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1 Misstim Nogud Samting

1 Misstim Nogud Samting

Bible hem kam from God and “savve teachim pipol, showim iumi samting wea no stret, stretem evri samting.” (2 Timothy 3:16) Waswe, datwan hem tru? Bae iumi storyim hao Bible helpem pipol for lusim olketa nogud wei bilong olketa bifor hem spoelem olketa.


Delphine, wea iumi storyim long article bifor diswan, hem luksavve hem start for drinkim tumas alcohol bikos long evri hard taem wea hem kasem. Bible no stopem man for drinkim alcohol bat hem sei hem rong for drunk. Bible sei: “Yu no joenem olketa hu i spaka.” (Provebs 23:20) Wei for drunk olowe savve kosim health problem, famili brekdaon, man no stap gud witim narawan, and staka million pipol dae evri year. Sapos pipol followim advaes long Bible bae olketa no kasem olketa nogud samting hia.

Delphine followim datfala advaes. Hem sei: “Mi luksavve wei for drinkim alcohol no fixim olketa problem bilong mi. Mi followim Philippi 4:6, 7, wea sei: ‘Iufala mas no wari abaotem eni samting bat . . . prea long [God] witim wei for barava askem help bilong hem.’ Evri naet, taem mi warim staka samting, mi prea long Jehovah. Mi storyim evri feeling bilong mi, olsem samting wea mekem mi kros, feel nogud, feel iusles, and mi askem hem for helpem mi garem stretfala tingting. Taem mi wekap, mi traem best for tingim olketa gud samting mekem mi no garem olketa nogud feeling hia. From mi prea evritaem, datwan helpem mi for tingim wanem mi garem, and no wanem mi lusim finis. Mi disaed for no drinkim eni alcohol moa. From mi garem peace bilong God wea barava spesol, mi no laekem eni samting for spoelem datwan.”


Taem samwan hem durong datwan savve kosim bigfala pain and sorre long olketa narawan. Bat Bible savve helpem iumi for stap klia long olketa samting wea savve lead go long wei for durong, olsem wei for plei raon witim narawan, and for lukluk long rabis piksa. Samuel, wanfala young man, hem sei: “Hem isi tumas for plei raon witim narawan. Samfala taem mi no laekem nomoa wanfala gele, bat from mi luksavve hem laekem mi, mi gohed negom hem.” Staka taem Samuel no min for negom olketa gele, bat from pipol savve sei hem man for olsem, hem disaed for gohed duim nao. Bat hem savve feel guilty taem hem duim datwan. Hem sei: “Datwan hem spoelem mi bikos hem mekem mi tingim miseleva nomoa.”

Samuel readim wanfala article for young pipol long website. And hem ting raonem Provebs 20:11, wea sei: “Yu save, nomata pikinini, wanem hemi duim i somaot wei blong hem. Taem wei blong hemi i gud and stret, bae yu save nomoa.” Hao nao scripture hia helpem Samuel? Samuel luksavve wei for negom olketa gele hem no stret. Hem sei: “Mi lanem tu sapos young wan start for garem wei for plei raon witim narawan, datwan bae affectim hem nomata taem hem marit. Mi tingim sapos mi marit bae waef bilong mi feel nogud taem hem lukim mi negom nara woman. Datwan mekem mi luksavve kaen wei olsem savve spoelem man. Hem no stret for man plei raon witim narawan, nomata hem isi samting for duim.” Samuel hem change, and datwan helpem hem tu for stap klia from wei for durong.

Antonio barava stap long danger long wei for durong bikos hem savve lukluk evritaem long rabis piksa. Nomata hem lovem waef bilong hem, hem gohed lukluk long rabis piksa. Hem sei taem hem ting raonem 1 Peter 5:8, datwan barava helpem hem. Hem sei: “Iufala mas gohed for garem gudfala tingting and gohed for lukaot. Devil, wea hem enemy bilong iufala, hem raraon olsem wanfala lion wea singaot big and hem laekem tumas for kaikaim eniwan.” Antonio sei: “Hem isi tumas for faendem rabis piksa, and taem man lukim hem hard for forgetim nao. Scripture hia helpem mi for luksavve hu nao laek switim mi for lukim kaen piksa olsem. Mi mas no forgetim rabis piksa hem kam from Devil. Mi luksavve Jehovah nomoa savve helpem mi for ‘gohed garem gudfala tingting and gohed lukaot,’ mekem mi savve againstim olketa nogud samting olsem wea savve spoelem heart, mind, and marit bilong mi.” Antonio kasem help wea hem needim and changem nao wei bilong hem. Datwan helpem hem for no kasem olketa nara nogud samting.

Tru nao, Bible savve helpem iumi for stap klia long olketa barava nogud samting. Bat waswe long olketa nogud wei bilong iumi wea no isi for lusim? Bae iumi storyim hao Bible savve helpem iumi for deal witim olketa nogud wei hia.

Bible savve helpem iumi for misstim samfala nogud samting