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Gohed Waka Hard for Trainim Olketa Narawan

Gohed Waka Hard for Trainim Olketa Narawan

“Mi nao bae teachim iufala olketa gudfala samting.”—PROV. 4:2.

SONG: 93, 96

1, 2. Why nao hem important for trainim olketa narawan for duim olketa waka wea Jehovah askem iumi for duim?

JESUS barava waka hard for talemaot gud nius abaotem Kingdom. Hem iusim staka taem for trainim olketa disaepol bilong hem tu. Hem lanem olketa hao for teachim olketa narawan and hao for lukaftarem pipol bilong God. Olketa disaepol lane for kamap olketa man for lukaftarem olketa sheepsheep. (Matt. 10:5-7) Nomata Philip hem busy for duim preaching waka, hem trainim tu olketa gele bilong hem for duim datfala waka. (Acts 21:8, 9) Why nao iumi tu mas trainim olketa narawan?

2 Evriwea long world, staka wea no baptaes yet stap long olketa kongregeson. Iumi mas teachim olketa niu wan hia. Iumi mas helpem olketa for luksavve why hem important for olketa seleva mas readim and studyim Bible. And olketa mas lane tu for duim preaching waka and for teachim pipol. Olketa brata wea just baptaes mas kasem training mekem gogo olketa savve kamap ministerial servant and elder. Iumi evriwan long kongregeson savve duim samting for helpem olketa niu wan.—Prov. 4:2.


3, 4. (a) Wanem nao Paul talem wea showimaot wei for man studyim Bible seleva savve helpem hem for duim gud ministry? (b) Wanem nao iumi mas duim firstaem bifor iumi savve encouragem Bible study bilong iumi for studyim Bible seleva?

3 Hem important for evriwan wea worshipim Jehovah for readim and studyim Bible seleva mekem olketa savve long wanem nao God hem laekem. Aposol Paul storyim diswan long olketa Christian long Colossae taem hem sei: “Mifala gohed prea long God for givim iufala stretfala savve abaotem wanem hem laekem.” Why nao hem barava important for olketa readim and studyim olketa Holy Raeting? Datwan bae helpem olketa for garem wisdom and wei for minim samting mekem olketa savve duim wanem hem “fitim pipol wea worshipim Jehovah for mekem hem hapi.” And tu, olketa bae duim “evri gudfala waka” wea Jehovah laekem olketa for duim, especially for preachim gud nius. (Col. 1:9, 10) So sapos iumi garem Bible study, iumi mas helpem hem for luksavve wei for evritaem readim and studyim Bible seleva savve helpem hem for fren gud witim Jehovah.

4 Sapos iumiseleva no tinghae long wei for studyim Bible seleva, hard for iumi helpem olketa Bible study bilong iumi tu for tinghae long wei for studyim Bible seleva. Sapos iumi readim Bible and ting raonem evritaem, diswan bae helpem iumi long laef bilong iumi and long ministry. Olsem example, taem samwan askem iumi wanfala hard kwestin long ministry, iumi bae fit for iusim Bible for ansarem kwestin bilong hem. Or taem iumi read abaotem Jesus, Paul, and olketa narawan wea no givap for duim preaching waka, datwan bae encouragem iumi and bae iumi gohed for preach nomata long taem wea hem no isi. And taem iumi storyim wanem iumi lanem taem iumi studyim Bible seleva and hao datwan helpem iumi, maet iumi savve encouragem olketa narawan for studyim gud Bible mekem olketa tu kasem gud samting from datwan.

5. Hao nao iumi savve trainim Bible study bilong iumi mekem hem savve evritaem studyim Bible seleva?

5 Maet iu sei: ‘Hao nao bae mi trainim Bible study bilong mi mekem hem savve evritaem studyim Bible seleva?’ First samting, iu savve lanem hem hao for preparem buk bilong hem for study bilong iutufala. Sapos iutufala studyim datfala buk Wanem Nao Really Samting wea Bible Teachim?, iu savve talem hem for readim appendix wea join witim subject wea iutufala studyim, and for hem readim evri scripture tu. Then iu savve showim hem hao for prepare for olketa meeting mekem hem savve koment. Encouragem hem for readim evri niu Wastaoa and Awake! magasin. And iu savve showim hem hao for iusim Research Index, Watchtower Library, or Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY for faendem ansa long olketa Bible kwestin. Taem hem followim olketa difren wei hia bae hem enjoyim wei for studyim Bible seleva and bae hem laek for gohed lane.

6. (a) Hao nao iu savve helpem Bible study bilong iu for tinghae long Bible? (b) Taem Bible study tinghae long Bible, wanem nao bae hem duim?

6 Iumi no laek for forcem eniwan for readim and studyim Bible seleva. Bat hem gud for iusim olketa samting wea organization bilong Jehovah provaedem for helpem Bible study bilong iumi for tinghae long Bible. Taem hem gohed for studyim Bible seleva, bae hem garem sem tingting olsem man wea raetem psalm. Hem sei: “Wei for fren gud witim God hem mekem mi kasem gudfala samting. Jehovah, wea hem Lord bilong evri samting, hem nao sef ples bilong mi.” (Ps. 73:28) Holy spirit bilong Jehovah bae helpem eniwan wea laek for fren gud witim Jehovah.


