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WASTAOA No. 1 2018 | Waswe, Bible Still Fitim Distaem?


From staka information stap bikos long technology distaem, waswe, datwan minim Bible hem barava old and no fitim distaem? Bible sei:

“Evri toktok insaed long olketa Holy Raeting hem kam from God. Hem savve teachim pipol.”—2 Timothy 3:16.

Disfala Wastaoa magasin storyim hao Bible savve helpem iumi long evri samting long laef.


Waswe, Bible Hem Fitim Distaem?

From hem isi tumas for kasem niu information kwiktaem, waswe, bae pipol lukaotem advaes long buk wea olketa finis for raetem samting olsem 2,000 year go finis?

Olketa Bible Principle Fitim Distaem Tu

Bible hem evritaem stret, and olketa principle insaed savve helpem iumi and barava fitim distaem.

Waswe, Hem Old Tumas or Hem Fitim Distaem?

Bible hem no science buk, bat hem talem olketa stret samting wea olketa scientist faendemaot bihaen.

1 Misstim Nogud Samting

Read abaotem hao Bible savve helpem pipol for lusim olketa nogud wei bilong olketa bifor hem spoelem olketa.

2 Stretem Problem

Bible savve helpem iumi for stretem kaen problem olsem wea savve mekem iumi feel wikdaon, olsem wei for wari tumas, delay for duim samting, and wei for feel lonely.

3 Deal Witim Hard Taem

Hao nao iumi savve deal witim samfala hard taem wea kasem iumi distaem wea no savve finis and hard for iumi misstim, olsem bigfala sik or dae?

Bible Savve Helpem Iu for Garem Gudfala Future

Bible savve helpem iumi for deal witim olketa hard taem wea iumi feisim distaem long world wea laef savve change enitaem nomoa. Bat Bible savve helpem iumi tu for savve wanem bae happen long future.

Wanem Nao Tingting Bilong Iu?

Read abaotem tingting bilong pipol and wanem Bible talem abaotem disfala kwestin.