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Wanem Olketa Mami Savve Lanem From Example blo Eunice

Wanem Olketa Mami Savve Lanem From Example blo Eunice

‘No fogetem evri tising wea mami hemi givim. Hem olsem barava spesol hat long hed blong yu, o naes nekles long nek blong yu.’​—PROVEBS 1:8, 9.

SONG 137 Olketa Faithful Woman, Christian Sista


Eunice, mami blo Timothy, and Lois, granmami blo hem, barava hapi and praod lo Timothy taem hem baptaes (Lukim paragraf 1)

1-2. (a) Hu nao Eunice, and wanem challenge nao hem feisim taem hem teachim Timothy abaotem Jehovah and Jesus? (b) Storyim piksa lo kava.

 NOMATA Bible no storyim wanem hem happen lo day wea Timothy baptaes, masbi mami blo hem Eunice, barava hapi for lukim hem baptaes. (Provebs 23:25) Maet iumi tingim hao hem mas praod tumas taem hem lukim Timothy go insaed lo wata for baptaes. Lois, granmami blo Timothy, hol lo shoulder blo Eunice and tufala smile big. Eunice hapi tumas taem Timothy go daon insaed lo wata. Taem Timothy kamaot from wata witim big smile lo feis blo hem, eye blo Eunice fulap witim tias bikos hem hapi fogud. Eunice hem hapi bikos nomata hem no isi, hem teachim Timothy for lovem Jehovah and Son blo hem Jesus Christ. Wanem nao samfala challenge wea Eunice feisim taem hem teachim Timothy?

2 Eunice and hasband blo hem no stap lo sem religion. Hasband hem wanfala Greek man, and Eunice and mami blo hem tufala Jew. (Acts 16:1) Luk olsem Timothy hem teenager taem Eunice and Lois kamap Christian, bat dadi no kamap Christian. Which religion nao bae Timothy chusim? From hem big finis, hem savve disaed which religion nao hem laek followim. Hao, bae hem followim religion blo dadi? Or bae hem still followim Jew religion wea hem growap insaed? Or bae hem laek kamap follower blo Jesus Christ?

3. Olsem Provebs 1:8, 9 storyim, hao nao tingting blo Jehovah abaotem wanem olketa mami duim for helpem pikinini for kamap fren blo hem?

3 Olketa mami distaem tu lovem pikinini blo olketa. Olketa laekem tumas for helpem pikinini for fren gud witim Jehovah. And God tinghae tumas lo datwan. (Readim Provebs 1:8, 9.) Jehovah helpem staka mami taem olketa teachim pikinini for lovem and worshipim Jehovah.

4. Wanem challenge nao samfala mami feisim?

4 Samfala taem maet olketa mami tingting abaotem sapos pikinini blo olketa bae disaed for worshipim Jehovah, olsem Timothy. Parents savve pikinini feisim staka challenge lo world blo Satan. (1 Pet. 5:8) Nara samting wea mekem hem no isi for mami teachim pikinini abaotem Jehovah, hem from hem no garem hasband for helpem hem, or hasband no worshipim Jehovah. For example, wanfala sista wea nem blo hem Christine b sei: “Hasband blo mi hem gudfala dadi and lukaftarem mifala gud, bat hem no laekem mi for teachim olketa pikinini for kamap Jehovah’s Witness. Staka taem mi savve krae bikos mi tingse bae hem hard nao for olketa pikinini worshipim Jehovah.”

5. Wanem nao bae iumi storyim lo disfala article?

5 Disfala article bae helpem olketa mami for followim example blo Eunice for teachim pikinini for worshipim Jehovah. And tu, article bae storyim hao pikinini savve lane from wanem iu talem and wanem iu duim. And bae iumi lanem hao Jehovah bae helpem iufala olketa mami.