7. Wanem nao Jesus duim for trainim olketa aposol for preachim gud nius? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

7 Iumi savve lanem staka samting from Jesus taem hem trainim olketa aposol. Taem Jesus go preach, hem tekem olketa disaepol bilong hem witim hem and olketa lukim hao hem teachim pipol. Hem talem olketa tu wanem olketa mas duim taem olketa preach. (Matthew, chapter 10)  [1] No longtaem bihaen, olketa aposol savve hao for teachim truth long pipol. (Matt. 11:1) Distaem bae iumi storyim tufala samting wea iumi savve teachim olketa niu wan for duim long ministry.

8, 9. (a) Storyim olketa example wea showimaot Jesus hem savve hao for story witim pipol. (b) Hao nao iumi savve helpem olketa niu pablisa for savve hao for story long pipol olsem Jesus?

8 Savve hao for story long pipol. Staka taem nao Jesus savve story long man wanwan. Olsem example, hem story gud witim wanfala woman wea kam for tekem wata long wanfala well klosap long datfala taon, Sychar. (John 4:5-30) Jesus story tu witim Matthew Levi, wea hem man for tekem tax, and askem hem for kamap disaepol bilong hem and hem go followim Jesus nao. Wantaem Matthew invaetem Jesus and olketa narawan for go kaikai long haos bilong hem. Jesus story long staka pipol wea kam long haos bilong Matthew.—Matt. 9:9; Luke 5:27-39.

9 Nomata Nathanael tok daonem pipol long Nazareth, Jesus hem tok kaen long hem. From Jesus duim olsem, datwan mekem Nathanael for changem tingting bilong hem abaotem Jesus, wea hem from Nazareth. And Nathanael laek for lane from Jesus. (John 1:46-51) Example bilong Jesus showimaot wei for tok kaen long pipol bae mekem olketa laek lisin long story bilong iumi. [2] Taem iumi helpem olketa niu wan for story olsem, olketa bae barava enjoyim ministry.

10-12. (a) Wanem nao Jesus duim taem pipol interest long gud nius? (b) Wanem nao iumi savve duim for helpem olketa niu pablisa for kamap olketa gudfala teacher?

10 Go bak long olketa wea interest. Jesus garem staka samting for duim long ministry bilong hem. Bat taem pipol interest for herem wanem hem storyim, hem iusim taem bilong hem for teachim staka samting long olketa. Olsem example, wantaem olketa pipol hipap long saedsea for lisin long Jesus. So Jesus go insaed long boat witim Peter and go aot lelebet from shore and start for teachim pipol hia. Bihaen, Jesus laek for teachim wanfala samting long Peter tu. Jesus duim wanfala mirakol for Peter kasem plande fish long net bilong hem. Then hem sei long Peter: “Start long disfala taem, bae iu fishing for kasem pipol.” Long semtaem, Peter and olketa narawan wea fishing witim hem “go shore and lusim evri samting and go followim [Jesus] nao.”—Luke 5:1-11.

11 Nicodemus laek for herem wanem Jesus teachim. Bat from Nicodemus hem member bilong Hae Kot bilong olketa Jew, hem warim wanem pipol bae talem sapos olketa lukim hem story witim Jesus. So hem go for lukim Jesus long naet. Jesus no les for story witim hem bat hem teachim olketa important samting long Nicodemus. (John 3:1, 2) Jesus willing for iusim taem bilong hem for teachim olketa tru samting long pipol and for strongim faith bilong olketa. Iumi tu mas willing for story long pipol long taem wea fitim olketa, and iusim taem bilong iumi for helpem olketa for minim Bible.

12 Taem iumi waka witim olketa niu wan long ministry, iumi savve helpem olketa for luksavve hem gud for go bak long eniwan wea interest. Iumi savve askem olketa tu for kam witim iumi long olketa return visit and Bible study bilong iumi. Taem iumi duim olsem, olketa bae lane hao for teachim olketa narawan and olketa tu bae hapi and satisfae taem olketa helpem pipol for lanem tru samting abaotem Jehovah. Then olketa bae hapi for go bak moa long pipol and studyim Bible witim olketa. Bae olketa lane tu for no givap kwiktaem and for patient for duim ministry.—Gal. 5:22; lukim box “ Hem No Givap.”


13, 14. (a) Storyim example bilong samfala long Bible wea duim barava big samting for helpem olketa narawan. (b) Hao nao iumi savve trainim olketa niu wan and olketa young wan for showimaot love long olketa brata and sista?

13 Jehovah laekem pipol bilong hem for lovem and for helpem each other. (Readim 1 Peter 1:22; Luke 22:24-27.) Bible sei Jesus iusim evri samting wea hem garem for helpem olketa narawan, and gogo hem givim laef bilong hem tu for olketa. (Matt. 20:28) Dorcas “hem evritaem helpem pipol and duim gud samting for pipol wea poor.” (Acts 9:36, 39) Mary “waka hard tumas for helpem” olketa brata and sista long Rome. (Rome 16:6) Hao nao iumi savve helpem olketa niu wan for luksavve hem barava important for duim gud samting for olketa brata and sista?

