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2 | “Olketa Holy Raeting  . . . Comfortim Iumi”

2 | “Olketa Holy Raeting  . . . Comfortim Iumi”

BIBLE SEI: “Evri samting wea olketa raetem bifor hem for teachim iumi. Hem givim iumi hope bikos olketa Holy Raeting hia helpem iumi for no givap and comfortim iumi.”​—ROME 15:4.

Wat Datwan Minim

Bible garem olketa comforting toktok wea savve strongim iumi for no givap taem iumi deal witim olketa negative tingting. And tu, message lo Bible givim hope dat klosap feeling for barava sorre bae nomoa nao.

Hao Diswan Savve Help

Samfala taem iumi evriwan savve deal witim samting wea mekem iumi sorre. Bat olketa wea safa from depression or stress savve barava feel sorre evritaem. Hao nao Bible savve help?

  • Bible garem staka gud toktok wea savve helpem iumi for no garem negative tingting. (Philippi 4:8) Hem savve comfortim iumi and mekem iumi garem peace wea datwan bae helpem iumi for kontrolem feeling blo iumi.​—Psalm 94:18, 19.

  • Bible savve helpem iumi for no tingse iumi iusles.​—Luke 12:6, 7.

  • Staka story lo Bible mekem iumi sure dat iumi no stap seleva and God wea hem Creator blo iumi, barava minim feeling blo iumi.​—Psalm 34:18; 1 John 3:19, 20.

  • Bible promisim dat God bae mekem iumi for no tingim moa olketa nogud memory. (Isaiah 65:17; Revelation 21:4) Taem iumi deal witim olketa nogud tingting and feeling, disfala promis savve strongim iumi for no givap.