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Waswe, Hem Olraet for Olketa Christian Celebratem Christmas?

Waswe, Hem Olraet for Olketa Christian Celebratem Christmas?

Staka pipol tingse Christmas hem festival bilong olketa Christian for celebratem taem wea Jesus hem born. Bat staka samting wea pipol duim long Christmas hem mekem iumi laek savve hao nao olketa samting hia join witim taem wea Jesus hem born.

Olsem example, Father Christmas hem wanfala samting wea pipol mekhae long hem. Long 1931, wanfala company long North America wea wakem olketa soft drink startim disfala idea abaotem man wea werem red kaleko, red hat and garem white beard. Olketa kolem hem Santa Claus or Father Christmas and olketa iusim hem long advertisement bilong olketa. Long samting olsem 1950, samfala pipol long Brazil laekem pipol for mekhae long Grandpa Indian, wanfala kastom man bilong olketa, and no mekhae long Santa Claus. Wanem nao hem happen? Carlos Fantinati, wanfala savveman sei, pipol no laek for mekhae long Grandpa Indian or Jesus long December 25, bat olketa laek for mekhae nomoa long Santa Claus. Bat wanem moa pipol duim long taem bilong Christmas wea no stret? For savve long ansa, bae iumi storyim samting wea olketa Christian long bifor no duim.

Encyclopedia Britannica hem sei: “For samting olsem 200 year bihaen Jesus hem dae, olketa Christian no celebratem birthday bilong olketa aposol and no celebratem birthday bilong Jesus tu.” Why nao olsem? Olketa Christian luksavve olketa shud no celebratem birthday bikos hem wanfala kastom biliv. And tu, Bible no storyim date wea Jesus hem born.

Long mek-foa century C.E., Catholic Church startim wei for celebratem Christmas nomata olketa firstfala Christian no celebratem birthday. Catholic Church laekem staka pipol for followim religion bilong olketa, so olketa no laekem pipol for celebratem datfala kastom festival bilong olketa long Rome wea savve kamap long taem bilong winter (winter solstice). Datfala buk Christmas in America wea Penne Restad raetem hem sei: “Evri year, start long December 17 go kasem January 1, pipol bilong Rome savve mekem olketa hapitaem for mekhae long olketa god bilong olketa.” And long December 25, pipol bilong Rome celebratem birthday bilong Sun. From Catholic Church markem December 25 olsem day for celebratem Christmas, datwan mekem staka pipol bilong Rome for celebratem birthday bilong Jesus winim wei for celebratem birthday bilong sun. Datfala buk Santa Claus, a Biography wea Gerry Bowler raetem hem sei pipol bilong Rome “savve gohed for duim olketa hapitaem wea olketa savve duim long taem wea olketa celebratem birthday bilong sun.” So Catholic Church joinim celebration bilong olketa Christian witim olketa kastom celebration.

So main reason why hem no fitim for olketa Christian celebratem Christmas hem bikos long wei wea datfala celebration hem start. Long datfala buk The Battle for Christmas, wea Stephen Nissenbaum raetem, hem sei Christmas “hem wanfala kastom festival nomoa wea olketa Christian celebratem.” Christmas hem no mekhae long God and Son bilong hem, Jesus Christ. Nomata olsem, waswe, hem olraet nomoa for celebratem Christmas? Bible hem sei: “Hem hard tumas for samting wea raeteous hem join witim samting wea no stret, or for laet hem stap tugeta witim darkness.” (2 Corinth 6:14) Hem barava klia, hem no fitim olketa Christian for celebratem Christmas.—Ecclesiastes 1:15.