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Stretfala Tingting Abaotem Olketa Mistek

Stretfala Tingting Abaotem Olketa Mistek

Don and Margaret * hapi tumas taem gele bilong tufala and famili bilong hem kam for visitim tufala. Margaret savve tumas hao for kuki and hem retire finis. Long evening bifor olketa go bak, Margaret kukim macaroni and cheese, wea hem favorite kaikai bilong tufala granson bilong hem.

Taem evriwan sidaon raonem tebol, Margaret tekem kam kaikai wea hem redyim and putim long tebol. Hem openem lid bilong datfala dish kaikai and hem feel nogud tumas bikos hot sauce bilong cheese nomoa insaed datfala dish! Hem forget nao for putim macaroni insaed datfala sauce! *

Nomata wanem nao age bilong iumi or iumi garem bigfala savve, iumi evriwan savve duim mistek. Maet iumi no tingting gud firstaem bifor iumi talem wanfala toktok, or iumi duim samting long taem wea no fitim, or iumi forget nomoa. Why nao iumi duim olketa mistek? Hao nao iumi savve deal witim? Wanem nao savve helpem iumi for kat daon long olketa mistek? Sapos iumi garem stretfala tingting abaotem olketa mistek datwan bae helpem iumi for kasem ansa for olketa kwestin hia.


Taem iumi duim gud wanfala samting, iumi hapi taem olketa narawan tinghae long datwan and praisem iumi. Taem iumi duim mistek, or olketa narawan no lukim datwan, hem gud for iumi acceptim iumi rong nao. Man mas hambol for hem duim olsem.

Sapos iumi praod, maet bae iumi trae for haedem mistek wea iumi duim, blamem narawan for datfala mistek, or sei iumi no duim datwan. Nogud samting savve kamaot from datwan. Bae datfala problem no savve finis, and narawan nao maet kasem blame for samting wea happen. Sapos iumi duim mistek and gohed for haedem, iumi mas tingim tu gogo “iumi evriwan bae ansa long God for samting wea iumi duim and talem.”—Rome 14:12.

God garem stretfala tingting abaotem olketa mistek wea iumi duim. Bible buk Psalms sei God “showimaot mercy and hem kaen,” and “bae hem no tingim olowe nogud samting wea man duim and bae hem no keepim kros.” Hem savve iumi no perfect and hem minim olketa wik point bilong iumi bikos “hem savve iumi dust nomoa.”—Psalm 103:8, 9, 14.

And tu, from God hem dadi bilong iumi wea showimaot mercy, hem laekem iumi for garem sem tingting olsem hem abaotem olketa mistek. (Psalm 130:3) Hem givim Bible for iumi wea garem staka kaonsel and advaes wea savve helpem iumi for deal witim mistek bilong iumiseleva and mistek wea olketa narawan duim.


Staka taem hem normal samting for man wea duim mistek for blamem narawan or defendim hemseleva. Bat sapos narawan feel nogud long eni samting iumi talem, isi samting for duim nao hem for sei sorre, stretem datwan, and no letem datwan for spoelem wei wea iutufala fren gud. Waswe, enitaem iu duim wanfala samting wea mekem narawan or iuseleva for feel nogud, or wea nogud samting kamaot from datwan? Hem gud for stretem datwan winim wei for kros long iuseleva or accusim narawan. Sapos iumi blamem narawan for samting wea happen, datwan bae no finisim datfala problem bat bae hem mekem problem kamap worse. So lane from datwan and duim wanem iu fit for duim for stretem datwan.

Bat taem samwan duim mistek, hem isi for iumi feel nogud long hem. Bae hem gud tumas sapos iumi followim disfala kaonsel bilong Jesus. Hem sei: “Samting wea iufala laekem pipol for duim long iufala, sem samting nao iufala mas duim long olketa.” (Matthew 7:12) Taem iu duim mistek, nomata hem smol nomoa, iu bae laekem olketa narawan for feel sorre long iu and for forgetim datwan. So hem gud for iu traem best for duim sem samting long olketa tu.—Ephesus 4:32.


Wanfala dictionary sei man savve duim mistek bikos hem “estimate rong, no herem full story, and no tingting gud.” Staka taem iumi evriwan savve duim wanem dictionary hia talem. Nomata olsem, iumi bae no duim staka mistek sapos iumi followim samfala important Bible principle.

Wanfala principle hem stap long Proverbs 18:13. Hem sei: “Hem no wise for man talem tingting bilong hem bifor hem herem full story bikos datwan bae mek shame long hem.” Tru nao, taem iumi no herem full story firstaem and no ting raonem wanem for talem or duim, datwan bae mekem iumi for no tingting gud firstaem bifor iumi talem or duim samting. Bat taem iumi savve long full story, iumi bae garem stretfala tingting and no duim mistek.

Nara Bible principle hem: “Traem best bilong iufala for stap gud witim olketa narawan.” (Rome 12:18) Traem best for keepim wan mind. Taem iu waka witim olketa narawan, tingim and respectim olketa and trae for praisem and encouragem olketa. Taem evriwan showimaot olketa gudfala wei olsem, hem isi for forgivim eniwan wea talem or duim eni mistek, and tu, hem isi for stretem eni problem wea kamap.

Taem iu duim mistek, tingim wanem iu savve lanem from datwan. Iumi no laek for mekem excuse for rong samting wea iumi talem or duim, bat tingim diswan olsem chance for waka hard for garem olketa gudfala fasin. Waswe, iu laek waka hard for garem wei for patient, kaen, kontrolem iuseleva, hambol, garem peace, and showimaot love winim bifor? (Galatia 5:22, 23) Taem iumi duim mistek, main samting iumi laekem nao hem for lane from datwan and no duim sem mistek moa. Iumi no laek for ting smol long mistek iumi duim, bat long semtaem iumi no ova tumas tu for tingim datwan olowe. Hem gud tu for laf abaotem mistek wea iumi duim mekem iumi no feel nogud tumas abaotem datwan.


Sapos iumi garem stretfala tingting abaotem olketa mistek datwan bae helpem iumi for deal witim long gudfala wei. Iumi bae garem peace and stap gud witim olketa narawan. Sapos iumi lane from olketa mistek bilong iumi, bae iumi kamap wise and pipol bae laekem iumi. Bae iumi no feel nogud tumas or ting daonem iumiseleva tu. Taem iumi luksavve olketa narawan tu savve duim mistek, bae iumi no hol bak for fren witim olketa. Barava important samting nao, iumi savve kasem gud samting taem iumi followim example bilong God for showimaot love and willing for forgivim narawan.—Colossae 3:13.

Waswe, mistek wea Margaret duim wea iumi storyim finis, hem mekem olketa no enjoyim evening bilong olketa? Nomoa. Evriwan laf nomoa, especially Margaret, and olketa enjoyim kaikai long datfala evening, nomata olketa no kaikaim macaroni! Gogo, taem tufala granson bilong hem garem pikinini, tufala storyim datwan long olketa, and tu, olketa naes taem wea olketa enjoyim witim tufala grani bilong olketa. Wanem Margaret duim hem wanfala mistek nomoa!

^ par. 2 Mifala changem olketa nem.

^ par. 3 Macaroni and cheese hem kaikai wea olketa savve mixim Macaroni wea tane finis witim cheese wea olketa meltim.