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Waswe, Iu Tingim Yet?

Waswe, Iu Tingim Yet?

Waswe, iu readim olketa Wastaoa magasin wea iumi kasem no longtaem go nomoa and ting raonem samting wea iu readim? Trae for ansarem olketa kwestin hia:

Wanem kaen sin nao Jesus storyim long kaonsel wea stap long Matthew 18:15-17?

Jesus story abaotem olketa problem wea savve kamap midolwan tufala Christian, and wea tufala seleva fit for stretem. Nomata olsem, diswan hem kaen sin wea man savve disfellowship long hem sapos man wea duim sin hem no laek for followim disfala kaonsel bilong Jesus. Olsem example, maet datkaen sin hem wei for ravem narawan or laea for spoelem narawan.—w16.05, p. 7.

Wanem nao iu savve duim for kasem gud samting from Bible reading?

Iu savve duim olketa samting hia: Prea long Jehovah mekem hem helpem iu for minim wanem iu readim and for luksavve hao for followim datwan. Ting raonem kwestin hia, ‘Hao nao mi savve iusim disfala information for helpem olketa narawan?’, and duim research for savve long ansa bilong olketa kwestin wea iu garem.—w16.05, p. 24-26.

Waswe, hem rong for iumi gohed sorre nomata iumi biliv olketa wea dae finis bae laef bak?

Nomata wanfala Christian garem resurrection hope hem still savve feel sorre. Abraham hem sorre and krae taem Sarah hem dae. (Gen. 23:2) Nomata Christian hem sorre tumas gogo sorre bilong hem bae katdaon.—wp16.3, p. 4.

Hu nao man wea holem olketa samting for raet witim hem piksarem, and hu nao sixfala man wea karem olketa samting for faet olketa piksarem?

Olketa piksarem olketa army long heven wea organizem wei for distroem Jerusalem long bifor, and wea bae finisim disfala nogud world long Armageddon. Long disfala taem, man wea holem samting for raet witim hem piksarem Jesus Christ, wea hem nao bae putim mark long forhed bilong olketa wea bae sev.—w16.06, p. 16-17.

Bible stap kam kasem distaem nomata hem feisim olketa wanem kaen danger?

Firstfala samting, nomata olketa man wea raetem and copyim Bible iusim papyrus and parchment, Bible hem no rotten. Mek-tu samting, staka bigman long gavman and bilong religion trae for distroem Bible, bat olketa no savve duim datwan. And mek-thri samting, nomata pipol trae for changem message long Bible, olketa no win for duim datwan.—wp16.4, p. 4-7.

Wanem nao samfala samting wea wanfala Christian savve duim for mekem laef bilong hem simpol?

Raetem list bilong olketa samting wea iu needim, and no baem samting wea iu no really needim. Disaedem wanem iu needim for each week or each month and haomas selen iu bae spendem. Salem, givim long narawan, or torowem eni samting wea iu no iusim, and changem kaon kwiktaem. Faendem waka wea no tekem tumas taem bilong iu, and tingim samfala wei wea iu savve duim moa samting long ministry.—w16.07, p. 10.

Wanem nao Bible sei hem winim gold or silver?

Long Job 28:12, 15 hem sei wisdom bilong Jehovah hem winim gold or silver. Taem iumi gohed for lukaotem wisdom bilong Jehovah, iumi mas gohed for hambol and garem strongfala faith.—w16.08, p. 18-19.

Waswe, hem fitim for olketa brata garem beard?

Long samfala kantri, olketa brata savve garem short beard wea luk neat, and pipol long territory willing for lisin long olketa nomata olketa garem beard taem olketa duim ministry. Nomata olsem, samfala brata long olketa kantri hia disaed for no garem beard. (1 Cor. 8:9) Long olketa nara kantri, olketa brata no garem beard bikos pipol no acceptim datwan.—w16.09, p. 21.

Why nao iumi fit for trustim story insaed Bible abaotem David and Goliath?

Bible sei Goliath hem 2.9 meter tol, wea datwan hem winim wanfala man wea born long 1918 wea hem 2.7 meter tol. Iumi savve David hem really stap bifor bikos Jesus story abaotem hem, and tu, olketa savveman wea digdig long graon faendem wanfala ston wea raeting stap long hem, wea storyim “haos bilong David.” Ples wea David killim dae Goliath wea Bible storyim hem really stap.—wp16.5, p. 13.

Long wanem wei nao savve, wei for minim samting, and wisdom olketa difren?

Man wea savve long wanfala samting hem mas kasem information abaotem datfala samting. Man wea minim samting hem luksavve hao wanfala samting hem join witim nara samting. Bat man wea hem wise hem iusim savve wea hem garem, witim wei wea hem minim samting for duim gudfala samting.—w16.10, p. 18.