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Why Nao Wei for Heit Gohed?

Why Nao Wei for Heit Gohed?

Why nao pipol lo world gohed for heitim tumas narawan? Iumi bae savve lo reason taem iumi minim wat nao heit, why nao gogo pipol heitim narawan, and hao nao wei for heit hem happen evriwea.

Wat Nao Wei for Heit?

Hem feeling for barava les and raf lo narawan or lo wanfala grup blo pipol. Kaen feeling hia savve stap for longtaem.


Staka reason stap why pipol heitim narawan. Olketa savve heitim pipol from wanfala grup nomata olketa hia no duim eni rong samting. Olketa heitim pipol lo datfala grup bikos olketa tingse olketa garem nogud wei, raf, and no savve change. Olketa ting daonem pipol hia and ting lo olketa olsem pipol for mek trabol. Olketa narawan garem wei for heit bikos pipol raf lo olketa and treatim olketa nogud, or olketa nara samting nao mekem olketa for garem datkaen wei.


Wanfala man savve heitim narawan nomata hem no meetim hem enitaem. For example, staka taem pipol savve garem sem tingting olsem famili and fren blo olketa abaotem wanfala grup blo pipol. So if samfala lo community heitim wanfala grup, isisi bae evriwan lo community garem datfala wei tu.

Taem iumi minim hao hem isi for pipol garem wei for heit, bae iumi luksavve why staka pipol heitim olketa narawan. Bat for lusim wei for heit wea big tumas lo world, iumi laek savve hao nao hem start and Bible bae storyim datwan.


WEI FOR HEIT NO START WITIM OLKETA MAN. Hem start taem wanfala angel lo heven wea gogo Bible nemim hem Satan datfala Devil, hem bighed againstim God. And start lo datfala taem, Devil “hem man for killim man dae.” From “hem man for laea and hem dadi bilong wei for laea,” hem nao bihaenem wei for raf and heit wea gohed distaem. (John 8:44; 1 John 3:11, 12) Bible sei Satan hem no kea lo eniwan, kros, and raf tumas.—Job 2:7; Revelation 12:9, 12, 17.

HEM ISI FOR OLKETA WEA NO PERFECT GAREM WEI FOR HEIT. First man Adam tu followim wei blo Satan for no obey. From datwan, evriwan kasem sin and no perfect. (Rome 5:12) Cain firstborn son blo Adam heitim brata blo hem Abel, so hem killim dae Abel. (1 John 3:12) Nomata olsem, staka pipol showim love and tingim narawan. Bat from evriwan sin, datwan mekem staka pipol no tingim narawan, jealous and praod, wea hem nao kosim wei for heit.​—2 Timothy 3:1-5.

WEI FOR NO ACCEPTIM NARAWAN LEAD GO LO WEI FOR HEIT. Olketa nogud samting wea happen lo world influencim pipol for no kea, raf, and datwan mekem wei for heit worse go moa. From “full world hem stap long paoa bilong Satan” datfala Devil, pipol ting daonem, tok spoelem, and no acceptim narawan. And tu, olketa bully and spoelem property blo pipol.​—1 John 5:19.

Bible storyim klia hao wei for heit hem start and hu nao bae finisim.