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Dae Bae Kasem Evriwan

Dae Bae Kasem Evriwan

TINGIM, iu lukluk lo wanfala video abaotem samwan wea savve tumas hao for plei soccer, wea iu tinghae lo hem and wea staka pipol savve lo hem. Lo start blo video, hem showim taem hem smol, hem lane for plei soccer and taem hem practice olowe. Then iu lukim hem plei lo wanfala team lo kantri and gogo hem go plei ovasea. No longtaem, video showim hem gogo for olo, then hem dae.

Disfala video hem wanfala tru story abaotem samfala samting wea happen lo laef blo samwan wea dae finis. Nomata sapos hem man for pleim music, wanfala scientist, man wea savve tumas lo sports, or man wea famous, evriwan bae dae nomoa. Tingim sapos man no olo and dae, maet bae hem savve duim staka gud samting moa.

Iumi savve sorre taem iumi ting abaotem wei for olo and dae, bat hem nao samting wea bae kasem iumi evriwan. (Eklesiastes 9:5) Nomata wanem samting iumi trae for duim, hard for iumi misstim wei for olo and dae. Maet seknomoa iumi dae from wanfala accident or wanfala big sik. Dastawe Bible sei iumi olsem smoke wea savve kamap lo morning, stap for “lelebet taem then hem lus nao.”—James 4:14.

From iumi savve dae enitaem nomoa, samfala pipol garem tingting olsem: “Iumi kaikai and drink nomoa bikos tumoro bae iumi dae.” (1 Corinth 15:32) Pipol wea garem tingting olsem, olketa savve olketa bae dae enitaem and no garem hope for future. Gogo taem olketa kasem barava hard taem, maet olketa askem kwestin olsem: ‘Waswe, laef hem olsem nomoa?’ Wea nao iu savve faendem ansa?

Staka pipol distaem hope olketa scientist nao garem ansa. Olketa scientist and doctor faendem samfala samting wea savve mekem pipol laef longtaem. Samfala scientist gohed trae faendem wei for mekem laef long go moa. Bat nomata wanem olketa hia duim, olketa kwestin hia stap yet: Why nao iumi olo and dae? Waswe, enitaem enemy blo iumi dae, bae finis? Olketa article wea kamap bihaen bae storyim olketa topic hia and ansarem disfala kwestin: Waswe, laef hem olsem nomoa?