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Lane From Olketa Bible Profesi

Lane From Olketa Bible Profesi

“Olketa wea garem wei for minim samting nomoa bae minim.”​—DAN. 12:10.

SONG 98 Bible Hem Kam From God


1. Hao nao iu savve enjoy for studyim olketa Bible profesi?

 BEN, wanfala young brata sei: “Mi interest tumas for studyim olketa Bible profesi.” Hao, iu tu feel olsem? Or iu tingse olketa Bible profesi hem hard tumas for minim? Maet iu boring tu for studyim olketa Bible profesi. Bat, maet iu changem tingting blo iu taem iu lanem moa samting abaotem why Jehovah includim olketa profesi insaed Bible.

2. Wat nao bae iumi discussim lo disfala article?

2 Lo disfala article, bae iumi discussim why iumi shud lane abaotem olketa Bible profesi and hao for studyim. Then bae iumi storyim tufala profesi lo buk blo Daniel and lukim hao taem iumi understandim tufala profesi hia hem savve helpem iumi distaem.


3. For minim olketa Bible profesi, wat nao iumi need for duim?

3 For minim olketa Bible profesi, iumi need for ask for help. Tingim disfala illustration: Imaginim iu visitim ples wea iu no kasem bifor, bat wanfala fren wea savve gud lo datfala area hem travel witim iu. Hem savve gud lo wea nao iutufala lo hem and wea nao each road go lo hem. For sure, iu hapi tumas fren blo iu hem kam witim iu! Jehovah hem olsem datfala fren. Hem savve lo wea nao iumi lo hem distaem and wat bae happen lo future blo iumi. So for minim olketa Bible profesi, iumi mas hambol and askem help from Jehovah.​—Dan. 2:28; 2 Pet. 1:19, 20.

For studyim olketa Bible profesi savve helpem iumi for redi for olketa future event (Lukim paragraf 4)

4. Why nao Jehovah includim olketa profesi lo Bible? (Jeremiah 29:11) (Lukim tu piksa.)

4 Jehovah hem olsem parents wea laekem olketa pikinini for garem hapi future. (Readim Jeremiah 29:11.) Bat Jehovah difren from olketa parents bikos hem savve talem wat bae happen lo future, and wat hem talem hem evritaem kamap tru. Hem includim olketa profesi lo Bible mekem iumi savve lo olketa important event bifor olketa happen. (Isa. 46:10) Olketa Bible profesi hem present from Dadi blo iumi lo heven wea lovem iumi. Bat hao nao bae iumi sure wat Bible talem abaotem future bae kamap tru?

5. Wat nao olketa young wan savve lanem from experience blo Max?

5 Lo skul, staka taem olketa young wan blo iumi stap witim olketa wea no really respectim or no respectim Bible. Olketa koment and wanem olketa duim savve mekem olketa young wan blo iumi daotem Bible. Tingim experience blo Brata Max. Hem sei, “Taem mi teenager, mi start for daotem if wanem parents blo mi teachim hem truth, and if Bible hem kam from God.” Wat nao parents blo hem duim? Max sei, “Tufala no kros, bat mi savve tufala lelebet wari.” Parents blo Max iusim Bible for ansarem olketa kwestin blo hem. Max tu duim samting. Hem sei, “Mi duim personal study abaotem olketa Bible profesi and mi discussim wat mi lanem witim olketa nara young wan.” Wat nao result? Max sei, “Afta datwan, mi barava convince dat Bible hem kam from God!”

6. If iu garem daot, wat nao iu need for duim and why nao olsem?

6 If iu tu start for daotem truth insaed Bible olsem Max, iu shud no feel guilty. Bat iu need for duim samting. Daot hem olsem rast. If iu ignorem, isisi bae hem spoelem valuable samting wea iu garem. For aotem “rast” wea savve spoelem faith blo iu, iu need for askem iuseleva, ‘Waswe, mi bilivim wat Bible talem abaotem future?’ If iu no sure, then hem gud for studyim olketa Bible profesi wea fulfill finis. Hao nao for duim datwan?


