Taem Samwan Iu Lovem Dae
SAPOS samwan wea iu lovem hem dae, maet iu tu garem samfala difren kaen feeling, olsem wei for sorre, lonely, or iu no savve wanem for duim. And tu, maet iu feel kros, guilty, and fraet. Maet gogo iu ting olsem, mi laek for givap nomoa.
Hem gud for savve wei for sorre hem no showimaot man hem wik. Bat hem showimaot iu barava lovem datwan wea dae. Waswe, iu savve kasem help for deal witim sorre feeling wea iu kasem?
Nomata maet iu feel olsem sorre feeling wea iu garem gohed for longtaem, maet iu savve kasem comfort taem iu followim olketa idea hia:
Wei wea evriwan sorre or hao long olketa sorre hem no semsem. Nomata olsem, wei for krae savve helpem iu for no sorre tumas. Vanessa, wea iumi just storyim, hem sei: “Mi no hol bak for krae. Mi duim olsem for aotem datfala pain.” Sofía, wea sista bilong hem seknomoa dae, hem sei: “Hem barava no isi for tingim samting wea happen, hem olsem man klinim wanfala soa wea pain bilong hem tumas nao, bat hem mekem datfala soa for kamap gud.”
Maet samfala taem iu laek for stap seleva. Bat for iuseleva deal witim datfala sorre feeling, hem olsem
iu trae for karem wanfala hevi samting seleva. Jared, wea hem seventin year, wea dadi bilong hem dae, hem sei: “Mi storyim olketa feeling bilong mi witim olketa narawan. Mi no sure sapos olketa minim or nomoa, bat hem gud for mi talemaot feeling bilong mi.” Janice, wea iumi storyim long firstfala article, talem nara gud samting wea hem kasem: “Mi barava kasem comfort taem mi story witim olketa narawan. Mi feelim olketa narawan minim mi and mi no feel lonely tumas.”ACCEPTIM HELP
Wanfala doctor sei: “Taem samwan wea sorre letem olketa fren and relative for helpem hem, datwan savve mekem hem isi for hem deal witim and winim datfala sorre feeling.” Storyim wanem iu laekem olketa for duim for iu, maet olketa laek for helpem iu bat olketa no savve wanem for duim.—Provebs 17:17.
Tina sei: “Taem hasband bilong mi dae long cancer, hem no stap nao for mi storyim olketa problem, wari, and feeling bilong mi long hem, so mi storyim evri samting long God! Evriday mi askem hem for helpem mi for gohed duim olketa normal waka wea mi savve duim. God helpem mi long staka samting.” Tarsha, wea hem 22 year taem mami bilong hem dae, sei: “For readim Bible evriday hem barava comfortim mi. Mi garem gudfala samting for tingim.”
Tina sei moa: “Firstaem, resurrection hope no comfortim mi bikos long datfala taem nao mi needim hasband bilong mi and olketa boy bilong mi needim dadi bilong olketa. Bat fofala year bihaen, mi tingim olowe datfala hope wea hem olsem wanfala rope wea hange from ship wea samwan insaed sea holem mekem hem stap laef. Mi tingim hao bae mi lukim hem moa, and datwan mekem mi for hapi and garem peace long mind!”
Maet hem tek taem for datfala sorre feeling for gogo daon. Nomata olsem, experience bilong Vanessa savve helpem iu. Hem sei, “Maet iu tingse bae iu no savve deal witim datwan nao, bat gogo bae evri samting kamap gud.”
No forget, nomata iu bae misstim samwan wea iu lovem wea dae, no givap long laef. Witim help bilong God, iu savve gohed garem olketa gud fren and gud laef. And klosap nao God bae mekem olketa wea dae for laef bak. Hem laekem iu for meetim moa datwan wea iu lovem. Then datfala pain wea iu garem bae nomoa nao!