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“Judge Bilong Full Earth” Evritaem Duim Stret Samting

“Judge Bilong Full Earth” Evritaem Duim Stret Samting

“Hem nao datfala Ston, and evri samting hem duim hem stret.”—DEUT. 32:4.

SONG: 112, 89

1. Wanem nao Abraham talem wea showimaot hem trustim Jehovah bae evritaem duim stret samting? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

ABRAHAM sei long God: “Waswe, Judge bilong full earth bae duim samting wea no stret?” (Gen. 18:25) Hem no askem datfala kwestin bikos hem daotem Jehovah, bat datwan showimaot hem trustim Jehovah for judgem Sodom and Gomorrah long stretfala wei. Hem barava sure Jehovah bae no ‘killim dae olketa gudfala pipol taem hem finisim olketa nogud pipol.’ Abraham savve “hard tumas” for God duim olsem. Bihaen, Jehovah sei olsem abaotem hemseleva: “Hem nao datfala Ston, and evri samting hem duim hem stret. Hem God wea keepim olketa promis bilong hem and hem no savve duim samting wea no stret. Hem raeteous and stret.”—Deut. 31:19; 32:4.

2. Why nao Jehovah no savve duim samting wea no stret?

2 Why nao Abraham sure Jehovah bae evritaem duim stret samting? Bikos Jehovah hem nambawan example long wei for duim samting wea raeteous and samting wea stret. Staka taem olketa Hebrew Scripture iusim tufala toktok hia “raeteous” and “samting wea stret” tugeta bikos mining bilong tufala klosap semsem. So from olketa standard bilong Jehovah hem stret, hem bae evritaem judgem samting long stretfala wei. Bible sei: “Hem lovem olketa samting wea raeteous and wea stret.”—Ps. 33:5.

3. Storyim example abaotem samting wea no stret wea savve happen distaem.

3 Iumi hapi for savve hao Jehovah hem evritaem duim samting wea stret. Bat pipol long disfala world duim staka samting wea no stret. Olsem example, samfala kot judgem samfala pipol and putim olketa long prison nomata olketa no duim eni rong samting. Olketa stap insaed prison for staka year. Gogo taem olketa start for iusim DNA test, then olketa pruvim olketa hia no duim eni rong samting and olketa aotem olketa from prison. Kaen samting olsem savve mekem man feel nogud and kros. Bat iumi bae storyim nara samting wea no stret wea maet hem no isi for iumi deal witim. Wanem nao datwan?


4. Wanem samting nao maet testim faith bilong wanfala Christian?

4 Iumi olketa Christian savve olketa long world savve duim samting wea no stret. Bat samfala taem insaed long kongregeson, maet samwan duim samting long narawan or long iumi wea iumi tingse hem no stret. Diswan savve testim faith bilong iumi. Sapos olsem, wanem nao bae iu duim? Waswe, bae iu letem datwan for mekem iu stambol?

5. Why nao iumi no sapraes taem olketa samting wea no stret happen insaed long kongregeson?

5 Iumi evriwan no perfect and iumi savve duim mistek. So hem isi for samwan duim samting long iumi wea no stret or iumi maet duim samting wea no stret long narawan long kongregeson. (1 John 1:8) Nomata diswan no savve happen staka taem, iumi no sapraes or stambol taem samting olsem hem happen. Jehovah givim iumi olketa gudfala advaes long Bible for helpem iumi for gohed faithful sapos wanfala brata or sista duim samting wea no stret long iumi.—Ps. 55:12-14.

6, 7. Wanem nao happen long wanfala brata, and wanem nao helpem hem for deal witim datwan?

6 Tingim samting wea happen long Willi Diehl. Start long 1931, Brata Diehl hem waka long Bethel long Bern, Switzerland. Long 1946, hem attendim mek-eit class bilong Gilead Skul long New York, U.S.A. Bihaen olketa graduate, hem kasem assignment for duim circuit waka long Switzerland. Insaed laef story bilong Brata Diehl hem sei: “Long May 1949, mi talem olketa brata long branch office long Switzerland, mi bae marit.” Bikos long datwan, olketa brata sei bae hem lusim samfala privilege bilong hem, bat hem savve gohed pioneer nomoa. Brata Diehl sei: “Olketa no letem mi for givim eni tok, . . . staka brata and sista no laek sei hello long mitufala, and olketa treatim mifala olsem man wea disfellowship.”

