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Waswe, Iu Tingim Yet?

Waswe, Iu Tingim Yet?

Waswe, iu readim gud olketa Wastaoa magasin wea iumi kasem no longtaem go nomoa? Trae ansarem olketa kwestin hia:

Wanem nao Bible storyim wea showimaot God sorre long iumi?

Taem olketa Israelite slave long Egypt, God luksavve long olketa nogud samting wea kasem olketa and hem minim feeling bilong olketa. (Eksodas 3:7; Aesaea 63:9) God wakem iumi for olsem hem, and iumi savve sorre long olketa narawan. Hem sorre long iumi nomata taem iumi maet feel olsem hem shud no lovem iumi bikos iumi iusles nomoa.—wp18.3, p. 8-9.

Hao nao teaching bilong Jesus helpem pipol for winim disfala wei for heitim narawan?

Staka Jew long taem bilong Jesus savve ting daonem and heitim narawan. Christ storyim hao wei for hambol savve finisim wei for heitim narawan. Hem encouragem olketa follower bilong hem for ting long narawan olsem olketa brata and sista.—w18.06, p. 9-10.

Wanem nao iumi lanem from why God no letem Moses for go long Promis Land?

Moses fren gud witim Jehovah. (Diutronomi 34:10) Klosap kasem end bilong 40 year wea olketa Israelite stap long wilderness, olketa komplen moa bikos no eni wata. God talem Moses for tok long datfala ston. Bat, Moses whipim datfala ston. Maet Jehovah kros long Moses bikos hem no followim instruction bilong hem or Moses nating givim glory long God for datfala mirakol wea hem duim. (Nambas 20:6-12) Diswan teachim iumi hao hem important for obeyim Jehovah and givim glory long hem.—w18.07, p. 13-14.

Wanem nao maet mekem hem isi for iumi judgem olketa narawan from samting wea iumi lukim nomoa?

Thrifala samting wea savve mekem pipol judgem samting from wanem olketa lukim, hem nao: wei wea man kam from difren ples or garem difren kala skin, rich or poor, and sapos man hem young or olo. Hem important for no favorim eniwan olsem God tu no favorim eniwan! (Acts 10:34, 35)—w18.08, p. 8-12.

Wanem nao olketa olo Christian savve duim for helpem narawan?

Jehovah gohed for tinghae long olo Christian wea change assignment and wea duim staka samting for helpem olketa narawan. Maet wanfala olo Christian savve helpem olketa marit partner wea no insaed truth, helpem olketa wea inactive, conductim olketa Bible study, and duim moa samting long ministry.—w18.09, p. 8-11.

Olketa wanem tul nao stap long Teaching Toolbox?

Hem garem contact card and invitation. Eitfala naes tract and tu Wastaoa and Wekap! magasin. Hem garem tu samfala brochure, tufala main buk for study, and fofala naes video, olsem Why Nao Hem Gud for Studyim Bible?w18.10, p. 16.

Olsem Proverbs 23:23, NW storyim, hao nao wanfala Christian savve “baem truth”?

Iumi no needim selen for baem truth. Bat, iumi mas iusim taem, and waka hard for kasem datwan.—w18.11, p. 4.

Wanem nao iumi lanem from wei wea Hosea deal witim waef bilong hem Gomer?

Gomer duim adultery staka taem, bat Hosea forgivim hem and gohed stap witim hem. Sapos marit partner bilong wanfala Christian hem durong, datfala innocent partner savve forgivim hem. And sapos hem duim sex moa witim marit partner bilong hem wea durong, datwan minim hem no garem eni reason from Bible for divorcem hem nao.—w18.12, p. 13.