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Tinghae Long “Samting wea God Joinim Finis”

Tinghae Long “Samting wea God Joinim Finis”

“No eni man mas aotem samting wea God joinim finis.” —MARK 10:9.

SONG: 131, 132

1, 2. Hebrew 13:4 shud encouragem iumi for duim wanem?

WASWE, iu hapi for tinghae long Jehovah? Barava nao! Hem fitim for iumi tinghae long hem and hem promis hao hem tu bae respectim iumi. (Fas Samuel 2:30; Provebs 3:9; Rev. 4:11) And tu, hem laekem iumi for respectim olketa nara pipol, olsem olketa bigman long gavman. (Rome 12:10; 13:7) Bat wanfala nara important wei stap for showimaot respect. Hem nao insaed long marit.

2 Aposol Paul sei: “Evriwan mas respectim marit, and hasband and waef mas keepim marit promis bilong tufala.” (Heb. 13:4) Paul hem no just story abaotem marit nomoa, bat hem talem stret olketa Christian for mas tinghae long marit olsem wanfala important or spesol samting. Waswe, hem nao tingting bilong iu abaotem marit? And sapos iu marit finis, waswe, hem nao hao iu ting long marit bilong iu?

3. Wanem important advaes abaotem marit nao Jesus storyim? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

3 Sapos iu tinghae long marit, iu followim nambawan example bilong Jesus, bikos hem tu tinghae long marit. Taem olketa Pharisee askem Jesus abaotem wei for divorce, hem storyim samting wea God talem abaotem first marit. Hem sei: “Dastawe man bae lusim dadi and mami bilong hem, and datfala man and woman bae kamap wanfala body nomoa.” Jesus sei tu: “No eni man mas aotem samting wea God joinim finis.”—Readim Mark 10:2-12; Jenesis 2:24.

4. Wanem nao standard bilong Jehovah abaotem marit?

4 Jesus showimaot hao God nao startim marit and marit shud stap for olowe. God no talem Adam and Eve hao tufala savve divorce for finisim marit. Standard wea Jehovah mekem long Eden hem for wanfala man maritim wanfala woman nomoa, and “tufala” bae stap tugeta for olowe.


5. Hao nao dae affectim marit?

5 Iumi savve, sin bilong Adam mekem staka samting for change. Wanfala change wea kamap hem nao dae. Dae savve affectim marit. Taem aposol Paul explainim long olketa Christian hao olketa no stap anda long Law bilong Moses, hem showimaot hao dae savve finisim marit and samwan wea marit partner bilong hem dae savve marit moa.—Rome 7:1-3.

6. Long wanem wei nao Law bilong Moses showimaot tingting bilong God abaotem marit?

6 Law wea God givim long nation bilong Israel storyim staka samting abaotem marit. Hem letem man for maritim winim wanfala waef. Datfala wei hem start kam bifor God givim Law long olketa Israelite. Nomata olsem, Law protectim olketa woman and pikinini. Olsem example, sapos wanfala Israelite man maritim slave and bihaen hem maritim nara woman moa, datfala man mas gohed provaedem olketa samting wea first waef bilong hem needim long sem wei olsem hem duim bifor. God sei datfala man mas protectim and lukaftarem hem. (Eksodas 21:9, 10) Nomata iumi no stap anda long Law bilong Moses distaem, iumi luksavve hao Jehovah tinghae long marit. Datwan helpem iumi tu for tinghae long marit.

7, 8. (a) Long Diutronomi 24:1 wanem nao Law talem abaotem wei for divorce? (b) Wanem nao tingting bilong Jehovah abaotem wei for divorce?

7 Wanem nao datfala Law talem abaotem wei for divorce? Nomata God no laekem hasband and waef for divorce, hem letem olketa for duim datwan. (Readim Diutronomi 24:1.) Wanfala Israelite man savve divorcem waef bilong hem sapos waef duim “eni ravis samting.” Law no story abaotem wanem nao datfala “ravis samting.” Bat masbi hem wanfala nogud samting or hem serious tumas. (Diutronomi 23:14) Sorre samting nao, long taem bilong Jesus staka Jew divorcem waef bilong olketa bikos “long eni samting nomoa.” (Matt. 19:3) Tru nao, iumi no laek garem kaen tingting olsem.

8 Profet Malachi showimaot tingting bilong God abaotem wei for divorce. Long datfala taem, staka man savve divorcem waef bilong olketa mekem olketa maritim young gele wea no worshipim Jehovah. Malachi storyim tingting bilong Jehovah taem hem sei: “Mi barava heitem disfala wei wea man hemi divosim waef blong hem.” (Malakae 2:14-16) Datwan hem barava stret witim wanem Bible talem abaotem first marit. Hem sei: “Man hemi mas lusim mami an dadi blong hem, an hemi mas joen wetem waef blong hem, an tufala bae i kamap wanfala nomoa.” (Jenesis 2:24) Jesus sapotim datfala tingting bilong Dadi bilong hem taem hem sei: “No eni man mas aotem samting wea God joinim finis.—Matt. 19:6.


