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Wanem Hasband and Waef Savve Duim for Garem Gudfala Marit

Wanem Hasband and Waef Savve Duim for Garem Gudfala Marit

“Evriwan long iufala mas lovem waef bilong hem olsem hem lovem hemseleva, and tu, waef mas barava respectim hasband bilong hem.”—EPH. 5:33.

SONG: 87, 3

1. Nomata tufala wea just marit barava hapi tumas, wanem nao Bible sei olketa wea marit bae kasem? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

LONG wedding day, hem taem wea boy and gele wea bae marit barava hapi tumas. Tufala fren gogo tufala barava lovem tufala, so tufala laek for marit and promis for faithful long each other. Bihaen tufala marit finis, tufala mas changem samfala samting long laef bilong tufala mekem tufala savve stap gud tugeta. Jehovah wea hem startim marit, hem laekem hasband and waef for hapi and garem gudfala marit, so hem givim gudfala advaes long Bible for olketa wea marit. (Prov. 18:22) Nomata olsem, Bible sei from tufala wea marit no perfect, bae tufala “kasem hard taem long laef bilong [tufala].” (1 Cor. 7:28) Wanem nao savve helpem olketa wea marit for deal witim olketa “hard taem” hia? And wanem nao savve helpem olketa Christian for garem gudfala marit?

2. Wanem nao olketa difren kaen love wea olketa hasband and waef mas showimaot?

2 Bible sei hem barava important for showimaot love. Bat for hasband and waef garem gudfala marit, tufala mas showimaot olketa difren kaen love. Olsem example, tufala mas kaen and tingim narawan, and showimaot love wea hasband and waef garem for each other. And sapos tufala garem olketa pikinini, hem important for evriwan long famili showimaot love wea olketa famili member garem for each other. Bat love wea followim principle nao bae barava helpem tufala for garem gudfala marit. Aposol Paul storyim diskaen love taem hem sei: “Evriwan long iufala mas lovem waef bilong hem olsem hem lovem hemseleva, and tu, waef mas barava respectim hasband bilong hem.”—Eph. 5:33.


3. Storyim love wea hasband and waef mas garem for each other.

3 Paul hem sei: “Iufala olketa hasband mas gohed for lovem waef bilong iufala, olsem Christ tu hem lovem kongregeson and givim laef bilong hem for datwan.” (Eph. 5:25) Olketa Christian distaem followim example bilong Jesus for lovem each other olsem Jesus lovem olketa disaepol bilong hem. (Readim John 13:34, 35; 15:12, 13.) Love wea hasband and waef garem for each other mas barava strong mekem nomata sapos eni samting happen, tufala bae willing for dae for tufala. Bat maet samfala feel olsem olketa no garem datfala love for each other taem bigfala problem kamap insaed long marit. Wanem nao savve helpem tufala? Love wea followim principle nao savve helpem tufala bikos “nomata wanem hem happen, man wea garem love hem hapi nomoa. Hem gohed for biliv, hem evritaem garem hope, and no eni samting savve mekem hem givap.” Love wea followim principle hem “no savve finis.” (1 Cor. 13:7, 8) Hasband and waef mas evritaem tingim marit promis wea tufala mekem. Tufala promis for lovem and faithful long each other. Taem tufala tingim olowe datfala promis bae tufala waka hard for followim olketa Bible principle for stretem eni problem wea kamap.

4, 5. (a) Wanem nao waka bilong hasband insaed long famili? (b) Hao nao olketa waef shud ting long arrangement bilong hedship? (c) Storyim samfala change wea wanfala hasband and waef mas mekem taem tufala marit.

