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Wanem God Duim for Comfortim Iumi

Wanem God Duim for Comfortim Iumi

Aposol Paul sei Jehovah * ‘hem comfortim iumi, nomata long eni hard taem wea iumi kasem.’ (2 Corinth 1:3, 4) Disfala toktok mekem iumi luksavve God laek for helpem evriwan, and hem laek for comfortim iumi taem iumi kasem hard taem.

Bat sapos iumi laekem God for comfortim iumi, iumi nao mas duim samting firstaem. Olsem example, bae hem hard for wanfala doctor helpem iumi taem iumi sik, sapos iumi no go for lukim hem, iaman? Profet Amos hem sei: “Hard for tufala wakabaot tugeta sapos tufala no firstaem markem taem for meet.” (Amos 3:3) So Bible hem sei iumi mas ‘fren gud witim God and bae hem fren gud witim iumi.’—James 4:8.

Hao nao iumi savve sure God laek for helpem iumi? First samting, staka taem Bible sei God laek for helpem iumi. (Lukim  box wea join witim article.) And mek-tu samting, God helpem staka pipol long bifor and long distaem tu.

Wanfala man wea kasem staka nogud samting, hem King David. Hem sei long Jehovah: “Plis herem mi taem mi askem iu for helpem mi.” Waswe, God helpem David? Ia. David gohed for sei: “Hem helpem mi, and datwan mekem mi hapi tumas.”—Psalm 28:2, 7.


God laekem Jesus for comfortim pipol. God talem hem for givim hope long olketa wea kasem hard taem and for “comfortim olketa wea sorre.” (Isaiah 61:1, 2) Olsem datfala profesi talem, taem Jesus stap long earth, hem barava tingim pipol wea “waka hard and wea karem hevi samting.”—Matthew 11:28-30.

Jesus hem givim gudfala advaes long pipol, hem kaen long olketa, and hem healim sik bilong samfala, and datwan comfortim olketa. Wantaem, wanfala man wea garem leprosy hem sei long Jesus: “Sapos iu willing, iu savve mekem mi gud bak moa.” Hem barava sorre long man hia and hem sei: “Mi barava laek for duim datwan. Iu gud bak nao.”—Mark 1:40, 41.

Nomata Jesus no stap long earth distaem for helpem iumi, Dadi bilong hem, Jehovah, gohed for helpem olketa wea sorre. (2 Corinth 1:3) Tingim fofala main samting wea God iusim for comfortim pipol.

  • Bible. “Evri samting wea olketa raetem bifor hem for teachim iumi. Hem givim iumi hope bikos olketa Holy Raeting hia helpem iumi for no givap and comfortim iumi.”—Rome 15:4.

  • Holy Spirit Bilong God. Bihaen Jesus hem dae, olketa Christian barava needim comfort. Bible storyim ‘Jehovah and holy spirit mekem olketa strong.’ (Acts 9:31) God savve iusim holy spirit bilong hem for comfortim evriwan, nomata wanem samting kasem olketa.

  • Prea. Bible hem sei: “Iufala mas no wari abaotem eni samting.” And hem sei tu: “Long eni samting wea iufala needim, askem God for datwan. . . . Taem iufala duim olsem, peace bilong God wea winim nao wanem man savve minim bae gaedem heart and tingting bilong iufala.”—Philippi 4:6, 7.

  • Olketa nara Christian savve helpem iumi taem iumi kasem hard taem bikos olketa gudfala fren. Aposol Paul sei olketa fren olsem savve ‘barava comfortim iumi’ taem iumi “kasem hard taem.”—Colossae 4:11; 1 Thessalonica 3:7

Maet iu laek for savve hao nao olketa samting hia savve helpem iumi. Long next article bae iumi storyim samfala wea kasem kaen problem wea iumi storyim long first article. Bae iumi lanem hao God duim wanem hem promisim, taem hem sei: “Olsem wanfala mami hem comfortim pikinini bilong hem, so mi bae gohed for comfortim iu.”—Isaiah 66:13.

^ par. 3 Jehovah hem nem bilong God wea stap long Bible.