9. Wanem nao toktok bilong Jesus wea stap long Mark 10:11, 12 hem minim?

9 Maet samwan ask olsem, ‘Waswe, eni reason stap for wanfala Christian divorce and marit moa?’ Jesus storyim tingting bilong hem abaotem divorce taem hem sei: “Eniwan wea lusim waef bilong hem and maritim narawan bae spoelem waef bilong hem bikos datwan hem adultery. And sapos wanfala woman hem lusim hasband bilong hem and maritim narawan, datwan hem adultery tu.” (Mark 10:11, 12; Luke 16:18) Jesus showimaot klia hem tinghae long marit and laekem olketa narawan for duim olsem tu. Sapos wanfala man divorcem faithful waef bilong hem, or wanfala woman divorcem faithful hasband bilong hem bikos long eni samting nomoa and hem maritim narawan, datwan hem adultery. Diswan hem bikos wei for divorcem marit partner hem no really finisim marit. Long eye bilong God tufala still wanfala body nomoa. And tu, Jesus sei man wea divorcem waef bilong hem wea innocent bae mekem waef bilong hem for duim adultery. Why nao olsem? Bikos long datfala taem, maet wanfala woman wea hasband divorcem hem maet feel olsem hem mas marit moa mekem hem garem samwan for sapotim hem saed long selen. Kaen marit olsem hem adultery.

10. Wanem nao only reason for wanfala Christian divorce and free for marit moa?

10 Jesus storyim only reason for finisim marit, taem hem sei: “Eniwan wea lusim [or divorcem] waef bilong hem and maritim narawan bae spoelem waef bilong hem bikos datwan hem adultery. Bat [only] sapos waef hem durong, hem savve lusim hem.” (Matt. 19:9) Hem talem sem samting taem hem story long Sermon long Maunten. (Matt. 5:31, 32) Tufala taem hia evriwan, Jesus story abaotem wei for “durong.” Datfala toktok hem minim wei for duim sex witim samwan wea no marit partner bilong hem, olsem adultery, jury, tufala wea no marit duim sex, homosexual, and wei for duim sex witim animal. Olsem example, sapos wanfala marit man durong, waef bilong hem savve disaed sapos hem bae divorcem hem or nomoa. Sapos hem divorcem hasband bilong hem, long eye bilong God datfala marit hem finis.

11. Why nao maet wanfala Christian disaed for no divorce nomata Bible sei hem stret for duim datwan?

11 Lukim hao Jesus no sei sapos marit partner durong, tufala mas divorce. Olsem example, wanfala waef maet disaed for stap nomoa nomata hasband bilong hem durong. Maet waef still lovem hasband, willing for forgivim hem, and laek for waka tugeta witim hasband for strongim marit bilong tufala. And tu, sapos hem divorcem hasband bilong hem and no marit moa, hem bae feisim samfala challenge. Olsem example, waswe need bilong hem saed long sex and material samting? Hao sapos hem lonely? Hao sapos hem garem pikinini? Waswe, wei for divorce bae mekem hem hard for teachim pikinini abaotem truth? (1 Cor. 7:14) Tru nao, innocent wan wea disaed for divorcem marit partner bilong hem bae feisim samfala hard taem.

12, 13. (a) Wanem nao happen long marit bilong Hosea? (b) Why nao Hosea tekem bak Gomer, and wanem nao iumi savve lanem from datwan?

12 Samting wea happen long profet Hosea teachim iumi hao God ting long marit. God sei olsem long Hosea: “Yu go maritim wanfala woman hu bae hemi brekem lo blong marit, an hu hemi bonem olketa pikinini [‘wea hem tekem from wei wea hem olobaot,’ NW].” Hosea and waef bilong hem Gomer garem wanfala son. (Hosia 1:2, 3) Bihaen, Gomer garem wanfala gele and wanfala boy. Luk olsem hem tekem tufala hia long olketa difren man. Nomata Gomer duim adultery staka taem, Hosea still stap witim hem nomoa. Gogo, Gomer lusim Hosea and kamap slave. Nomata olsem, Hosea baem hem bak moa. (Hosia 3:1, 2) Jehovah iusim Hosea for piksarem wei wea Hem forgivim olketa Israelite staka taem nomata olketa no faithful long hem. Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from diswan?

13 Sapos wanfala marit partner durong, datfala innocent partner mas mekem disison. Jesus sei datfala innocent wan garem stretfala reason for divorce and hem free for marit moa. Bat sapos hem laek for forgivim marit partner bilong hem, datwan no rong. Hosea tekem bak Gomer. Taem Gomer go bak long Hosea, hem mas no durong witim eni man moa. Hosea no sleep witim Gomer for lelebet longtaem. (Hosia 3:3) Bat gogo luk olsem, Hosea duim sex witim waef bilong hem moa, wea showimaot wei wea God acceptim bak pipol bilong hem and duim samting for helpem olketa. (Hosia 1:11; 3:3-5) Wanem nao datwan teachim iumi abaotem marit distaem? Sapos wanfala innocent marit partner disaed for acceptim bak marit partner bilong hem and duim sex witim hem moa, datwan showimaot hem forgivim hem nao. (1 Cor. 7:3, 5) Datwan minim hem no garem eni reason for divorcem hem nao. Bihaen datwan, tufala shud waka tugeta for garem sem tingting bilong God abaotem marit.