4 Paul storyim waka bilong hasband and waef taem hem sei: “Olketa waef mas stap anda long hasband bilong olketa olsem olketa stap anda long Lord. Diswan hem bikos hasband hem hed bilong waef olsem Christ hem hed bilong kongregeson.” (Eph. 5:22, 23) Wei wea Jehovah markem hasband for hed long waef hem no minim hem gud winim waef bilong hem. Disfala arrangement bilong hedship hem helpem waef for duim important waka wea Jehovah markem for olketa waef. Jehovah sei: “Hem nogud for man stap seleva. Mi bae wakem wanfala for helpem hem wea barava fitim hem.” (Gen. 2:18) Waef shud helpem hasband bilong hem for kamap gudfala hed long famili. And hasband mas followim example bilong Jesus, wea hem “hed bilong kongregeson” for showimaot love. Taem hasband duim olsem, waef bae feel sef and bae hem hapi for sapotim and respectim hem.

5 Cathy, wea hem maritim Fred,  [1] hem sei: “Taem mi no marit yet, mi no depend long eniwan and mi lukaftarem miseleva. Taem mi marit, mi mas changem tingting bilong mi bikos mi mas lane nao for depend long hasband bilong mi. Hem no evritaem isi, bat taem mitufala followim olketa Bible principle, datwan helpem mitufala for barava fren gud.” Fred sei: “Mi savve faendem hem hard for mekem olketa disison. Taem mi marit mi mas disaedem olketa samting wea bae affectim mi and waef bilong mi wea datwan mekem hem no isi. Bat taem mi prea long Jehovah for helpem mi and mi lisin long tingting bilong waef bilong mi, datwan barava helpem mi and mitufala hapi for waka tugeta!”

6. Taem problem kamap insaed marit, hao nao love helpem hasband and waef for garem wan mind?

6 Hasband and waef savve garem gudfala marit sapos tufala “willing for forgivim” tufala. From tufala no perfect, tufala evriwan savve mekem olketa mistek. Taem datwan happen, tufala savve lane from mistek bilong tufala, gohed forgivim narawan, and showimaot love wea followim olketa Bible principle, wea datwan nao hem “mekem [tufala] for wan mind.” (Col. 3:13, 14) Hasband and waef savve showimaot diskaen love taem tufala patient, kaen, and no “tingim olowe nogud samting wea narawan duim.” (1 Cor. 13:4, 5) Taem tufala no agree long eni samting, tufala shud trae for stretem datwan kwiktaem bifor sun hem go daon. (Eph. 4:26, 27) Hasband and waef wea hambol bae traem best for sei long narawan, “Mi sorre nao mi mekem iu feel nogud.” Taem tufala duim olsem, datwan savve helpem tufala for stretem eni problem wea kamap and mekem tufala fren gud tugeta.


7, 8. (a) Wanem advaes insaed Bible nao savve helpem hasband and waef saed long sex? (b) Why nao hasband and waef mas kaen and tingim feeling bilong tufala?

7 Bible hem garem olketa gudfala advaes wea savve helpem hasband and waef for garem stretfala tingting abaotem sex insaed long marit. (Readim 1 Corinth 7:3-5.) Hem barava important for hasband and waef tingim feeling and need bilong each other saed long diswan. Sapos hasband no deal witim waef long kaenfala wei saed long sex, maet waef faendem hem hard for enjoyim diswan. Bible sei olketa hasband mas tingim waef bikos ‘olketa woman no strong olsem olketa.’ (1 Pet. 3:7) Hasband or waef shud no forcem each other saed long sex, bat hem samting wea tufala evriwan nao willing for givim long each other. Jehovah wakem man long wei wea hem savve kwiktaem garem feeling for laekem sex, bat tufala evriwan nao shud redi for diswan.

8 Bible no storyim wanem nao hasband and waef shud duim or no duim long each other bifor tufala sleep tugeta, bat Bible sei hem stret for tufala showimaot tufala lovem each other. (Song of Sol. 1:2; 2:6) Olketa Christian hasband and waef shud kaen and tingim feeling bilong tufala.

