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Garem Tingting Bilong Jehovah Abaotem Samting wea Stret and No Stret

Garem Tingting Bilong Jehovah Abaotem Samting wea Stret and No Stret

“Mi bae talemaot nem bilong Jehovah. . . . Hem God wea faithful and hem no savve duim samting wea no stret.” —DEUT. 32:3, 4.

SONG: 110, 2

1, 2. (a) Wanem nogud samting nao kasem Naboth and olketa son bilong hem? (b) Olketa wanem fasin nao bae iumi storyim long disfala study?

TINGIM disfala story. Tufala nogud man laea for sei wanfala man hem duim wanfala serious samting. Tufala sei man hia guilty and hem mas dae. Masbi olketa famili member and olketa fren feel nogud tumas taem olketa sutim dae man hia and olketa son bilong hem long ston, nomata olketa no duim eni rong samting! Diswan hem wanfala tru story. Hem samting wea happen long Naboth, wanfala man wea faithful for worshipim Jehovah. Naboth hem laef long taem wea King Ahab rulim Israel.—1 Ki. 21:11-13; 2 Ki. 9:26.

2 Long disfala study bae iumi storyim samting wea happen long Naboth. And tu, bae iumi story abaotem mistek wea wanfala faithful elder long first century hem duim. Tufala example hia bae showimaot hem important for iumi hambol and willing for forgive sapos iumi laek for garem sem tingting olsem Jehovah abaotem olketa samting wea stret and no stret.


3, 4. Wanem kaen man nao Naboth, and why nao hem no laek for salem grape planteison bilong hem long King Ahab?

3 Taem King Ahab rulim Israel, Naboth hem faithful long Jehovah nomata staka Israelite followim nogud example bilong Ahab and waef bilong hem, Queen Jezebel. Tufala worshipim datfala laea god Baal and no respectim Jehovah and no followim olketa law bilong hem. Bat Naboth laek for duim wanem Jehovah laekem nomata wanem bae happen long hem.

4 Readim 1 Kings 21:1-3. Taem Ahab ask for baem grape planteison bilong Naboth or for exchangem datwan witim nara gudfala grape planteison, Naboth no agree long datwan. Why nao olsem? Hem sei: “Hard for mi no obeyim Jehovah and givim iu samting wea mi kasem from olketa grani bilong mi.” Naboth hem no laek for salem datfala land long King Ahab bikos law wea Jehovah givim long olketa Israelite stopem olketa for salem land wea olketa kasem from olketa grani bilong olketa. (Lev. 25:23; Num. 36:7) Wanem Naboth duim showimaot hem obeyim Jehovah.

5. Wanem nao Jezebel duim from hem laek for tekem grape planteison bilong Naboth?

5 Taem Naboth no laek for salem datfala planteison, King Ahab and waef bilong hem plan for duim wanfala nogud samting. From tufala laek for tekem datfala planteison, Jezebel talem tufala man for talem laea story abaotem Naboth. From datwan, olketa killim dae Naboth and olketa son bilong hem. Wanem nao Jehovah duim for stretem datfala nogud samting wea happen?


6, 7. Wanem nao showimaot Jehovah evritaem duim stret samting, and hao nao datwan comfortim famili and olketa fren bilong Naboth?

6 Stretawe bihaen datwan, Jehovah sendem Elijah for go lukim Ahab. Elijah talem Ahab hem man for killim man dae and hem man for steal. Wanem nao Jehovah bae duim? Hem bae killim dae Ahab, waef bilong hem, and olketa son bilong hem.—1 Ki. 21:17-25.

7 Famili bilong Naboth and olketa fren bilong hem sorre tumas long samting wea Ahab duim. Jehovah lukim diswan and hem kwiktaem duim samting for stretem datwan. Masbi datwan barava comfortim olketa. Bat maet samting wea happen bihaen barava testim wei wea olketa hambol and trustim Jehovah.

8. Taem Ahab herem samting wea Jehovah bae duim long hem, wanem nao hem duim, and wanem nao kamaot from datwan?

8 Taem Ahab herem wanem Jehovah bae duim long hem, “hem brekem kaleko bilong hem, then hem werem kaleko wea showimaot hem sorre. Hem no kaikai and hem gohed for werem datfala kaleko and hem wakabaot olsem hem no hapi long samting wea hem duim.” Ahab hem hambol! From datwan, Jehovah talem Elijah, from Ahab hem hambol, Jehovah bae panisim famili bilong hem bihaen hem dae. (1 Ki. 21:27-29; 2 Ki. 10:10, 11, 17) Jehovah “hem lukluk gud insaed long heart bilong olketa man,” dastawe hem showimaot mercy long Ahab.—Prov. 17:3.


