?

8 Iumi mas gohed for lanem olketa samting insaed long Bible bihaen iumi baptaes. (Heb. 6:1, 2) Olsem example, wei for studyim olketa profesi long Bible wea kamap tru finis bae helpem iumi for strongim faith bilong iumi. And tu, Bible savve helpem iumi for luksavve sapos iumi garem strongfala faith.—Readim James 1:25; 2:24, 26.

9, 10. (a) Taem iumi associate witim pipol wea garem gudfala wei, hao nao datwan strongim faith bilong iumi? (b) Hao nao olketa meeting strongim faith bilong iumi? (c) Hao nao preaching waka strongim faith bilong iumi?

9 Aposol Paul sei olsem long olketa Christian: “Mi laekem iumi evriwan strongim narawan. Faith bilong iufala bae strongim mi, and faith bilong mi bae strongim iufala tu.” (Rome 1:12) Taem iumi associate witim olketa brata and sista bilong iumi, iumi savve strongim faith bilong each other. And hem barava gud for iumi associate witim olketa wea faith bilong olketa “kasem test.” (Jas. 1:3) Sapos iumi associate witim pipol wea garem nogud wei, olketa bae spoelem faith bilong iumi. Bat sapos iumi associate witim pipol wea garem gudfala wei, olketa bae strongim faith bilong iumi. (1 Cor. 15:33) Dastawe hem important for evritaem go long olketa meeting. Iumi savve “encouragem narawan” long olketa meeting. (Readim Hebrew 10:24, 25.) And tu, wanem iumi herem long olketa meeting savve strongim faith bilong iumi. Bible sei: “Bihaen man herem message nao hem savve garem faith.” (Rome 10:17) So hem gud for tingim diswan: ‘Waswe, mi evritaem go long olketa meeting?’

10 Iumi strongim faith bilong iumi tu taem iumi preachim gud nius and teachim pipol abaotem Bible. Olsem olketa firstfala Christian, iumi lane for trustim Jehovah and for no fraet for preach.—Acts 4:17-20; 13:46.

11. Wanem nao helpem Caleb and Joshua for garem strongfala faith, and wanem nao bae helpem iumi for garem strongfala faith?

11 Taem iumi lukim Jehovah helpem iumi and ansarem olketa prea bilong iumi, datwan strongim faith bilong iumi. Hem nao samting wea strongim faith bilong Caleb and Joshua. Tufala showimaot tufala garem faith long Jehovah taem tufala go for spaem Promis Land. Evritaem tufala lukim Jehovah helpem tufala, datwan strongim faith bilong tufala. Dastawe Joshua savve sei long olketa Israelite: “Evri samting wea God bilong iufala Jehovah promisim hem kamap tru.” Hem sei tu: “Iufala mas fraet long Jehovah and faithful long hem.” Then hem sei: “Mi and famili bilong mi bae worshipim Jehovah.” (Josh. 23:14; 24:14, 15) Taem iumi trustim Jehovah and iumi lukim wei wea hem helpem iumi, datwan bae strongim faith bilong iumi.—Ps. 34:8.


12. Wanem nao bae showimaot iumi garem strongfala faith?

12 Wanem nao bae showimaot iumi garem strongfala faith? Disaepol James sei: “Mi bae showim iu faith bilong mi taem mi duim gudfala samting.” (Jas. 2:18) Olketa samting wea iumi duim bae showimaot sapos iumi garem strongfala faith. Distaem bae iumi storyim samfala samting wea iumi savve duim.

Olketa wea waka hard long ministry showimaot olketa garem strongfala faith (Paragraf 13 storyim diswan)

13. Taem iumi duim preaching waka, hao nao datwan showimaot iumi garem faith?

13 Wanfala nambawan wei for showimaot iumi garem faith hem for duim preaching waka. Why nao iumi sei olsem? Bikos taem iumi preach, iumi showimaot iumi barava sure end bilong world hem klosap and “hem bae no leit!” (Hab. 2:3) Samting wea bae helpem iumi for luksavve sapos iumi garem strongfala faith, hem for ting raonem olketa kwestin hia: ‘Waswe, mi duim best bilong mi long preaching waka? Waswe, mi trae for duim samfala samting moa long waka bilong Jehovah?’ (2 Cor. 13:5) Iumi laek for showimaot iumi garem strongfala faith long wei for “iusim mouth bilong [iumi] for talemaot datfala message” abaotem gud nius.—Readim Rome 10:10.

14, 15. (a) Wanem nao iumi savve duim wea showimaot iumi garem faith long Jehovah? (b) Storyim experience bilong wanfala famili wea showimaot olketa garem strongfala faith.