9. Why nao hem no stret for laekem samwan wea hem no marit partner bilong iumi?

9 Taem iumi lovem God and olketa narawan, bae iumi no letem eniwan or eni samting for spoelem marit bilong iumi. Samfala hasband and waef no stap gud tugeta or spoelem marit bilong olketa from olketa lukluk long olketa rabis piksa. Iumi mas stap klia long eni samting wea savve switim iumi for lukluk long olketa rabis piksa, or for laekem samwan wea hem no marit partner bilong iumi. Iumi mas stap klia tu long wei for switim feeling bilong samwan wea no marit partner bilong iumi bikos for duim olsem hem no showimaot love. Iumi mas evritaem tingim, God hem savve long tingting bilong iumi and evri samting wea iumi duim. Datwan bae helpem iumi for duim samting wea God hapi long hem and for gohed faithful long marit partner bilong iumi.—Readim Matthew 5:27, 28; Hebrew 4:13.


10, 11. (a) Wanem nao happen long staka marit distaem? (b) Wanem nao Bible talem abaotem wei for separate? (c) Wanem nao bae helpem hasband and waef for no kwiktaem disaed for separate?

10 Taem samfala hasband and waef no savve stretem olketa bigfala problem insaed marit, olketa maet disaed for separate or divorce. Long samfala kantri, staka hasband and waef olketa divorce. Hem tru, diswan hem no happen staka taem insaed kongregeson, bat samfala hasband and waef distaem wea worshipim Jehovah olketa garem bigfala problem insaed marit bilong olketa.

11 Bible sei: “Waef mas no lusim hasband bilong hem. Bat sapos hem lusim hasband bilong hem, hem mas gohed for stap singol nomoa, or go bak long hasband bilong hem. Hasband tu mas no lusim waef bilong hem.” (1 Cor. 7:10, 11) Samfala hasband and waef maet tingse problem bilong tufala hem big tumas so tufala mas separate. Jesus showimaot wei for separate hem no samting for ting smol long hem. Bihaen Jesus talem moa toktok bilong God abaotem marit, hem sei: “No eni man mas aotem samting wea God joinim finis.” (Matt. 19:3-6; Gen. 2:24) So Jehovah laekem hasband and waef for stap tugeta. (1 Cor. 7:39) Iumi mas evritaem tingim, iumi evriwan bae ansa long Jehovah for samting wea iumi duim. Datwan bae helpem iumi for kwiktaem stretem problem bifor hem kamap big tumas.

12. Wanem nao maet mekem samfala hasband and waef tingting for separate?

12 Wanem nao mekem samfala hasband and waef for kasem olketa bigfala problem? Samfala no kasem wanem olketa expectim from marit bilong olketa, and datwan maet mekem olketa barava sorre and feel nogud. Staka taem problem kamap insaed marit bikos maet tufala garem difren culture, or tingting bilong tufala abaotem samfala samting hem no semsem. Problem savve kamap tu saed long olketa in-law, or tufala no agree long hao for spendem selen, or hao for trainim pikinini. Bat iumi hapi tumas from staka Christian hasband and waef stretem olketa problem wea kamap bikos olketa followim olketa Bible principle.

13. Wanem nao maet samfala reason wea mekem hasband and waef for separate?

13 Samfala samting savve happen wea nogud tumas wea mekem hasband or waef disaed for separate. Samfala samting hia nao, maet hasband no laek for sapotim famili, wanfala long tufala killim nogud long narawan, and marit partner stopem narawan for no worshipim Jehovah. Taem bigfala problem kamap insaed long marit, hasband and waef shud askem olketa elder for helpem tufala. Olketa elder garem bigfala savve and olketa savve helpem tufala for followim toktok bilong God long Bible. And taem tufala prea long Jehovah for holy spirit, datwan bae helpem tufala for followim olketa Bible principle and for showimaot olketa wei bilong trufala Christian.—Gal. 5:22, 23. [2]

