Disfala magasin garem olketa study for February 1 go kasem February 28, 2016.

Waswe, Iu Tingim Yet?

Waswe, iu tingim yet olketa samting wea iu readim long olketa Wastaoa insaed sixfala month wea go finis.

Jehovah Story Kam Long Olketa Man

Iumi lanem important samting from wei wea God iusim olketa difren languis for teachim pipol.

Bible Transleison wea Isi for Minim

Taem Niu World Bible Transleison Komiti transleitim Bible, olketa evritaem tingim thrifala point.

Datfala 2013 Revised English New World Translation

Wanem nao samfala change wea kamap long revised Bible?

Iumi Laekem Toktok Bilong Iumi for Mekem Jehovah Hapi

Hao nao example bilong Jesus savve helpem iumi for luksavve long stretfala taem for story, wanem for talem, and hao for story?

Jehovah Bae Helpem Iu

Wanem nao iumi shud duim taem iumi sik?


Mi Fren Gud Witim God and Mami Bilong Mi

Taem Michiyo Kumagai stop for worshipim olketa grani wea dae finis, mami kros long hem. Wanem nao helpem Michiyo for mek peace witim mami?

Subject Index for Wastaoa 2015

List bilong olketa article insaed pablik Wastaoa and study Wastaoa.