6. Olsem 2 Timothy 3:14, 15 storyim, wanem nao helpem Timothy for kamap Christian?

6 Taem Timothy smol, mami teachim hem for savve gud lo “olketa Holy Raeting” followim hao olketa Jew minim. Lo datfala taem Eunice savve Messiah bae kam, bat hem no savve hao Jesus nao datfala Messiah. Nomata olsem, wanem Timothy lanem from olketa Scripture helpem hem for acceptim olketa teaching blo Christ. (Readim 2 Timothy 3:14, 15.) Bat hao, Timothy kamap wanfala Christian? From hem big finis, hem garem raet for disaed sapos hem bae kamap wanfala Christian or nomoa? Luk olsem samting wea helpem Timothy for garem faith lo Jesus, hem from mami gohed for teachim hem. Masbi Eunice hapi tumas from hem win for teachim son blo hem abaotem Jehovah and Jesus, nomata hem no isi. And interesting samting, nem blo Eunice hem minim “for win.”

7. Hao nao Eunice helpem son blo hem for gohed lovem Jehovah bihaen hem baptaes?

7 Masbi Eunice barava hapi taem Timothy disaed for baptaes. Bat maet Eunice warim olketa nara samting olsem, ‘Wat nao bae Timothy bae duim witim laef blo hem. Hao, bae hem garem olketa nogud fren wea maet spoelem hem? Hao, bae hem go skul lo Athens and start for bilivim olketa laea teaching blo olketa savveman lo there? Waswe, bae hem weistim taem, strong, and young laef blo hem for aftarem riches?’ Eunice no savve mekem disison for Timothy, bat hem savve helpem hem for mekem gud disison. Hao nao Eunice helpem hem? Hem gohed waka hard for teachim son blo hem for lovem Jehovah and for tinghae lo evri samting wea Jehovah and Jesus duim for olketa. Distaem, nomata mami or dadi nomoa insaed lo truth, or tufala evriwan insaed truth, olketa evriwan feisim olketa challenge for teachim pikinini for lovem Jehovah and gohed faithful lo hem. Hao nao example blo Eunice savve helpem olketa parents?

8. Hao nao waef savve helpem hasband blo hem for teachim pikinini?

8 Studyim Bible witim pikinini blo iu. Olketa sista, sapos hasband blo iu hem insaed lo truth, Jehovah laekem iu for helpem hasband for teachim pikinini abaotem Bible. Wanfala wei for duim diswan hem for sapotim hasband for duim Famili Worship. Storyim hao iu tinghae lo Famili Worship, and tingim wanem iu savve duim for mekem evriwan enjoyim datwan. Maet iu savve helpem hasband blo iu for planim wanfala spesol samting for duim lo Famili Worship. Nara samting, sapos eni pikinini need for duim study lo Enjoyim Laef for Olowe! buk, hem gud for iu helpem hasband for duim datwan.

9. Sapos wanfala mami no garem hasband lo truth, hu nao savve helpem hem?

9 Samfala mami mas studyim Bible witim pikinini blo olketa bikos olketa no garem hasband, or hasband no insaed lo truth. Sapos datwan nao situation blo iu no wari tumas, bikos Jehovah bae helpem iu. Hem gud for iusim olketa buk, video, and olketa nara samting wea organization provaedem for study witim pikinini. Feel free for askem olketa parents wea iusim olketa tul hia for eni gud idea wea iu savve traem. c (Provebs 11:14) Jehovah savve helpem iu tu for story gud witim pikinini. Prea lo Jehovah for helpem iu iusim olketa gudfala kwestin wea bae mekem pikinini for no hol bak for talem tingting and feeling blo hem. (Provebs 20:5) Iu savve askem simpol kwestin olsem, ‘Hao, iu no hapi lo eni samting lo skul?’ Kaen kwestin olsem savve helpem iu for savve gud lo pikinini blo iu.

10. Wanem nao nara samting iu savve duim for helpem pikinini lane abaotem Jehovah?

10 Iusim evri chance for teachim pikinini abaotem Jehovah. Story lo pikinini abaotem Jehovah and olketa gud samting wea hem duim for iu. (Diutronomi 6:6, 7; Aesaea 63:7) Diswan barava important sapos hasband blo iu stopem iu for study witim olketa pikinini. Christine, wea iumi storyim bifor, sei: “From hasband blo mi no laekem mi for storyim olketa spiritual samting lo olketa pikinini, mi iusim eni chance wea mi garem for duim datwan. Taem mi and olketa pikinini go for strol or go lo saedsea, mi savve story abaotem creation and olketa spiritual samting. And taem olketa pikinini start for big mi encouragem olketa for studyim Bible seleva.” Nara samting, storyim olketa gud samting abaotem organization blo Jehovah and olketa brata and sista. No tok spoelem olketa elder, bikos datwan savve mekem pikinini for hol bak for askem help lo olketa.