For trustim Jehovah olsem Daniel, iumi mas hambol, barava study gud, and garem raet motive taem iumi studyim olketa Bible profesi (Lukim paragraf 7)

7. Wanem example nao Daniel showim lo hao for studyim olketa profesi? (Daniel 12:10) (Lukim tu piksa.)

7 Daniel showim gud example lo hao for studyim profesi. Taem hem studyim olketa profesi, hem garem raet motive, wea hem nao for savve lo truth. And Daniel hem hambol from hem luksavve Jehovah bae helpem hem for minim olketa profesi, if hem gohed fren gud witim Jehovah and obeyim olketa standard blo hem. (Dan. 2:27, 28; readim Daniel 12:10.) Daniel showimaot hem hambol taem hem depend lo Jehovah for help. (Dan. 2:18) And tu, Daniel barava studyim gud olketa profesi. Hem duim research lo olketa scripture wea available lo datfala taem. (Jer. 25:11, 12; Dan. 9:2) Hao nao iu savve followim example blo Daniel?

8. Why nao samfala studyim olketa Bible profesi, bat wat nao iumi shud duim?

8 Ting abaotem motive blo iu. Waswe, iu studyim olketa Bible profesi bikos iu barava laek for savve lo truth? If olsem, Jehovah bae helpem iu. (John 4:23, 24; 14:16, 17) Why nao samfala maet laek for studyim olketa profesi? Maet samfala laek faendem pruv wea showim Bible no kam from God. Olketa ting if Bible no kam from God, olketa seleva garem raet for disaedem standard lo wat nao hem stret and rong mekem olketa savve followim. Bat iumi no olsem, iumi mas garem raet motive for study. And tu, for helpem iumi minim olketa Bible profesi, iumi need for garem nara important wei.

9. Wat nao wanfala wei wea iumi need for garem for minim olketa Bible profesi? Explainim.

9 Mas hambol. Jehovah promis for helpem olketa wea hambol. (Jas. 4:6) So iumi need for askem hem for helpem iumi for minim olketa Bible profesi. And tu, iumi mas luksavve iumi needim help blo datfala wakaman wea faithful wea Jehovah iusim for givim iumi spiritual kaikai lo barava taem. (Luke 12:42) Jehovah hem God wea organize, so hem mek sense for hem iusim only datfala wakaman wea faithful for helpem iumi for minim olketa truth insaed Bible.​—1 Cor. 14:33; Eph. 4:4-6.

10. Wat nao iu lanem from wanem Esther duim?

10 Barava studyim gud. Chusim wanfala profesi wea iu interest lo hem and duim research lo datwan firstaem. Hem nao wat Sista Esther duim. Hem interest lo olketa profesi abaotem taem wea Messiah bae kam. Hem sei: “Taem mi 15 years old, mi duim research for faendem pruv wea showim hao olketa profesi hia olketa raetem bifor Jesus kam lo earth.” Wat hem lanem taem hem read abaotem olketa Dead Sea Scroll barava convincim hem. Hem sei: “Samfala lo olketa scroll hia olketa raetem bifor Christ hem kam, so datwan minim olketa profesi insaed mas kam from God.” Hem sei tu, “For mi minim samfala samting, mi mas readim tu-thri taem.” Bat hem hapi hem duim datwan. Bihaen hem barava studyim gud samfala Bible profesi, hem sei: “Mi barava lukim klia dat Bible hem tru!”

11. Taem iumi pruvim dat Bible hem tru, hao nao datwan helpem iumi?

11 Taem iumi lukim hao samfala Bible profesi hem fulfill finis, iumi bae barava trustim Jehovah and olketa direction wea iumi kasem from hem. And tu, olketa Bible profesi helpem iumi for garem strong hope for future nomata iumi feisim olketa hard taem. Bae iumi storyim tufala profesi blo Daniel wea gohed fulfill distaem. Taem iumi minim olketa profesi hia, datwan bae helpem iumi for mekem wise disison.


