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Olketa Man wea Lead—Lane From Timothy

Olketa Man wea Lead—Lane From Timothy

LAST year, staka thousand brata kamap elder and ministerial servant long olketa kongregeson raonem world. Sapos iu wanfala long olketa brata hia, for sure bae iu barava hapi long datfala niu privilege.

Bat maet diswan mekem iu wari lelebet tu. Jason, wanfala young elder, hem sei, “Taem olketa appointim mi, mi feel olsem olketa responsibility hia hem hard tumas for deal witim.” Moses and Jeremiah tu tingse olketa no fit taem Jehovah askem olketa for duim niu assignment. (Eksodas 4:10; Jeremaea 1:6) Sapos iu tu feel olsem, wanem nao bae helpem iu for winim kaen tingting olsem and for kamap gud long waka bilong iu? Tingim example bilong Timothy, wanfala disaepol bilong Christ.—Acts 16:1-3.


Maet Timothy hem samting olsem 20 year taem aposol Paul askem hem for waka tugeta witim hem. Firstaem, from Timothy young, maet hem fraet lelebet and hol bak for duim datfala niu assignment. (1 Tim. 4:11, 12; 2 Tim. 1:1, 2, 7) Bat 10 year bihaen, Paul talem kongregeson long Philippi: “Sapos Lord Jesus hem laekem, mi bae sendem Timothy kam long iufala . . . Mi no savve tingim eniwan wea olsem Timothy.”—Phil. 2:19, 20

Why nao Timothy hem wanfala nambawan elder? Tingim sixfala samting wea iu savve lanem from example bilong hem.

1. Hem barava tingim olketa narawan. Paul talem olketa brata long Philippi: “[Timothy] bae barava tingim and lukaftarem iufala.” (Phil. 2:20) Tru nao, Timothy tingim and kea for pipol. Hem barava laekem olketa narawan for fren gud witim Jehovah, and hem iusim taem and strong for helpem olketa.

William, wea hem wanfala gud elder for winim 20 year, savve talem disfala advaes long olketa niu elder and ministerial servant: “Lovem olketa brata. Tingim samting wea olketa brata needim winim wei for busy tumas long olketa waka bilong kongregeson.” Mas no olsem wanfala bas draeva wea wari nomoa for followim taem winim wei for pikim passenger.

2. Hem putim Kingdom first. Taem Paul markem example bilong Timothy witim olketa narawan, hem sei: “Olketa narawan interest for duim nomoa wanem olketa seleva laekem, olketa no interest for duim samting wea Christ Jesus laekem.” (Phil. 2:21) Paul raetem disfala leta taem hem stap long Rome, and hem lukim hao olketa brata long there busy nomoa for duim wanem olketa seleva laekem. And olketa lelebet hol bak for duim best bilong olketa taem olketa duim olketa spiritual samting. Bat Timothy no olsem! Taem eni chance kamap for sapotim gud nius, Timothy garem sem tingting olsem Isaiah wea sei: “Mi long hia! !Yu sendem mi!”—Aesaea 6:8.

Hao nao iu savve balancem samting wea iu need for duim for iuseleva and olketa spiritual samting? Firstaem, duim samting wea Paul talem: “Luksavve long olketa samting wea barava important.” (Phil. 1:10) So samting wea important long God shud important long iu. Mek-tu samting, hem for garem simpol laef from iu katem daon olketa samting wea tekem taem and strong bilong iu. Paul encouragem Timothy: “Ranawe from olketa samting wea young pipol laekem, bat gohed waka hard for duim samting wea stret, for garem faith and love, and for stap gud witim narawan.”—2 Tim. 2:22.

3. Hem waka hard for Jehovah. Paul remindim olketa long Philippi: “[Timothy] showimaot hem fit bikos hem waka hard witim mi for mekem waka for talemaot gud nius hem gohed gud. Hem waka hard witim mi olsem pikinini wea waka witim dadi bilong hem.” (Phil. 2:22) Timothy no lesy. Hem waka hard witim Paul and datwan strongim wei wea tufala fren gud tugeta.

Staka waka stap insaed organization bilong God distaem. Olketa waka hia savve mekem man barava satisfae and savve mekem iu fren gud witim olketa brata and sista. So hem gud for iu markem goal for “evritaem busy long waka bilong Lord.”—1 Cor. 15:58.

4. Hem duim wanem hem lanem. Paul raet long Timothy and sei: “Iu savve gud long teaching bilong mi, wei bilong mi, goal bilong mi, faith bilong mi, wei wea mi patient, love bilong mi, and wei bilong mi for no givap.” (2 Tim. 3:10) From Timothy followim wanem hem lanem from Paul, hem fit for kasem olketa nara bigfala responsibility.—1 Cor. 4:17.

Waswe, iu garem wanfala mature fren or brata wea fit for helpem iu kamap gud long waka bilong iu? Sapos nomoa yet, trae askem eniwan. Tom, wea hem wanfala elder for staka year, hem sei: “Wanfala mature elder interest for helpem mi and hem barava trainim mi gud. Staka taem mi savve askem advaes bilong hem and followim datwan. Diswan helpem mi for no fraet.”

5. Hem gohed for trainim hemseleva. Paul encouragem Timothy for ‘garem goal for faithful long God and trainim hemseleva for kasem datwan.’ (1 Tim. 4:7) Wanfala sportsman savve garem coach, bat hem mas trainim hemseleva tu. Paul encouragem Timothy olsem: “Gohed waka hard for readim olketa Holy Raeting long olketa narawan, and encouragem and teachim olketa. . . . Ting raonem olketa samting hia and tingting strong long olketa mekem evriwan lukim wei wea iu gohed for kamap strongfala Christian.”—1 Tim. 4:13-15.

Iu tu need for gohed kamap gud long waka bilong iu. Evritaem study seleva mekem iu savve abaotem olketa niu direction from organization. And tu, no tingse iu no need for duim research from iu sei iu garem savve and experience finis for deal witim olketa samting wea kamap. For followim example bilong Timothy, iu mas “lukluk gud evritaem long iuseleva and long samting wea iu teachim.”—1 Tim. 4:16.

6. Hem depend long holy spirit bilong Jehovah. Taem Paul story long Timothy abaotem ministry bilong hem, Paul sei: “Protectim disfala spesol samting wea iu kasem witim help bilong holy spirit wea hem stap long iumi.” (2 Tim. 1:14) For Timothy protectim ministry bilong hem, wea minim for no givap for duim datwan, hem need for depend long holy spirit bilong God.

Donald wea elder for staka year, hem sei: “Olketa elder and ministerial servant mas tinghae long wei wea olketa fren witim God. Olketa wea duim olsem bae gohed for ‘kamap strong.’ Taem olketa prea for holy spirit bilong God and garem olketa wei bilong holy spirit, bae olketa kamap olsem blessing for olketa brata.”—Sams 84:7; 1 Pet. 4:11.


Hem barava encouragem mifala for lukim wei wea iu and staka nara brata, wea just kamap elder or ministerial servant, gohed for duim gud waka bilong Jehovah. Jason, wea iumi storyim long start, hem sei: “Start from taem wea mi kamap elder kam kasem distaem, mi lanem staka samting and mi no fraet tumas nao. Distaem mi barava enjoyim assignment bilong mi and mi ting long datwan olsem wanfala nambawan privilege.”

Waswe, iu savve gohed duim gud waka bilong Jehovah? Putim goal for lane from example bilong Timothy. Sapos iu duim olsem, bae iu tu olsem blessing for pipol bilong God.