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Stret or Rong: Bible Savve Helpem Iumi

Stret or Rong: Bible Savve Helpem Iumi

Read abaotem fofala area lo laef wea staka million pipol luksavve advaes lo Bible hem help and iumi fit for trustim.

1. Marit

Pipol garem difren tingting abaotem marit and abaotem wat for duim for garem hapi marit.

BIBLE SEI: “Evriwan long iufala mas lovem waef bilong hem olsem hem lovem hemseleva, and tu, waef mas barava respectim hasband bilong hem.”—Ephesus 5:33.

MINING: Marit hem arrangement wea God nao startim, so hem savve wat wanfala couple need for duim mekem tufala hapi. (Mark 10:​6-9) Taem hasband and waef kea for each other and no tingim seleva, datwan nao bae mekem tufala hapi. Hasband wea lovem waef blo hem bae showim lo hao hem treatim waef and lukaftarem hem. And waef wea respectim hasband blo hem bae showim lo toktok and akson blo hem.

ADVAES LO BIBLE HEM HELP: Quang and Thi, from Vietnam, tingse hard nao for tufala hapi lo marit blo tufala. Staka taem Quang hem no savve kaen. Hem sei: “Mi nating kea abaotem feeling blo Thi and staka taem mi duim samting wea mekem hem barava feel nogud.” Thi laek for divorce. Hem sei: “Mi feel olsem hem hard nao for mi trustim and respectim hasband blo mi.”

Gogo, Quang and Thi lanem wat Bible teachim and hao for applyim Ephesus 5:33 lo marit blo tufala. Quang sei, “disfala verse helpem mi for luksavve mi need for kaen and lovem Thi and for provaedem olketa material samting and tingim feeling blo hem. Taem mi duim datwan, hem lovem and respectim mi.” And Thi sei, “Taem mi gohed for applyim Ephesus 5:33 and respectim hasband blo mi, datwan mekem hem for barava lovem mi, mekem mi feel sef and garem peace.”

For savve lo moa information abaotem marit, readim Wekap! No. 2 2018, wea garem title “12-fala Samting for Mekem Famili Hapi” lo

2. Hao for Treatim Olketa Narawan

Staka taem pipol treatim nogud olketa narawan bikos lo race, kantri, appearance, religion blo olketa, or bikos olketa homosexual.

BIBLE SEI: “Respectim evri difren kaen man.”—1 Peter 2:17.

MINING: Bible no teachim iumi for heitim pipol from nara race, kantri, or bikos olketa homosexual. Bat, hem encouragem iumi for respectim evri difren kaen pipol nomata olketa kam from difren race, kantri, rich or poor. (Acts 10:34) Nomata iumi no agree witim wat olketa narawan bilivim or hao olketa duim samting, iumi still savve kaen and respectim olketa.—Matthew 7:12.

ADVAES LO BIBLE HEM HELP: Daniel lane for ting lo pipol from Asia olsem pipol for mek trabol lo kantri blo hem. Datwan mekem hem for heitim eniwan wea kam from Asian baekgraon and staka taem hem savve tok spoelem olketa lo pablik. Daniel sei, “Mi tingse mi sapotim kantri blo mi, and mi tingse wat mi tingim and duim hem stret nomoa.”

Gogo, Daniel lanem wat Bible teachim. Hem sei, “mi mas barava changem tingting blo mi, mi need for ting lo pipol olsem hao God ting lo olketa, dat iumi evriwan semsem nomata wea nao iumi kam from.” Daniel storyim feeling blo hem distaem taem hem meetim pipol. Hem sei: “Wea pipol kam from hem no important lo mi. Mi lovem evri difren kaen pipol and garem olketa gud fren from evri difren ples lo world.”

For savve lo moa information, readim Wekap! No. 3 2020, wea garem title “Waswe, Pipol Savve Stap Gud Tugeta?” lo

3. Selen

Staka pipol laek for rich mekem olketa hapi and garem gud future.

BIBLE SEI: “Wisdom hem protectim man olsem selen hem protectim man, bat gud samting abaotem knowledge nao hem diswan: Wisdom hem sevem laef blo owner blo hem.”—Ecclesiastes 7:12.

MINING: Iumi needim selen, bat datwan no savve mekem iumi hapi or garem gud future. (Proverbs 18:11; 23:​4, 5) Tru hapi and gud future hem depend lo wei for followim wisdom blo God wea stap lo Bible.—1 Timothy 6:​17-19.

ADVAES LO BIBLE HEM HELP: Cardo, wanfala man from Indonesia, laekem tumas for kasem staka selen mekem hem rich. Hem sei, “mi garem evri samting wea staka pipol laekem, mi savve travel, baem olketa expensive samting, olketa car and haos.” Bat olketa selen blo hem no savve stap. Hem sei, “samwan trikim mi and tekem evri selen wea mi waka hard for kasem, hem finis kwiktaem nomoa. Mi waka hard for staka years mekem mi rich, bat end ap mi nating hapi bikos mi no garem eniting and mi feel iusles.”

Cardo start for applyim advaes lo Bible abaotem selen. Hem no focus tumas lo wei for rich bat hem chus for garem simpol laef. Hem sei, “distaem mi garem tru riches bikos mi fren gud witim God, mi savve sleep gud evri naet and mi barava hapi.”

For savve lo wat Bible talem abaotem selen, readim article “Hao, Hae Education and Staka Selen Savve Mekem Man Garem Gud Laef?” lo Wastaoa No. 3 2021, lo

4. Sex

Pipol garem staka difren tingting abaotem sex.

BIBLE SEI: “Iufala no durong. Iufala wanwan mas savve hao for kontrolem body bilong iufala mekem iufala holy and God hem hapi long iufala. Iufala mas no letem feeling for laekem tumas sex for kontrolem iufala, wea diswan nao wei bilong pipol wea no savve long God.”—1 Thessalonica 4:​3-5.

MINING: Bible storyim stret wei for satisfaem feeling for duim sex. Datfala toktok “durong” hem includim wei for duim adultery, prostitute, sex witim samwan wea iu no maritim, homosexual, and sex witim animal. (1 Corinth 6:​9, 10) Sex hem present from God and hem only for man and woman wea marit.—Proverbs 5:​18, 19.

ADVAES LO BIBLE HEM HELP: Kylie, wanfala woman lo Australia sei: “From mi singol, mi tingse if mi duim sex, bae olketa lovem mi and mi feel sef. Bat opposite samting nao happen. Mi no feel sef and nating hapi.”

Then, Kylie lanem and followim wat Bible teachim abaotem sex. Hem sei, “mi luksavve olketa standard blo God hem for protectim iumi from nogud samting and for no sorre. Distaem mi feel sef and hapi bikos mi duim olketa samting wea Jehovah laekem. For applyim olketa advaes lo Bible hem protectim mi from staka problem!”

For savve lo moa information, readim article “Wat Nao Bible Talem Abaotem Wei for Stap Tugeta Bat No Marit?” lo

Creator blo iumi helpem iumi for savve lo wat hem stret and rong. Nomata hem no evritaem isi for followim olketa advaes from God, iumi savve trustim dat iumi bae kasem gud samting if iumi followim.