Trainim olketa niu wan for showimaot love long olketa brata and sista (Paragraf 13, 14 storyim diswan)

14 Iumi savve askem olketa niu wan for kam witim iumi taem iumi visitim olketa olo or olketa wea sik. And taem dadi and mami visitim olketa hia, sapos hem fitim, olketa savve tekem olketa pikinini bilong olketa tu. Olketa elder savve askem olketa young wan or olketa niu wan for helpem olketa taem olketa fixim eni samting long haos bilong olketa wea olo, or taem olketa tekem kaikai for olketa. Taem olketa young wan and olketa niu wan lukim iumi helpem olketa narawan long kongregeson, olketa tu bae laek for duim sem samting. Olsem example, wanfala elder savve evritaem visitim olketa brata and sista wea stap long territory bilong kongregeson wea farawe. Wanfala young brata wea staka taem hem savve go witim disfala elder, hem lane from datfala elder and hem tu laek for duim samting for helpem olketa brata and sista.—Rome 12:10.

15. Why nao hem important for olketa elder trainim olketa brata long kongregeson?

15 Jehovah markem olketa brata for teach long kongregeson. So hem important for olketa brata lanem hao for givim olketa gudfala tok. Hem bae gud sapos elder hem lisin long ministerial servant taem hem practicem wanfala tok bilong hem, and givim hem samfala idea long hao for duim gud datfala tok.—Neh. 8:8. [3]

16, 17. (a) Wanem nao Paul duim for trainim Timothy? (b) Hao nao olketa elder savve trainim olketa nara brata long kongregeson for kamap elder?

16 Need hem stap long olketa kongregeson for olketa elder trainim olketa nara brata for kamap ministerial servant and elder. Paul trainim Timothy and hem encouragem Timothy for trainim olketa narawan. Paul sei: “Gohed kasem strong from wei wea God hem kaen tumas long olketa wea wan mind witim Christ Jesus. Olketa samting wea iu herem from mi and wea olketa narawan tu herem, teachim olketa samting hia long olketa man wea faithful wea bae mekem olketa fit for teachim datwan long narawan tu.” (2 Tim. 2:1, 2) Timothy lanem staka samting from Paul, wea hem wanfala elder and aposol tu. Paul teachim Timothy hao for duim gud preaching waka and hao for helpem olketa brata and sista long kongregeson.—2 Tim. 3:10-12.

17 Paul iusim staka taem for trainim Timothy bikos hem laekem Timothy for duim gud waka bilong Jehovah. (Acts 16:1-5) Olketa elder savve followim example bilong Paul taem olketa tekem olketa ministerial servant wea fit for go witim olketa long samfala shepherding kol. Taem olketa elder duim olsem, olketa ministerial servant lanem hao for teachim narawan, hao for patient and showimaot love, and hao for depend long Jehovah taem olketa “lukaftarem olketa sheepsheep bilong God.”—1 Pet. 5:2.


18. Why nao hem important for trainim olketa narawan for duim waka bilong Jehovah?

18 Long distaem, iumi mas trainim staka niu wan for savve hao for duim gud preaching waka. Need hem stap tu for trainim olketa brata for lukaftarem kongregeson. Jehovah laekem evri pipol bilong hem for kasem gudfala training, and iumi nao kasem datfala privilege for helpem olketa niu wan. So hem important for waka hard for trainim olketa narawan, olsem Jesus and Paul duim. Iumi mas waka hard for trainim staka narawan bikos bigfala need hem stap yet for duim preaching waka bifor end hem kam.

19. Hao nao iumi savve bae iumi kasem gud samting taem iumi trainim olketa narawan?

19 For trainim olketa niu wan, iumi mas waka hard and iusim staka taem. Nomata olsem, Jehovah and Jesus bae helpem iumi for savve hao for trainim gud olketa hia. Iumi bae hapi taem iumi lukim olketa wea iumi trainim olketa ‘waka hard and traem best bilong olketa’ for duim waka long kongregeson or long preaching waka. (1 Tim. 4:10) Iumi tu mas gohed waka hard for duim moa samting for Jehovah, garem olketa gudfala wei, and fren gud witim Jehovah.

^ [1] (paragraf 7) Olsem example, samfala samting wea Jesus talem olketa disaepol bilong hem nao: (1) Olketa mas preach abaotem Kingdom. (2) Olketa mas trustim God for provaedem need bilong olketa. (3) No raoa witim pipol. (4) Trustim God taem pipol againstim olketa. (5) No fraet.

^ [2] (paragraf 9) Disfala buk Kasem Gud Samting From Theocratic Ministry Skul Education, p. 62-64, garem olketa gudfala idea long hao for story long pipol long ministry.

^ [3] (paragraf 15) Disfala buk Kasem Gud Samting From Theocratic Ministry Skul Education, page 52-61, storyim olketa idea wea savve helpem wanfala brata for savve hao for givim gudfala tok.