7 Wanem nao Brata Diehl duim? Hem sei: “Mitufala savve Bible no stopem man for marit, so mitufala gohed prea long Jehovah and trustim hem for stretem datwan.” Long firstaem samfala brata no garem stret tingting abaotem marit, bat gogo, olketa minim tingting bilong Jehovah abaotem datwan, and Brata Diehl kasem bak olketa privilege bilong hem. From hem faithful Jehovah blessim hem. * Hem gud for iumi savve tingim olketa kwestin hia: ‘Sapos samting olsem hem kasem mi, waswe, bae mi patient and weit long Jehovah for stretem datwan? Or waswe, bae mi trae for stretem datfala problem seleva nomoa?’—Prov. 11:2; readim Micah 7:7.

8. Why nao maet hem isi for iumi minim rong wanfala samting wea happen insaed kongregeson?

8 Sapos iumi tingse wanfala samting wea no stret hem happen insaed long kongregeson, iumi mas tingim iumi evriwan no perfect, so maet iumi no minim gud samting wea happen. And tu, maet iumi no savve long full story. Nomata maet iumi minim stret or nomoa, iumi mas prea long Jehovah abaotem datwan, trustim hem, and gohed for faithful long hem. Wei for duim olsem savve helpem iumi for no “kros long Jehovah.”—Readim Proverbs 19:3.

9. Olketa wanem example nao bae iumi storyim long disfala study and long nextfala study?

9 Iumi bae storyim thrifala example abaotem samting wea no stret wea happen long pipol bilong Jehovah bifor. Long disfala study bae iumi story abaotem Joseph and wanem olketa brata bilong hem duim long hem. Long nextfala study, bae iumi lane abaotem hao Jehovah hem deal witim King Ahab, and tu, samting wea happen long aposol Peter long Antioch long Syria. Taem iumi story abaotem olketa hia, tingim why hem important for trustim Jehovah and for no lusim wei wea iu fren witim hem, especially taem iu tingse samwan treatim iu long wei wea hem no stret.


10, 11. (a) Wanem nao samfala nogud samting wea kasem Joseph? (b) Taem Joseph stap long prison, hem garem chance for duim wanem?

10 Joseph hem man wea faithful for worshipim Jehovah. Samfala man treatim hem long wei wea hem no stret. Bat samting wea mekem hem sorre tumas, hem wei wea olketa brata bilong hem treatim hem nogud. Taem Joseph hem 17 year, olketa brata bilong hem salem hem for kamap slave long Egypt. (Gen. 37:23-28; 42:21) Taem Joseph stap long Egypt, olketa accusim hem and sei hem rapem wanfala woman, then olketa putim hem long prison. (Gen. 39:17-20) Joseph hem safa for 13-fala year bikos firstaem hem wanfala slave and then hem stap long prison. Hao nao example bilong Joseph savve helpem iumi sapos eni brata or sista duim samting long iumi wea no stret?

11 Taem Joseph hem stap yet long prison, olketa putim man for lukaftarem wine bilong king long prison tu. Wanfala naet, datfala man garem wanfala dream and Jehovah helpem Joseph for talem mining bilong datfala dream. Joseph talem hem olketa bae aotem hem from prison and hem bae waka for Pharaoh moa. Then Joseph iusim datfala chance for storyim olketa samting wea kasem hem. Hem luksavve samfala samting hem fitim for hem storyim and samfala samting hem no need for storyim. Datwan hem gudfala example for iumi.—Gen. 40:5-13.

12, 13. (a) Wanem nao Joseph duim for trae stretem samting wea kasem hem? (b) Wanem nao Joseph no talem long datfala man for lukaftarem wine?

12 Readim Genesis 40:14, 15. Joseph talem datfala man for lukaftarem wine hao samfala man forcem hem for followim olketa mekem olketa salem hem. Joseph laekem datfala man for luksavve wanem olketa duim long hem, hem no stret. Joseph storyim tu hao hem no rapem datfala woman mekem olketa putim hem long prison. So hem talem datfala man for storyim hem long Pharaoh bikos hem laek for Pharaoh aotem hem from prison.

13 Joseph kasem staka nogud samting, so hem duim samting for trae stretem datwan. Hem storyim long datfala man samting wea happen long hem bikos hem tingse man hia savve helpem hem. Bat Joseph no talem Pharaoh or eni narawan hao olketa brata bilong hem nao olketa man wea salem hem. So taem olketa brata bilong Joseph kam long Egypt and mek peace witim hem, Pharaoh welkamim olketa and talem olketa for kam stap long Egypt and enjoyim olketa gud samting long there.—Gen. 45:16-20.