12. Wat nao tufala foot wea “iron hem mix witim soft clay” representim? (Daniel 2:41-43)

12 Readim Daniel 2:41-43. Lo dream wea Daniel talem mining blo hem for King Nebuchadnezzar, king lukim tufala foot blo datfala image hem ‘iron wea mix witim soft clay.’ Taem iumi comparem disfala profesi witim olketa nara profesi lo buk blo Daniel and Revelation, iumi luksavve tufala foot hia representim England and America wea waka tugeta, and wea hem nao world paoa distaem. Daniel storyim hao “part blo [world paoa] hia bae strong and part blo hem bae wik tu.” Why nao nara part hem wik? Bikos ordinary pipol wea piksarem datfala soft clay, olketa nao mekem paoa blo hem wea strong olsem iron for wik. b

13. Wanem important truth nao iumi lanem from datfala profesi?

13 Iumi lanem olketa important truth from datfala image wea Daniel describem, especially from tufala foot blo hem. First wan, England-America World Paoa showim hem garem bigfala paoa lo samfala samting. For example, datfala world paoa nao tekem lead for winim World War I and World War II. Nomata olsem, disfala world paoa hem wik finis and bae gohed for wik, bikos olketa citizen blo hemseleva faet againstim each other and gavman. Second wan, England-America nao hem last world paoa for rul bifor Kingdom blo God finisim evri kingdom blo man. Nomata samfala taem maet olketa nara nation againstim England-America World Paoa, olketa bae no kamap world paoa for changem hem. Iumi savve lo datwan bikos “datfala ston” wea representim Kingdom blo God bae pisisim tufala foot blo datfala image, wea hem nao England-America World Paoa.​—Dan. 2:34, 35, 44, 45.

14. Taem iumi minim profesi abaotem tufala foot wea iron mix witim clay, hao nao datwan helpem iumi for mekem wise disison?

14 Waswe, iu barava convince dat profesi blo Daniel abaotem tufala foot wea iron mix witim clay hem tru? If olsem, datwan bae affectim hao iu disaedem olketa samting lo laef blo iu. Bae iu no aftarem selen and material samting lo disfala world wea redi nomoa for distroe. (Luke 12:16-21; 1 John 2:15-17) Taem iu minim disfala profesi, datwan bae helpem iu tu for luksavve hem important for duim preaching and teaching waka. (Matt. 6:33; 28:18-20) Bihaen iu studyim disfala profesi, hem gud for askem iuseleva, ‘Hao, olketa disison wea mi mekem showim mi convince dat Kingdom blo God klosap for distroem evri gavman blo man?’


15. Hu nao “king blo north” and “king blo south” distaem? (Daniel 11:40)

15 Readim Daniel 11:40. Daniel chapter 11 storyim tufala king, or politikol paoa, wea compete witim each other for paoa. Taem iumi comparem disfala profesi witim olketa nara profesi lo Bible, iumi luksavve “king blo north” hem nao Russia and olketa allies blo hem, and “king blo south” hem nao England-America World Paoa. c

Iumi savve strongim faith blo iumi and no wari tumas, if iumi luksavve persecution wea iumi kasem from “king blo north” and “king blo south” hem fulfillim Bible profesi (Lukim paragraf 16-18)

16. Wat nao olketa challenge wea olketa wea stap anda lo rul blo “king blo north” feisim?

16 Pipol blo God wea stap anda lo rul blo “king blo north” olketa kasem persecution from datfala king. Olketa killim nogud samfala Witness and putim olketa lo prison from olketa faithful lo Jehovah. Instead for olketa brata and sista fraet bikos lo persecution wea olketa kasem from “king blo north,” datwan just buildim go moa faith blo olketa. Why nao olsem? Bikos olketa brata and sista hia luksavve persecution wea kasem pipol blo God hem fulfillim profesi blo Daniel. d (Dan. 11:41) For luksavve lo datwan, hem savve strongim hope blo iumi and helpem iumi for gohed faithful.

