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Wea Nao Iu Savve Faendem Advaes wea Iu Fit for Trustim?

Wea Nao Iu Savve Faendem Advaes wea Iu Fit for Trustim?

Lo disfala world wea gohed for change, hao nao iu savve sure dat olketa disison blo iu bae mekem iu hapi? Hao nao iu savve sure dat wat pipol ting hem stret tuday bae no change tumoro?

Bible savve helpem iumi for mekem olketa disison wea iumi bae nating regretim. Why nao olsem? Bikos Bible hem kam from Creator blo iumi and hem savve lo olketa samting wea bae mekem iumi hapi and feel sef.

“Hem bin talem iu finis samting wea gud.”—Micah 6:8.

Iumi savve trustim olketa practical advaes wea stap lo Bible. “Man savve depend lo [hem], distaem and for olowe.”—Psalm 111:8.

Hem gud for iuseleva studyim Bible for lukim hao hem savve helpem iu lo disfala world wea gohed for change.