Why Hem Gud for Readim Bible?
“Mi tingse Bible hem hard tumas for man minim.”—Jovy
“Long tingting bilong mi, hem boring nomoa for readim Bible.”—Queennie
“Taem mi lukim Bible hem bigfala buk, datwan mekem mi no laek readim nao.”—Ezekiel
Waswe, iu tu feel olsem olketa hia taem iu ting for readim Bible? Staka ting long wei for readim Bible olsem hem hard tumas. Bat sapos Bible savve helpem iu for hapi and enjoyim laef, and iu savve duim samting wea bae mekem Bible reading hem interesting, maet datwan mekem iu laek for readim Bible.
Iumi bae storyim olketa gud samting wea samfala kasem taem olketa readim Bible.
Ezekiel, wea hem samting olsem 20 year, hem sei: “Long bifor, mi no garem olketa goal. Mi olsem man wea draevem wanfala car bat hem no tingim firstaem wea nao hem laek for go long hem. Bat wei for readim Bible hem helpem mi for garem gudfala laef. Bible garem olketa advaes wea savve helpem mi evriday.”
Frieda, wea hem tu samting olsem 20 year, hem sei: “Mi savve kwiktaem feel nogud long eni smol samting. Bat Bible reading helpem mi for kontrolem miseleva. Datwan mekem olketa narawan laek fren witim mi, so distaem mi garem staka fren.”
Eunice, wea hem samting olsem 50 year, hem sei: “Wanem mi readim long Bible helpem mi for lusim olketa nogud wei bilong mi and for garem olketa gudfala wei.”
Olketa hia and staka narawan luksavve wei for readim Bible savve helpem man for garem gudfala laef. (Isaiah 48:17, 18) Bible savve helpem iu for (1) mekem olketa gudfala disison, (2) garem olketa gudfala fren, (3) deal witim wari, and (4) lanem tru samting abaotem God, wea hem best samting for duim. Taem man followim advaes long Bible datwan bae helpem hem bikos datfala advaes hem kam from God. God evritaem givim olketa gudfala advaes.
So hem important for iumi start for readim Bible. Wanem nao samfala samting wea savve helpem iu for duim datwan and for mekem iu enjoyim Bible reading bilong iu?