14. Wanem nao Bible talem long olketa Christian wea marit partner bilong olketa no worshipim Jehovah?

14 Bible showimaot olketa gudfala reason hem stap for hasband and waef for no separate nomata wanfala long tufala no worshipim Jehovah. (Readim 1 Corinth 7:12-14.) Datfala hasband or waef wea no biliv hem “klin” bikos hem maritim wanfala wea worshipim God. Long tingting bilong God, olketa pikinini wea tufala garem olketa “holy.” Paul sei olsem long hasband or waef wea biliv: “Waef, iu no savve sapos iu bae sevem hasband bilong iu or nomoa. And hasband, iu no savve tu sapos iu bae sevem waef bilong iu or nomoa.” (1 Cor. 7:16) Staka experience showimaot olketa Christian helpem hasband or waef bilong olketa for worshipim Jehovah.

15, 16. (a) Wanem kaonsel nao stap long Bible for olketa waef wea hasband bilong olketa no worshipim God? (b) Sapos marit partner wea no biliv hem disaed for separate, wanem nao wanfala Christian bae no duim?

15 Aposol Peter kaonselem olketa waef for stap anda long hasband bilong olketa. Hem sei: “Nomata sapos eniwan long olketa no obeyim toktok bilong God, gudfala wei bilong waef nao bae mekem olketa biliv nomata waef no talem eni samting. Diswan hem bikos olketa lukim gudfala wei bilong iufala and lukim iufala showimaot bigfala respect.” Winim wei for waef preach olowe long hasband bilong hem, maet hem savve helpem hasband acceptim truth taem hem showimaot “wei for kwaet and hambol” wea hem nao “God tinghae tumas long hem.”—1 Pet. 3:1-4.

16 Waswe sapos marit partner wea no biliv hem disaed for separate? Bible sei: “Sapos datwan wea no biliv hem go, letem hem go. Sapos olsem, datfala brata or sista no need for stap witim hem nao. God hem mekem iufala for garem peace.” (1 Cor. 7:15) Hem tru, wei wea tufala separate maet mekem Christian hia for garem peace, bat datwan no minim hem free for marit moa, and tu, bae hem no forcem marit partner bilong hem for kam bak long hem. Gogo, datfala partner wea no biliv maet disaed for kam bak, and laek for tufala stap tugeta moa. And long future, maet hem kamap wanfala Witness bilong Jehovah.


Taem olketa spiritual samting nao hem first samting long laef bilong iumi, iumi savve garem gudfala marit (Paragraf 17 storyim diswan)

17. Wanem nao mas first samting long laef bilong Christian hasband and waef?

17 From iumi stap long “olketa last day . . . bae evri samting hem hard tumas.” (2 Tim. 3:1-5) Dastawe iumi mas fren gud witim Jehovah bikos datwan savve protectim iumi. Paul sei: “Lelebet taem nomoa hem stap. Start long distaem, mi laekem iufala wea garem waef mas olsem olketa wea no garem waef. And tu,  . . olketa wea mekius long world mas no barava mekius long disfala world.” (1 Cor. 7:29-31) Wanem Paul talem hem no minim olketa wea marit shud no tingim marit partner bilong olketa. Bat from iumi stap long olketa last day, olketa spiritual samting nao mas first samting long laef bilong iumi.—Matt. 6:33.

18. Wanem nao savve mekem Christian hasband and waef for hapi and garem gudfala marit?

18 Long distaem wea evri samting hem hard tumas, staka marit brekdaon. Waswe, iumi savve hapi and garem gudfala marit? Yes. Sapos iumi fren gud witim Jehovah and pipol bilong hem, followim olketa Bible principle, and followim lead bilong holy spirit bilong Jehovah, iumi savve garem gudfala marit. Taem iumi duim olketa samting hia, iumi tinghae long “samting wea God joinim finis.”—Mark 10:9.

^ [1] (paragraf 5) Mifala changem olketa nem.

^ [2] (paragraf 13) Lukim buk “Gohed Kasem Gud Samting From Love Bilong God” appendix, “Wanem Bible Talem Abaotem Divorce and Wei for Separate.”