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Datfala 2013 Revised English New World Translation

Datfala 2013 Revised English New World Translation

LONG olketa year bifor, organization bilong Jehovah mekem samfala change long New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Bat long revised English New World Translation wea iumi kasem long 2013, olketa changem staka samting. Olsem example, staka scripture no garem staka word olsem bifor. Olketa changem samfala important toktok. Toktok long samfala chapter olketa raetem olsem poem, and olketa putim samfala footnote for explainim samfala toktok. Long disfala article, bae iumi storyim samfala change wea kamap long datfala revised English New World Translation.

Samfala important toktok wea change. Olsem iumi storyim long page 11 and 12 long disfala magasin, English toktok wea olketa iusim for “Sheol,” “Hades,” and “soul” hem change. And samfala nara English toktok hem change tu.

Olsem example, disfala toktok “impaled” hem kamap “executed on a stake” or “nailed to the stake.” Datwan hem bikos disfala word “impaled” savve minim for spiarim, bat hem no hao Jesus hem dae. (Matt. 20:19; 27:31) Greek toktok wea olketa transleitim “loose conduct” bifor, hem kamap “brazen conduct” wea showimaot wei wea man nating shame for duim rong samting. Maet samfala pipol tingse datfala toktok “long-suffering” wea English Bible iusim bifor, hem minim man hem safa for longfala taem. Bat distaem hem kamap “patience,” wea hem nao barava mining bilong hem long Greek languis. “Revelries” hem kamap “wild parties,” wea hem toktok wea staka pipol minim distaem. (Gal. 5:19-22) “Loving-kindness” hem kamap “loyal love.” Plande taem Bible iusim “loyal love” taem hem story abaotem wei for faithful.—Ps. 36:5; 89:1.

Long bifor olketa evritaem iusim sem English word for transleitim samfala word long Bible, bat samfala toktok long Bible savve garem tu-thri difren mining long English. Olsem example, datfala Hebrew word ʽoh·lamʹ savve minim “time indefinite,” bat hem savve minim tu “forever.” From datwan, olketa changem samfala toktok long samfala scripture olsem Psalm 90:2 and Micah 5:2.

Hebrew and Greek word wea hem minim “seed” long English savve minim really seed, bat hem savve minim pikinini tu. Long New World Translation bifor, olketa evritaem iusim “seed,” olsem example, long Genesis 3:15. Distaem long English languis pipol no savve iusim word “seed” for minim pikinini, dastawe revised Bible iusim “offspring” long Genesis 3:15 and long samfala nara scripture tu. (Gen. 22:17, 18; Rev. 12:17) Long olketa nara scripture long Bible, olketa transleitim datwan followim wanem hem minim.—Gen. 1:11; Ps. 22:30; Isa. 57:3.

Changem samfala toktok long samfala scripture mekem mining hem klia. Appendix A1 bilong 2013 revised Bible sei hem important for wanfala Bible transleison hem mas klia and isi for minim. Taem mining bilong wanfala toktok long Hebrew or Greek languis hem klia taem olketa transleitim long nara languis, olketa transleitim stret followim hao olketa talem long Hebrew or Greek languis. Olsem example, datfala toktok “searches the . . . hearts” long Revelation 2:23 hem isi for minim taem olketa transleitim long olketa nara languis. Datfala sem scripture iusim tu toktok “searches the kidneys” wea maet hem no isi for minim, so long revised Bible hem no sei “kidneys” bat hem sei “innermost thoughts.” Long sem wei tu, hem no isi for minim datfala toktok “the kidney fat of wheat” long Deuteronomy 32:14, so revised Bible hem sei “the finest wheat.” And tu, long Exodus 6:12, revised Bible no sei “I am uncircumcised in lips” bat hem sei “I speak with difficulty.”

Why nao olketa toktok hia “sons of Israel” and “fatherless boys” olketa transleitim olsem “Israelites” and “fatherless children”? Long Hebrew languis, samfala word olketa iusim taem olketa storyim wanfala man or wanfala woman. Bat samfala taem word wea olketa iusim for storyim man, hem savve minim woman tu. Olsem example, samfala scripture wea storyim “the sons of Israel” hem minim olketa man and woman, dastawe revised Bible hem sei “the Israelites.”—Ex. 1:7; 35:29; 2 Ki. 8:12.

Dastawe, Hebrew word wea minim “sons” long Genesis 3:16 olketa transleitim olsem “children” long New World Translation bifor. So long revised Bible olketa changem Exodus 22:24 for sei: “Your children [Hebrew, “sons”] will be fatherless.” And long olketa nara scripture datfala toktok “fatherless boy” hem kamap “fatherless child” or “orphan.” (Deut. 10:18; Job 6:27) Greek Septuagint talem sem samting tu. And tu, datfala toktok “the days of your young manhood” long Ecclesiastes 12:1 hem kamap “the days of your youth” long revised Bible.

