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Wei for Heit Bae Finis for Olowe!

Wei for Heit Bae Finis for Olowe!

Nomata iumi nao lusim wei for heit, iumi no savve kontrolem olketa narawan for duim sem samting. Pipol still kasem nogud samting from wei for heit. So hu nao fit for finisim wei for heit?

Jehovah God nomoa savve finisim wei for heit wea gohed distaem. Hem nao samting wea Bible sei bae hem duim.—Provebs 20:22.


  1. 1. SATAN DATFALA DEVIL. Satan, datfala bighed angel, hem nao bihaenem wei for heit wea iumi lukim distaem. God bae finisim Satan and evriwan wea followim wei blo hem.​—Sams 37:38; Rome 16:20.

  2. 2. NOGUD WORLD BLO SATAN. God bae finisim evriting wea mekem pipol for heitim narawan olsem olketa gavman wea corrupt and olketa bigman blo religion. God bae finisim tu olketa bisnis wea corrupt and mekius lo pipol.​—2 Peter 3:13.

  3. 3. PIPOL NO PERFECT. Bible sei from iumi no perfect, iumi savve garem tingting and feeling for laek duim samting wea no stret. (Rome 5:12) Wanfala samting nao hem for garem feeling for heit and for duim samting wea showim iumi heitim narawan. God bae helpem iumi for aotem feeling for heit, and hem bae finisim evri samting wea mekem pipol for heitim narawan.​—Aesaea 54:13.


  1. 1. NO ENI INJUSTICE. Kingdom blo God wea followim justice and stap lo heven bae rulim full earth. (Daniel 2:44) No eniwan bae ting daonem and fevarem narawan. God bae stretem evri samting wea no followim justice wea pipol kasem distaem.​—Luke 18:7.

  2. 2. EVRIWAN BAE STAP LO PEACE. No eniwan bae safa bikos lo war or pipol raf lo olketa. (Sams 46:9) Earth bae wanfala sef ples for stap bikos pipol wea garem peace and lovem each other nomoa bae stap lo earth.​—Sams 72:7.

  3. 3. EVRIWAN BAE STAP GUD FOR OLOWE. Evriwan wea stap lo earth lo datfala taem bae lovem each other. (Matthew 22:39) No eniwan bae safa and tingim tu olketa nogud samting wea kasem hem bifor. (Aesaea 65:17) Taem evri samting wea mekem pipol heitim narawan hem finis, “bae olketa ya i hapi, bikos olketa stap gudfala.”​—Sams 37:11.

Hao, iu laek for stap lo kaen world olsem? Nomata distaem, staka pipol followim olketa Bible principle and datwan helpem olketa for lusim wei for heit. (Sams 37:8) Datwan nao samting wea Olketa Jehovah’s Witness evriwea lo world duim. Nomata olketa garem difren culture and kam from difren baekgraon, olketa wan mind and lovem each other.​—Aesaea 2:2-4.

Olketa Jehovah’s Witness bae hapi for storyim wat iu savve duim for deal witim injustice and wei for fevarem narawan. Datwan bae helpem iu for lovem olketa narawan and no heitim olketa. Hem bae helpem iu tu for lovem pipol, nomata olketa wea heitim iu. Datwan bae mekem iu hapi distaem, and fren gud witim olketa narawan. And bae iu lanem tu wat iu savve duim for stap anda lo Kingdom blo God taem wei for heit bae finis for olowe.​—Sams 37:29.