11. Olsem James 3:18 storyim, why nao hem important for keepim peace insaed famili?

11 Keepim peace insaed famili. Hem gud for talem hasband and olketa pikinini iu lovem olketa. Taem iu story abaotem hasband blo iu showimaot iu respectim hem, and trainim pikinini for duim sem samting. Diswan bae mekem famili garem peace and bae hem isi for iu helpem pikinini for lane abaotem Jehovah. (Readim James 3:18.) Tingim samting wea happen lo Jozsef, wea distaem hem spesol pioneer lo Romania. Taem hem pikinini, dadi no laekem hem, mami, and olketa brata and sista blo hem for worshipim Jehovah. Jozsef sei: “Mami waka hard for keepim peace insaed lo famili. Taem dadi hem kros mami barava kaen lo hem. Taem mami lukim mifala no respectim and no laek obeyim dadi, hem savve readim and discussim Ephesus 6:1-3 witim mifala. Then hem savve storyim olketa gudfala wei blo dadi and helpem mifala for tinghae lo hem. Datwan help for keepim peace insaed lo famili.”


12. Olsem 2 Timothy 1:5 storyim, hao nao example blo Eunice helpem Timothy?

12 Readim 2 Timothy 1:5. Eunice showimaot gudfala example for Timothy. Hem mas teachim Timothy hao man wea garem faith bae hem duim gudfala samting. (Jas. 2:26) Masbi Timothy lukim hao wanem mami blo hem duim showimaot hem lovem Jehovah. Timothy mas lukim hao mami blo hem hapi for worshipim Jehovah. Hao nao example blo Eunice helpem Timothy? Olsem aposol Paul storyim, Timothy garem strongfala faith olsem mami blo hem. Diswan hem bikos Timothy lukim wanem mami duim and hem laek for followim example blo hem. Distaem tu, staka mami helpem olketa pikinini for worshipim Jehovah from gudfala example wea olketa showimaot. (1 Pet. 3:1, 2) Hao nao iu savve duim sem samting?

13. Why nao olketa mami shud iusim taem blo olketa for fren gud witim Jehovah?

13 Pikinini shud luksavve iu lovem Jehovah. (Diutronomi 6:5, 6) Mami savve duim staka samting for lukaftarem pikinini. Hem iusim taem and selen blo hem, maet hem wekap lo naet for lukaftarem olketa, and hem busy tu lo olketa nara samting. Bat iufala mami shud no busy tumas lo olketa samting hia gogo iufala no garem taem for duim olketa spiritual samting. Hem gud for markem taem for prea, duim study seleva, and attendim olketa meeting. Diswan bae helpem iufala for fren gud witim Jehovah and bae iufala showimaot gud example for famili and olketa narawan tu.

14-15. Wat nao iu lanem from example blo Leanne, Maria, and João?

14 Tingim example blo samfala young wan wea lovem Jehovah and trustim hem, bikos olketa lukim gud example blo mami blo olketa. Leanne, dota blo Christine sei: “Dadi stopem mifala for no studyim Bible lo haos, bat mami faithful for evritaem attendim olketa meeting. Nomata mifala no savve gud lo Bible, example blo mami helpem mifala for garem strongfala faith. Mifala savve wanem olketa Jehovah’s Witness teachim nao hem truth, nomata lo taem wea mifala no attendim meeting yet.”

15 Dadi blo Maria savve treatim nogud lo famili taem olketa attendim olketa meeting. Maria sei: “Mami blo mi hem wanfala sista wea faithful tumas. Taem mi pikinini mi no laek duim samfala samting bikos mi fraet lo olketa narawan. Bat taem mi lukim mami no savve fraet and hem no letem eni samting for stopem hem for worshipim Jehovah, datwan helpem mi for no fraet lo olketa narawan. Dadi blo João tu, stopem famili for story abaotem Jehovah or Bible lo haos. João sei: “Samting wea mekem mi tinghae lo mami nao, hem willing for duim eni samting for dadi, bat hem no letem dadi for stopem hem for worshipim Jehovah.”