Wei wea olketa transleitim samfala Hebrew verb hem change. Olketa Hebrew verb savve showimaot sapos wanfala samting wea happen hem gohed yet, or hem happen finis. Long New World Translation bifor, sapos Hebrew verb storyim samting wea happen hem gohed yet, olketa savve iusim olketa English toktok olsem “proceeded to” or “went on to.” * Sapos Hebrew verb storyim samting wea happen finis, olketa savve iusim olketa English toktok olsem “certainly,” “must,” and “indeed.”

Datfala 2013 revised Bible hem only talem sapos wanfala samting wea happen hem gohed yet, or hem happen finis sapos hem important for talem olsem. Olsem example, revised Bible hem sei “God said: Let there be light” bikos hem no important for sei God gohed for talem datfala toktok. (Gen. 1:3) Bat taem Jehovah kolem Adam, luk olsem hem gohed for duim datwan, dastawe revised Bible long Genesis 3:9 sei “kept calling.” So for mekem revised Bible hem isi for minim, hem storyim samting wea happen hem gohed yet, or hem happen finis only sapos datwan hem important. And tu, diswan mekem English transleison hem no garem staka toktok olsem Hebrew languis.

Olketa raetem samfala nara chapter moa olsem wei for raetem poem, bikos long firstaem olketa toktok hia hem olketa poem

Why nao olketa raetem samfala nara chapter moa olsem wei for raetem poem? Staka scripture long Bible hem olketa poem. Distaem pipol wea raetem poem olketa laek for iusim samfala word wea garem sem saond. Bat pipol wea raetem poem long Hebrew languis laek for storyim wanfala idea long wei for comparem tufala samting or talem wanfala samting long tufala difren wei. Wei for duim olsem nao mekem poem hem here naes long Hebrew languis.

Long New World Translation bifor, olketa raetem Bible buk Job and Psalms olsem wei for raetem poem bikos pipol long bifor savve singim or readim big toktok long tufala buk hia. Wei for duim olsem helpem man for rememberim olketa scripture hia and for readim olsem wanfala poem. Long 2013 revised Bible, olketa raetem Proverbs, Song of Solomon, and samfala nara Bible buk olsem wei for raetem poem. Olsem example, lukim Isaiah 24:2. Datfala scripture showimaot Jehovah bae judgem evriwan, and no eniwan bae misstim datwan. Wanem Isaiah raetem hem wanfala poem, dastawe hem talem samfala samting long olketa difren wei bikos hem laek for strongim message bilong God.

Samfala taem hem no isi for luksavve long olketa poem long Hebrew languis. Dastawe samfala Bible transleison raetem samfala Bible buk olsem poem and samfala nara Bible transleison no duim olsem. Olketa wea transleitim Bible nao mas iusim gudfala tingting for disaedem which scripture for raetem olsem wanfala poem. Samfala verse long Bible iusim tokpiksa, and talem samfala toktok long samfala difren wei for strongim point wea mekem hem olsem wanfala poem, bat hem no wanfala poem.

Long 2013 revised Bible hem garem niu samting wea hem nao “Outline of Contents” for evri buk long Bible. Taem iumi readim Bible buk Song of Solomon, datfala “Outline of Contents” savve helpem iumi for luksavve hu nao story.

Wei for studyim olketa firstfala manuscript mekem olketa change kamap long revised Bible. Olketa brata iusim Masoretic Text long Hebrew languis and Bible long Greek languis wea Westcott and Hort raetem for transleitim firstfala New World Translation. Wei wea olketa brata gohed for studyim olketa firstfala manuscript mekem olketa luksavve long olketa samting wea olketa wea raetem Bible raetem long firstaem. Olketa brata savve readim olketa copy bilong olketa Dead Sea Scroll. Olketa studyim tu staka nara manuscript long Greek languis. Staka long olketa manuscript hia olketa savve readim long computer, wea datwan mekem hem isi for comparem olketa difren manuscript for luksavve which wan nao olketa shud followim taem olketa transleitim Bible. From Niu World Bible Transleison Komiti studyim gud olketa manuscript hia, wei wea olketa transleitim samfala scripture hem change.

Olsem example, long Greek Septuagint long 2 Samuel 13:21, hem garem toktok hia: “But he would not hurt the feelings of Amnon his son, because he loved him, for he was his firstborn.” Firstfala New World Translation hem no garem olketa toktok hia bikos hem no stap long Masoretic Text. Bat hem stap long olketa Dead Sea Scroll, so olketa putim insaed long 2013 revised Bible. And tu, olketa putim bak nem bilong God faevfala taem insaed long Bible buk First Samuel. Wei for studyim olketa manuscript long Greek languis tu mekem olketa changem wanem toktok nao for kam firstaem long Matthew 21:29-31. So olketa mekem samfala change bikos olketa studyim gud olketa oldfala manuscript.

Diswan hem samfala change wea olketa mekem long New World Translation mekem hem isi for readim and minim. Iumi barava tinghae long disfala present wea kam from God.

^ par. 10 Lukim New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References, Appendix 3C “Hebrew Verbs Indicating Continuous or Progressive Action.”