14 Iumi showimaot tu iumi garem faith long Jehovah taem iumi no givap nomata iumi kasem hard taem. Taem iumi sik, feel sorre, wikdaon, poor, or kasem olketa nara problem, iumi mas showimaot iumi trustim Jehovah and Jesus for helpem iumi “taem iumi needim help.” (Heb. 4:16) Iumi showimaot iumi garem faith long Jehovah taem iumi askem hem for helpem iumi. Jesus sei iumi savve askem Jehovah for givim iumi ‘kaikai wea iumi needim for tuday.’ (Luke 11:3) Samfala story long Bible showimaot Jehovah savve givim iumi eni samting wea iumi needim. Olsem example, bihaen hem no rain for longfala taem long Israel, Jehovah givim kaikai and wata long Elijah. Bible sei: “Olketa bird tekem kam bred and meat for hem long morning and bred and meat for hem long evening, and hem drinkim wata from wanfala stream.” (1 Ki. 17:3-6) Iumi tu garem faith hao Jehovah savve givim iumi wanem iumi needim.

Iumi showimaot faith taem iumi gohed faithful nomata samfala samting long laef hem no isi (Paragraf 14 storyim diswan)

15 Iumi savve taem iumi followim olketa Bible principle, Jehovah bae helpem iumi for provaedem wanem famili bilong iumi needim. Rebecca, wanfala sista long Asia, storyim hao hem and famili bilong hem followim principle long Matthew 6:33 and Proverbs 10:4. Rebecca sei hasband bilong hem luksavve waka bilong hem savve spoelem wei wea famili fren witim Jehovah. So hasband bilong hem lusim datfala waka. Bat tufala garem fofala pikinini for lukaftarem, so wanem nao olketa duim? Olketa wakem kaikai for salem. From olketa waka hard, olketa kasem inaf selen for lukaftarem famili bilong olketa. Rebecca sei: “Mifala luksavve Jehovah evritaem sapotim mifala. Mifala evritaem garem kaikai.” Waswe, iu tu lukim wei wea Jehovah sapotim iu taem iu showimaot faith long hem?

16. Wanem gud samting nao bae iumi kasem sapos iumi garem faith long God?

16 Taem iumi duim wanem Jehovah talem, hem bae evritaem helpem iumi. Paul talem toktok bilong Habakkuk taem hem sei: “Man wea raeteous bae gohed for laef from hem garem faith.” (Gal. 3:11; Hab. 2:4) Dastawe iumi shud garem strongfala faith long God bikos hem savve helpem iumi. Paul sei: “From paoa bilong hem waka insaed long iumi, samting wea God savve duim hem barava winim nao wanem iumi askem or tingim.” (Eph. 3:20) Iumi duim best bilong iumi for duim wanem God laekem, bat iumi luksavve iumi needim God for helpem iumi. Iumi hapi God sapotim iumi and hem blessim hard waka bilong iumi.


17. (a) Taem olketa aposol askem Jesus for strongim faith bilong olketa, wanem nao Jesus duim? (b) Why nao iumi barava sure Jehovah bae strongim faith bilong iumi sapos iumi askem hem for duim datwan?

17 Disfala study maet mekem iumi for garem sem tingting olsem olketa aposol wea sei long Jesus: “Strongim go moa faith bilong mifala.” (Luke 17:5) Jesus duim datwan long Pentecost 33 C.E., taem olketa aposol kasem holy spirit and datwan helpem olketa for minim gud plan bilong God for olketa man. Datwan strongim faith bilong olketa. Wanem nao kamaot from datwan? Olketa strong for duim preaching waka long staka difren ples. (Col. 1:23) Sapos iumi askem God for strongim faith bilong iumi, waswe, bae hem duim datwan? Jehovah sei hem bae duim olsem sapos “samting wea iumi askem [hem] followim tingting bilong God.”—1 John 5:14.

18. Olketa wea trustim Jehovah bae kasem wanem blessing?

18 Sapos iumi barava trustim Jehovah, hem bae hapi long iumi. Hem bae strongim faith bilong iumi taem iumi askem hem for duim datwan, iumi bae garem strongfala faith, and from datwan iumi bae “fit for kasem datfala Kingdom bilong God.”—2 Thess. 1:3, 5.

^ par. 4 Olsem example, lukim laef story bilong Lillian Gobitas Klose (July 22, 1993, Awake!), Feliks Borys (February 22, 1994, Awake!), and Josephine Elias (September 2009 Awake!).