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Wanem Nao Bible Talem?

Wanem Nao Bible Talem?

Waswe, bae enitaem tru justice hem stap long earth?

Waswe, bae iu sei?

  • Ia

  • Nomoa

  • Maet olsem

Bible hem sei

“Jehovah bae defendim raet bilong olketa wea kasem nogud samting, and hem bae mekem poor pipol for kasem justice.” (Psalm 140:12) Kingdom bilong God bae mekem tru justice for stap long earth.

Wanem nao olketa nara samting wea iumi savve lanem from Bible?

  • God lukim wei wea pipol spoelem nara pipol, and bae hem duim samting for stretem datwan.​—Ecclesiastes 5:8.

  • Justice wea kam from God bae mekem pipol long earth for stap sef and garem peace.​—Isaiah 32:16-18.

Waswe, God favorim wanfala grup pipol winim olketa narawan?

Samfala tingse God blessim wanfala grup pipol and cursim olketa narawan, bat samfala tingse God ting long evriwan olsem olketa semsem nomoa. Hao nao tingting bilong iu?

Bible hem sei

“God hem no favorim eniwan. Long evri kantri long world, sapos man worshipim God and duim samting wea stret, God bae hapi long hem.” (Acts 10:34, 35) Long tingting bilong God, evriwan semsem.

Wanem nao olketa nara samting wea iumi savve lanem from Bible?

  • Bible storyim gud nius for “pipol bilong evri kantri, tribe, and languis.”​—Revelation 14:6.