9. Hao nao wei for hambol hem helpem famili and olketa fren bilong Naboth?

9 Taem famili and olketa fren bilong Naboth herem famili bilong Ahab bae kasem panis bihaen Ahab hem dae, masbi datwan barava testim faith bilong olketa long God. Bat wei for hambol savve helpem olketa for gohed faithful for worshipim Jehovah and olketa sure God hem evritaem duim stret samting. (Readim Deuteronomy 32:3, 4.) Long future, Jehovah bae stretem nogud samting wea kasem famili bilong Naboth. Hem bae mekem Naboth and olketa son bilong hem for laef bak. (Job 14:14, 15; John 5:28, 29) Man wea hambol hem savve “God bae judgem evri samting wea man duim, and tu, evri samting wea hem duim haed, nomata hem gud or nomoa.” (Eccl. 12:14) Jehovah savve long evri samting wea iumi no savve long hem. So taem iumi hambol datwan savve helpem iumi for no lusim faith bilong iumi long Jehovah.

10, 11. (a) Olketa wanem samting nao maet testim faith bilong iumi long Jehovah? (b) Hao nao wei for hambol savve helpem iumi?

10 Wanem nao bae iu duim sapos olketa elder mekem wanfala disison wea iu no minim or agree long hem? Olsem example, wanem nao bae iu duim sapos iu or samwan long famili lusim privilege bilong hem insaed organization bilong Jehovah? Hao sapos marit partner, son, dota, or wanfala fren bilong iu hem disfellowship and iu no agree long disison wea olketa elder mekem? Wanem nao bae iu duim sapos olketa elder showimaot mercy long samwan wea duim sin wea iu tingse hem no fit for kasem datwan? Olketa samting hia savve testim faith bilong iumi long Jehovah and olketa arrangement bilong hem insaed long kongregeson. Sapos wanfala samting hia happen long iu, hao nao wei for hambol savve helpem iu? Bae iumi storyim tufala samting.

Wanem nao bae iu duim sapos olketa elder mekem wanfala disison wea iu no agree long hem? (Paragraf 10, 11 storyim diswan)

11 First samting, sapos iumi hambol bae iumi luksavve iumi no savve long evri information abaotem wanfala samting wea happen. Nomata iumi tingse iumi savve long evri samting abaotem wanfala samting wea happen, Jehovah nomoa savve long samting wea stap insaed heart bilong wanfala man. (1 Sam. 16:7) Taem iumi savve long datwan, hem bae helpem iumi for luksavve iumi no savve long evri samting and iumi need for changem hao iumi ting long olketa samting. Mek-tu samting, sapos iumi lukim samting hem happen wea no stret, or iumiseleva kasem datwan, sapos iumi hambol, iumi bae obey, patient, and weit long Jehovah for stretem datwan. Bible sei: “Olketa wea fraet long trufala God bae kasem gud samting . . . , bat nogud man bae no kasem eni gud samting and hem bae no laef for longfala taem.” (Eccl. 8:12, 13) Sapos iumi hambol, datwan savve helpem iumi and olketa narawan tu.—Readim 1 Peter 5:5.


12. Wanem nao bae iumi storyim distaem and hao nao datwan savve helpem iumi?

12 Olketa firstfala Christian long Antioch long Syria kasem wanfala problem wea barava testim wei wea olketa hambol, and tu, sapos olketa bae willing for forgivim narawan. Iumi bae storyim datwan for helpem iumi luksavve sapos iumi man wea willing for forgive. Datwan bae helpem iumi for savve why Jehovah savve iusim olketa man for duim wanem hem laekem nomata olketa no perfect.

13, 14. Olketa wanem privilege nao aposol Peter garem, and wanem nao hem no hol bak for storyim?

13 Aposol Peter hem wanfala elder wea staka Christian long first century savve gud long hem. Hem gudfala fren bilong Jesus and Jesus markem hem for duim olketa important waka. (Matt. 16:19) Olsem example, long 36 C.E., Peter preach long Cornelius and olketa wea stap long haos bilong hem. Diswan hem wanfala spesol samting bikos Cornelius hem no wanfala Jew and hem no circumcise. Taem Cornelius and evriwan hia kasem holy spirit, Peter luksavve olketa savve baptaes and kamap Christian. Peter sei: “God givim holy spirit long pipol hia olsem hem givim long iumi tu, so hem no fitim for eniwan stopem olketa for baptaes long wata!”—Acts 10:47.

14 Long 49 C.E., olketa aposol and olketa elder long Jerusalem hipap for storyim sapos olketa Christian wea no Jew mas circumcise. Long datfala taem, Peter no hol bak for storyim hem lukim olketa wea no Jew wea no circumcise kasem holy spirit. Wanem Peter storyim helpem governing body for mekem disison abaotem datwan. (Acts 15:6-11, 13, 14, 28, 29) Olketa Christian wea Jew and no Jew mas barava tinghae long wei wea Peter no hol bak for storyim olketa samting hia. Diswan mekem olketa Christian hia fit for trustim Peter bikos hem wanfala spiritual man!—Heb. 13:7.