14. Olsem 1 Corinth 7:10, 11 storyim, wanem nao maet savve kamap insaed marit?

14 Evri Christian shud traem best for tinghae and respectim marit, olsem Jehovah and Jesus duim. Nomata olsem, samfala taem hem no isi for duim datwan bikos iumi evriwan no perfect. (Rome 7:18-23) Dastawe iumi no sapraes samfala Christian long first century tu garem olketa big problem insaed marit. Paul sei: “Waef mas no lusim hasband bilong hem.” Nomata olsem, samfala taem datwan hem happen.—Readim 1 Corinth 7:10, 11.

Wanem nao hasband and waef savve duim for sevem marit bilong tufala nomata tufala kasem staka big problem? (Paragraf 15 storyim diswan)

15, 16. (a) Sapos problem kamap insaed marit, wanem nao goal, and why nao olsem? (b) Hao nao diswan fitim tu sapos wanfala marit partner no worshipim Jehovah?

15 Paul no storyim wanem nao savve mekem hasband and waef for separate. Datfala problem no bikos hasband durong and waef garem reason for divorcem hem and marit moa. Paul sei waef wea separate from hasband bilong hem “mas gohed for stap singol nomoa, or go bak long hasband bilong hem.” So God still ting long tufala olsem tufala marit yet. Paul storyim hao sapos no eniwan long tufala durong, tufala mas garem goal for stretem bak olketa problem bilong tufala mekem tufala stap gud tugeta moa. Tufala savve kasem help long Bible from olketa elder long kongregeson. Olketa elder shud no teksaed bat olketa savve givim olketa advaes from Bible.

16 Diswan savve barava hard sapos wanfala marit partner nomoa worshipim Jehovah and traem best for followim olketa standard bilong God. Sapos eni problem kamap, waswe, hem stret for separate? Iumi savve Bible storyim hao sapos eniwan long tufala durong nao tufala savve divorce, bat hem no storyim eni reason for separate. Paul sei: “Sapos hasband bilong wanfala woman hem no biliv bat hem hapi for stap witim hem, datfala woman mas no lusim hasband bilong hem.” (1 Cor. 7:12, 13) Datwan hem fitim taem bilong iumi tu.

17, 18. Why nao samfala Christian gohed stap witim marit partner nomata olketa mas deal witim olketa big problem?

17 Bat, samfala taem hasband wea no worshipim Jehovah maet duim samting wea showimaot hem no willing for stap witim waef bilong hem. Maet hem savve barava killim nogud waef bilong hem, gogo waef hem feel olsem laef and health bilong hem stap long danger. Maet hem barava les for sapotim waef and pikinini bilong hem saed long selen or hem trae for stopem waef bilong hem for no faithful long God. Long taem olsem, samfala Christian disaed seleva hao olketa need for separate bikos nomata hasband sei hem “hapi for stap witim hem” bat samting wea hem duim showim difren samting. Nomata olsem, olketa nara Christian wea kasem sem problem disaed for gohed stap witim hasband bilong olketa and traem best for stretem olketa problem wea kamap. Why nao olsem?

18 Kaen wei for separate olsem, hem minim tufala still marit yet. Sapos tufala stap difren, tufala evriwan bae feisim olketa challenge wea iumi storyim finis. Aposol Paul storyim nara reason why hasband and waef bae stap tugeta. Hem sei: “Hasband wea no biliv hem klin bikos long Christian waef bilong hem, and waef wea no biliv hem klin bikos long Christian hasband bilong hem. Sapos diswan hem no tru, olketa pikinini bilong iufala bae no klin tu. Bat bikos diswan hem tru, olketa pikinini bilong iufala holy.” (1 Cor. 7:14) Staka faithful Christian gohed stap tugeta witim marit partner bilong olketa wea no worshipim Jehovah nomata staka big problem kamap. And olketa barava hapi from olketa duim best bilong olketa, especially taem gogo marit partner bilong olketa worshipim Jehovah.—Readim 1 Corinth 7:16; 1 Pet. 3:1, 2.

19. Why nao staka couple insaed Christian kongregeson garem hapi marit?

19 Jesus story abaotem wei for divorce, and aposol Paul story abaotem wei for separate. Tufala evriwan laekem olketa wea worshipim God for tinghae and respectim marit. Long world distaem, staka couple insaed Christian kongregeson garem hapi marit. Iu savve lukim olketa hapi couple olsem long kongregeson bilong iu. Olketa faithful brata lovem waef bilong olketa and olketa waef respectim hasband bilong olketa. Olketa hia showimaot hao marit hem samting wea iumi mas tinghae and respectim. Iumi barava hapi bikos staka million hasband and waef showimaot disfala toktok bilong God hem tru, wea sei: “Dastawe, man bae lusim dadi and mami bilong hem and hem bae stap olowe witim waef bilong hem. Datfala man and woman bae kamap wanfala body nomoa.”—Eph. 5:31, 33.