Wei for tok spoelem narawan savve mekem problem hem kamap worse (Paragraf 14 storyim diswan)

14. Wanem nao savve helpem iumi for no tok spoelem samwan long kongregeson wea duim samting long iumi wea no stret?

14 Sapos samwan long kongregeson duim samting long iumi wea no stret, iumi mas no gossip abaotem datwan. Sapos wanem hem duim hem serious, iumi shud askem olketa elder for helpem iumi deal witim datwan. (Lev. 5:1) Bat staka taem samting wea samwan duim maet no big tumas, and iumi savve stretem datwan witim datfala brata and no need for talem olketa elder or eni narawan. (Readim Matthew 5:23, 24; 18:15.) Iumi laek for stap gud witim olketa brata and sista bilong iumi and followim olketa Bible principle taem samting olsem happen. Samfala taem bihaen samting hem happen nao, maet iumi just luksavve tingting bilong iumi abaotem datwan hem no stret. Then bae iumi hapi from iumi no talem eni nogud samting abaotem datfala brata or sista! Nomata tingting bilong iumi abaotem samting wea happen hem stret or nomoa, hem bae no helpem iumi sapos iumi tok spoelem man wea duim datwan. Bae iumi no laek for duim datwan from iumi lovem Jehovah and olketa brata bilong iumi. Man wea raetem psalm hem sei: “Man wea laek for duim stret samting . . . bae no tok spoelem, or duim nogud samting long fren bilong hem.”—Ps. 15:2, 3; Jas. 3:5.


15. Wanem gud samting nao Joseph kasem from hem faithful long Jehovah?

15 Iumi savve lanem nara important samting from Joseph. Insaed 13-fala year wea hem kasem staka nogud samting, wanem hem duim showimaot hem followim tingting bilong Jehovah. (Gen. 45:5-8) Hem no blamem Jehovah for samting wea kasem hem. Nomata olsem, hard for Joseph forgetim nogud samting wea kasem hem, bat hem no gohed feel nogud olowe. And important samting nao, hem no letem nogud samting wea olketa narawan duim long hem for spoelem wei wea hem fren witim Jehovah. From Joseph faithful long Jehovah hem garem chance for lukim wei wea Jehovah stretem olketa samting wea kasem hem and blessim hem and famili bilong hem.

16. Sapos samwan long kongregeson duim samting long iumi wea no stret, why nao hem gud for iumi strongim wei wea iumi fren witim Jehovah?

16 Iumi tu mas tinghae long wei wea iumi fren witim Jehovah. From olketa brata and sista no perfect olketa savve duim samting wea no stret, bat iumi shud no letem datwan for stopem iumi for worshipim Jehovah wea iumi lovem. (Rome 8:38, 39) Bat sapos samwan long kongregeson duim samting long iumi wea no stret, iumi laek for followim example bilong Joseph and strongim wei wea iumi fren witim Jehovah. Iumi laek for duim samting followim tingting bilong Jehovah. Sapos bihaen iumi followim olketa Bible principle and traem best for stretem eni problem witim samwan long kongregeson bat hem no laek for acceptim datwan, iumi shud leavim datwan long hand bilong Jehovah. Iumi sure gogo hem bae stretem datwan.


17. Wanem nao iumi savve duim for showimaot iumi trustim Jehovah wea hem “Judge bilong full earth”?

17 From iumi stap long disfala nogud world, iumi savve bae pipol duim samting long iumi wea no stret. Samfala taem maet samwan long kongregeson duim samting long iumi or long narawan wea iumi tingse hem no stret. No letem datwan for mekem iu stambol. (Ps. 119:165) Nomata olsem, iumi mas gohed faithful long God, prea long hem for helpem iumi, and depend long hem for stretem evri samting. Hem gud for tingim from iumi no perfect samfala taem iumi no minim gud wanfala samting wea happen, and tu, maet iumi no savve long full story. Iumi laek for followim example bilong Joseph and no storyim samting wea bae mekem problem for kamap worse. And tu, iumi shud no trae for stretem samting seleva bat iumi laek for gohed faithful long Jehovah and weit long hem for duim datwan. Sapos iumi duim olsem, Jehovah bae hapi long iumi and blessim iumi olsem Joseph. Iumi savve sure Jehovah wea hem “Judge bilong full earth” bae evritaem duim stret samting.—Gen. 18:25; Deut. 32:4.

18. Wanem nao bae iumi storyim long nextfala study?

18 Long nextfala study, bae iumi storyim tufala example abaotem samting wea no stret wea happen long pipol bilong Jehovah bifor. Olketa example hia bae helpem iumi for luksavve wei for hambol and willing for forgivim narawan bae helpem iumi for garem tingting bilong Jehovah abaotem olketa samting wea no stret.

^ par. 7 Lukim laef story bilong Willi Diehl long The Watchtower bilong November 1, 1991, wea garem title: “Jehovah Is My God, in Whom I Will Trust.”