15. Wanem serious samting nao Peter duim taem hem stap long Antioch long Syria? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

15 No longtaem bihaen datwan, Peter hem go visitim olketa Christian long Antioch long Syria. Taem hem long there, hem associate witim olketa Christian wea no Jew. Masbi olketa lanem staka samting from Peter. Bat olketa seke tumas and barava feel nogud taem Peter no go kaikai nao witim olketa. Peter talem olketa nara Christian wea Jew and Barnabas tu for duim sem samting. Why nao disfala elder duim disfala serious samting wea savve divaedem kongregeson? Wanem important samting nao iumi savve lanem from mistek wea Peter duim? Hao nao datwan savve helpem iumi sapos iumi feel nogud long toktok or samting wea wanfala elder duim?

16. Wanem nao Paul duim for stretem Peter, and datwan mekem olketa wanem kwestin for kamap?

16 Readim Galatia 2:11-14. Peter hem fraetem olketa man. (Prov. 29:25) Peter savve Jehovah hem hapi long olketa wea no Jew. Nomata olsem, hem fraetem olketa Jew wea circumcise wea kam from Jerusalem nogud olketa ting daonem hem bikos hem associate witim olketa Christian wea no Jew. Aposol Paul talem Peter samting wea hem duim hem barava no stret. Why nao olsem? Bikos Paul herem wanem Peter storyim for defendim olketa wea no Jew long datfala meeting long Jerusalem long 49 C.E. (Acts 15:12; Gal. 2:13) Wanem nao olketa Christian wea no Jew duim? Waswe, bae olketa stambol long samting wea Peter duim? Waswe, bae Peter lusim olketa privilege wea hem garem bikos hem duim datfala mistek?


17. From Jehovah forgivim Peter, wanem gud samting nao hem kasem?

17 Peter hem hambol and followim kaonsel wea hem kasem from Paul. Bible no storyim sapos Peter lusim eni privilege wea hem garem. Bihaen, hem raetem tufala leta wea stap insaed long Bible. Long mek-tu leta bilong hem, hem sei Paul hem ‘brata bilong iumi wea iumi lovem.’ (2 Pet. 3:15) Masbi wanem Peter duim hem mekem olketa Christian wea no Jew for feel nogud tumas. Bat Jesus wea hem hed bilong kongregeson gohed for iusim Peter for duim waka long kongregeson. (Eph. 1:22) Samting wea happen mekem olketa brata and sista garem chance for showimaot olketa followim example bilong Jesus and Dadi bilong hem for forgivim Peter. Iumi hope olketa Christian no stambol long samting wea Peter duim.

18. Olketa wanem samting nao savve happen wea iumi mas followim example bilong Jehovah for forgive?

18 Olketa elder long olketa kongregeson long first century olketa no perfect olsem olketa elder long olketa kongregeson distaem tu. Bible sei: “Iumi evriwan savve sin staka taem.” (Jas. 3:2) Hem isi for iumi luksavve long datwan, bat wanem nao bae iumi duim sapos wanfala brata duim wanfala samting wea mekem iumi feel nogud? Waswe, bae iumi followim example bilong Jehovah for forgivim hem? Olsem example, wanem nao bae iu duim sapos wanfala elder talem samting wea showimaot hem no laekem olketa narawan? Sapos wanfala elder talem wanfala samting wea mekem iu feel nogud, waswe, bae iu letem datwan for mekem iu stambol? Waswe, bae iu kwiktaem tingse datfala brata hem shud no elder nomoa or bae iu weit long Jesus wea hem hed bilong kongregeson for stretem datwan? Waswe, bae iu gohed tingim mistek wea datfala elder duim or bae iu tingim wei wea hem faithful for duim waka bilong hem for staka year finis? Sapos brata wea mekem iu feel nogud gohed for elder or maet hem kasem samfala assignment moa, waswe, bae iu hapi witim hem? Sapos iu willing for forgive, datwan showimaot iu followim example bilong Jehovah for duim stret samting.—Readim Matthew 6:14, 15.

19. Wanem nao iumi shud duim?

19 From iumi laekem evri samting for stret, iumi barava luk forward long taem wea Jehovah bae finisim disfala nogud world bilong Satan and evri samting wea no stret. (Isa. 65:17) Sapos samwan duim eni samting long iumi wea no stret, hem gud for iumi luksavve iumi no savve long evri samting abaotem wanem hem happen and iumi shud willing for forgivim olketa wea sin againstim iumi. Sapos iumi duim olsem, iumi followim example bilong Jehovah for duim stret samting.