17. Wat nao olketa challenge wea olketa wea stap anda lo rul blo “king blo south” feisim?

17 Lo bifor, “king blo south” tu persecutim pipol blo Jehovah. For example, datwan happen during World War I and World War II, taem olketa putim staka brata and sista lo prison bikos olketa neutral, and samfala Witness pikinini tu expel from skul for sem reason. Lo olketa year wea just go pas, olketa servant blo Jehovah wea stap anda lo rul blo datfala king, feisim samfala difren test from olketa loyal lo Kingdom blo God. Olsem example, during lo olketa election campaign, wanfala Christian savve kasem pressure for sapotim wanfala politikol party or wanfala candidate. Hem maet no vote, bat lo mind and heart blo hem, hem sapotim wanfala party or candidate. Hem important tumas for iumi gohed neutral lo mind and heart blo iumi and lo wat iumi duim!​—John 15:18, 19; 18:36.

18. Wat nao iumi shud duim taem iumi lukim raoa wea gohed between “king blo north” and “king blo south”? (Lukim tu piksa.)

18 Olketa wea no garem faith lo Bible profesi olketa barava wari taem olketa lukim horn blo “king blo south” “banga” witim horn blo “king blo north.” (Dan. 11:40, ftn.) Tufala king hia evriwan garem olketa nuclear weapon wea savve distroem evriting wea laef lo earth. Bat iumi savve Jehovah bae no allowim datwan for happen. (Isa. 45:18) So winim wei for gohed wari abaotem raoa wea gohed between “king blo north” and “king blo south,” datwan shud strongim faith blo iumi bikos hem showimaot hao end blo disfala nogud world hem barava klosap.


19. Wat nao iumi need for luksavve lo hem abaotem olketa Bible profesi?

19 Iumi no savve hao nao samfala profesi bae fulfill. Even profet Daniel tu no understandim mining blo evri samting wea hem raet abaotem. (Dan. 12:8, 9) Nomata iumi no barava understandim hao wanfala profesi bae fulfill, datwan no minim bae hem no kamap tru. Iumi sure hao Jehovah bae helpem iumi for understandim wat iumi need for savve lo hem lo raet taem, olsem hem duim lo bifor.​—Amos 3:7.

20. Wat nao samfala interesting Bible profesi wea klosap for fulfill, and wat nao iumi shud gohed for duim?

20 Wanfala announcement bae kamap wea sei iumi garem “peace and stap gud nao.” (1 Thess. 5:3) Then, olketa politikol paoa lo world bae attakim false religion and distroem. (Rev. 17:16, 17) Afta datwan, bae olketa attakim pipol blo God. (Ezek. 38:18, 19) Olketa event hia bae lead go lo datfala last war, wea hem nao Armageddon. (Rev. 16:14, 16) Iumi no daotem hao klosap nao olketa event hia bae happen. Until datfala taem, iumi gohed showim iumi appreciatim loving Dadi blo iumi lo heven taem iumi gohed studyim olketa Bible profesi and helpem olketa narawan for duim sem samting.

SONG 95 Laet Gohed for Kamap Braet

a Nomata olketa situation lo world hem hard tumas, iumi savve sure klosap nao iumi bae kasem wanfala hapi future. Iumi sure lo datwan taem iumi studyim olketa Bible profesi. Lo disfala article bae iumi storyim samfala reason why iumi shud studyim olketa Bible profesi. And tu, bae iumi storyim tufala profesi blo Daniel and lukim gud samting wea iumi savve kasem taem iumi minim tufala profesi hia.

b Lukim article “Jehovah Showimaot Olketa Samting wea ‘No Longtaem Nomoa Mas Happen,’” lo Wastaoa blo June 15, 2012, par. 7-9.

c Lukim article “Hu Nao ‘King blo North’ Distaem?” lo Wastaoa blo May 2020, par. 3-4.

d Lukim article “Hu Nao ‘King blo North’ Distaem?” lo Wastaoa blo May 2020, par. 7-9.