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Evri samting wea pipol iusim for faet bae finis

Wanem Nao Bible Talem?

Wanem Nao Bible Talem?

Waswe, enitaem pipol evriwea long earth bae stap gud tugeta?

Wanem nao bae iu sei?

  • Ia

  • Nomoa

  • Maet olsem

Bible hem sei

Taem Jesus Christ rulim earth, “peace bae stap for olowe olsem moon hem stap for olowe.”—Psalm 72:7.

Wanem moa iumi savve lanem from Bible?

  • God bae finisim nogud pipol, and olketa gud pipol bae “hapi fogud bikos evriwan bae garem peace.”—Psalm 37:10, 11.

  • God bae finisim war.—Psalm 46:8, 9.

Waswe, iu tingse man savve garem peace long laef bilong hem?

Samfala tingse . . . hard for eniwan garem peace taem world fulap witim wei for safa and staka samting no followim justice. Wanem nao tingting bilong iu?

Bible hem sei

Distaem, olketa wea obeyim God savve garem “peace bilong God wea winim nao wanem man savve minim.”—Philippi 4:6, 7.

Wanem moa iumi savve lanem from Bible?

  • God promis for finisim wei for safa and olketa samting wea no followim justice, taem hem “wakem evri niu samting.”—Revelation 21:4, 5.

  • Iumi savve garem peace sapos iumi ‘luksavve iumi needim God.’—Matthew 5:3.