16. Hao nao gudfala example blo iufala mami savve encouragem olketa narawan?

16 Olketa mami, tingim hao example blo iufala savve encouragem olketa narawan. Hao nao olsem? Tingim hao Paul tinghae lo example blo Eunice. Paul luksavve Timothy garem faith bikos hem followim example blo Eunice. (2 Tim. 1:5) Lo first missionary gogo blo Paul hem meetim Lois and Eunice lo Lystra and hem lukim Eunice garem faith. Luk olsem lo datfala taem nao hem helpem Lois and Eunice for kamap Christian. (Acts 14:4-18) Samting olsem 15 year bihaen datwan, Paul raet lo Timothy and hem tingim yet faith blo Eunice, and hem storyim gudfala example blo hem. Masbi example blo Eunice barava encouragem aposol Paul and olketa nara Christian lo first century. Sapos iu no garem hasband or hasband blo iu no insaed truth bat iu gohed helpem pikinini for worshipim Jehovah, iu savve sure gudfala example blo iu savve encouragem olketa narawan.

Hem tek taem for mami helpem pikinini for lovem Jehovah. No givap! (Lukim paragraf 17)

17. Wanem nao iu shud duim sapos hem luk olsem pikinini no interest lo spiritual samting?

17 Hao sapos hem luk olsem pikinini blo iu no interest lo olketa spiritual samting? Tingim hao hem tek taem for trainim pikinini. Olsem iu lukim lo piksa, taem iu plantim wanfala seed, maet iu no sure sapos datfala seed bae kamap tree wea bae garem frut. Nomata iu no sure lo datwan, bae iu gohed for watarem datfala plant mekem hem garem chance for grow. (Mark 4:26-29) Olsem tu, maet mami no sure sapos training wea hem givim lo pikinini bae helpem hem for lovem Jehovah. Nomata iu no savve kontrolem disison blo pikinini, hem gud for iu gohed trainim hem mekem hem garem chance for fren witim Jehovah.​—Provebs 22:6.


18. Hao nao Jehovah savve helpem pikinini for fren witim hem?

18 Start lo taem blo Bible kam kasem distaem, Jehovah helpem staka young wan for fren witim hem. (Sams 22:9, 10) Jehovah savve helpem pikinini blo iu tu for fren witim hem. (1 Cor. 3:6, 7) Nomata maet hem luk olsem pikinini no laek worshipim Jehovah, Jehovah still lovem hem. (Sams 11:4) Sapos Jehovah lukim pikinini start for changem tingting blo hem, Jehovah bae laek for helpem hem. (Acts 13:48; Mek-tu Kronikols 16:9) Maet bae hem helpem iu for talem eni gudfala toktok wea pikinini need for herem. (Provebs 15:23) Or maet hem iusim wanfala brata or sista lo kongregeson for helpem pikinini blo iu. Nomata taem pikinini hem big, bat hem no insaed truth yet, Jehovah maet helpem hem for tingim samting iu teachim hem bifor. (John 14:26) Sapos iu showimaot gud example for pikinini lo toktok blo iu and wanem iu duim, Jehovah bae blessim hard waka blo iu.

19. Why nao iu savve sure Jehovah hem hapi lo iu?

19 Jehovah lovem iu, nomata pikinini blo iu disaed for worshipim hem or nomoa. Hem lovem iu bikos iu lovem hem. Sapos iu no garem hasband, Jehovah promis for kamap Dadi blo pikinini blo iu and for lukaftarem iu. (Sams 68:5) Iu no savve kontrolem disison blo pikinini for worshipim Jehovah or nomoa. Bat sapos iu gohed for depend lo Jehovah and duim best blo iu, Jehovah bae hapi lo iu.

SONG 134 Mas Lukaftarem Pikinini

a Bae iumi lanem hao example blo Eunice, mami blo Timothy, savve helpem olketa mami. And tu, bae iumi lanem hao olketa mami savve helpem pikinini blo olketa for savve lo Jehovah and lovem hem.

b Mifala changem samfala nem.

c For example, lukim leson 50 lo Enjoyim Laef for Olowe! buk, and wanfala article lo Wastaoa blo August 15, 2011, p. 6-7 wea garem title “Olketa Idea for Famili Worship and Study Seleva.”