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Jesus Hem Luk Hao?

Jesus Hem Luk Hao?

No eniwan savve hao nao lukluk bilong Jesus. No eniwan paintim piksa or wakem eni karving wea luk olsem hem. Nomata olsem, staka artist paintim piksa and wakem karving bilong hem insaed staka handred year wea go pas.

Bat olketa artist hia no savve hao nao lukluk bilong Jesus. Olketa piksa bilong Jesus wea olketa paintim hem followim culture, religion, and tingting bilong pipol wea peim olketa for duim olketa painting hia. And olketa piksa hia affectim tingting bilong pipol abaotem Jesus and olketa teaching bilong hem.

Samfala artist wea paintim piksa bilong Jesus mekem hem luk olsem man wea wiki, garem long hair, and beard wea no big tumas, or olketa paintim hem olsem man wea barava luk sorre. Olketa narawan paintim piksa bilong Jesus olsem angel wea garem samting olsem laet raonem hed bilong hem, or olsem hem ova holy tumas. Waswe, olketa painting hia showimaot hem nao hao Jesus hem luk? Wanem nao bae helpem iumi for savve long lukluk bilong hem? Samting wea savve helpem iumi hem for lukim wanem Bible talem abaotem diswan. Taem iumi duim olsem, datwan savve helpem iumi tu for garem stretfala tingting abaotem Jesus.


Luk olsem Jesus talem toktok hia long prea bilong hem taem hem baptaes. (Hebrew 10:5; Matthew 3:13-17) Wanem kaen body nao Jesus story abaotem long disfala prea and hem luk hao? Bifor Jesus born, angel Gabriel sei olsem long Mary: “Bae iu babule and bornem wanfala baby boy, . . . [wea] hem Son bilong God.” (Luke 1:31, 35) So Jesus hem wanfala perfect man olsem Adam tu taem hem perfect yet. (Luke 3:38; 1 Corinth 15:45) Masbi Jesus garem strongfala body, and maet hem luk olsem mami bilong hem Mary, wea hem wanfala Jew.

Jesus garem beard bikos hem followim wei bilong olketa Jew bifor. Pipol bilong Rome no olsem. Taem olketa Jew putim beard datwan hem for showimaot respect. Olketa beard hia short nomoa and olketa keepim gud. Masbi Jesus keepim gud beard bilong hem, and katem neat long hair bilong hem tu. Only olketa Nazirite nomoa no katem hair bilong olketa, olsem Samson.—Numbers 6:5; Judges 13:5.

Start taem Jesus big kam go kasem taem hem 30 year, hem duim carpenter waka, and hem no iusim eni electrical tul tu. (Mark 6:3) So hem mas wanfala strong man. Taem hem startim ministry bilong hem, hem “raosem from temple olketa sheepsheep and buluka witim pipol wea salem olketa. Hem kapsaetem tu selen and tebol bilong olketa wea changem olketa difren selen.” (John 2:14-17) Masbi Jesus barava strongfala man dastawe hem duim datwan. Jesus iusim body wea God givim long hem for duim waka hia. Hem sei: “Mi mas talemaot gud nius abaotem Kingdom bilong God long olketa nara taon tu, bikos hem nao why God sendem mi kam.” (Luke 4:43) And for Jesus baeleg long evri ples long Palestine for talemaot disfala message, hem mas barava strongfala man.


Jesus hem man wea barava kaen dastawe pipol wea kasem hard taem no hol bak for kam long hem. (Matthew 11:28-30) Datwan mekem pipol wea willing for lane from Jesus trustim hem taem hem promis for strongim olketa. Nomata olketa smol pikinini tu laek for kam long Jesus. Bible sei Jesus karem olketa pikinini and “blessim olketa.”—Mark 10:13-16.

Nomata Jesus savve hem bae barava safa bifor hem dae, hem no stap and sorre nomoa. Olsem example, hem go long wanfala marit feast long Cana and changem wata for kamap wine and evriwan barava enjoyim datwan. (John 2:1-11) Long olketa narataem, hem teachim olketa important samting wea pipol no savve forgetim.—Matthew 9:9-13; John 12:1-8.

Main samting, Jesus teach long wei wea mekem pipol hapi and garem hope for kasem laef olowe. (John 11:25, 26; 17:3) Taem 70-fala disaepol kam bak and storyim olketa gud samting wea olketa kasem taem olketa preach, Jesus “hapi tumas” and sei: “Iufala mas hapi bikos God hem raetem finis nem bilong iufala long heven.”—Luke 10:20, 21.


Olketa bigman bilong religion long taem bilong Jesus duim enikaen samting for mekem pipol tinghae long olketa and position wea olketa garem. (Numbers 15:38-40; Matthew 23:5-7) Jesus no olsem olketa, and hem talem olketa aposol for no “rul ovarem” nara pipol. (Luke 22:25, 26) Jesus sei: “Keakea long olketa man wea teachim law. Olketa laek for werem olketa spesol kaleko taem olketa go wakabaot and laekem pipol long market for mekhae long olketa.”—Mark 12:38.

Jesus no olsem olketa bat hem mix witim olketa narawan and samfala taem pipol no luksavve long hem tu. (John 7:10, 11) Taem hem stap witim 11-fala faithful aposol bilong hem, hem no luk difren from olketa. Dastawe taem olketa enemy kam for arrestim Jesus, Judas “kissim” hem mekem olketa luksavve long hem.—Mark 14:44, 45.

So nomata iumi no savve staka samting abaotem lukluk bilong Jesus, staka piksa and karving wea olketa artist wakem no fitim wanem Bible talem abaotem hem. Samting wea important, hem no lukluk bilong Jesus, bat wanem hem duim distaem.


Long sem day wea Jesus talem toktok hia, pipol killim hem dae and olketa disaepol berem hem. (John 14:19) Hem givim laef bilong hem olsem “price for baem bak staka pipol.” (Matthew 20:28) Long mek-thri day, God mekem hem laef bak olsem “wanfala spirit” and “letem [samfala disaepol] for lukim hem.” (1 Peter 3:18; Acts 10:40) Hao nao lukluk bilong Jesus taem olketa disaepol lukim hem long datfala taem? Hem luk difren bikos nomata olketa fren bilong hem no stretawe luksavve long hem. Mary Magdalene tingse hem man wea waka long garden, and tufala disaepol wea meetim hem long road wea go for Emmaus, tingse hem wanfala stranger.—Luke 24:13-18; John 20:1, 14, 15.

Bat distaem wanem nao Jesus duim? Winim 60 year bihaen Jesus dae, aposol John lukim Jesus long samfala vision. John no lukim Jesus dae and hange long wanfala cross. Bat, hem lukim Jesus hem “King bilong olketa king and Lord bilong olketa lord.” Hem King long Kingdom bilong God wea klosap nao bae hem distroem olketa demon and olketa man wea againstim God, and bae hem mekem iumi olketa man kasem olketa gud samting for olowe.—Revelation 19:16; 21:3, 4.