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Kwestin From Reader

Kwestin From Reader

Bible sei sapos wanfala samting happen, iu need for garem tufala witness for pruvim datwan. (Nambas 35:30; Diutronomi 17:6; 19:15; Matt 18:16; 1 Tim. 5:19) Bat anda lo Law, sapos wanfala man hem reipim wanfala gele wea engage finis lo ‘ples wea no eniwan stap klosap’ and hem singaot, datfala gele hem innocent from adultery, and datfala man hem no innocent. From no eniwan witnessim datfala reip, why nao datfala gele hem innocent bat datfala man hem guilty?

Wanem Diutronomi 22:25-27 storyim, hem no for pruvim sapos datfala man hem guilty or nomoa, bikos datfala story showimaot man hia hem guilty finis. Disfala law hem for helpem olketa for pruvim hao datfala woman hem innocent. Lukim olketa verse wea stap raonem diswan.

Olketa verse bifor diswan storyim dat sapos wanfala man duim sex witim wanfala gele wea engage finis and diswan happen insaed lo taon, datfala man hem guilty lo adultery. Diswan hem bikos gele wea engage finis, olketa ting lo hem olsem marit woman. Bat, waswe lo datfala gele? Datfala gele hem nating singaot nomata hem insaed lo taon. Sapos hem singaot, olketa narawan bae herem hem and kam for helpem hem. Bat from hem nating singaot, datwan showimaot hem tu duim adultery, so tufala evriwan guilty.—Diutronomi 22:23, 24.

Then datfala Law storyim moa wanfala difren situation, hem sei: “Bat sapos wanfala man hemi reipem wanfala gele long ples wea no eniwan i stap kolsap long hem, oraet, datfala man mas dae. Bat yufala mas no panisim gele ya, bikos hemi no duim samting nogud wea hemi fitim fo hemi dae from hem. Disfala trabol hemi rong blong man nomoa, an hemi olsem kaen trabol wea man hemi tingting nogud an hemi kilim dae wantok blong hem. Bikos datfala man hemi reipem gele ya long ples wea i no garem eniwan kolsap, an nomata gele ya hemi singaot, bat no eniwan i save herem hem fo helpem hem.” —Diutronomi 22:25-27.

Lo kaen situation olsem, olketa judge savve bilivim datfala woman. Lo wanem wei? Olketa acceptim dat maet woman hia hem singaot, bat no eniwan for helpem hem. So hem no guilty lo adultery. Bat, datfala man hem guilty lo reip and adultery bikos hem reipim datfala gele wea engage finis.

Dastawe, nomata datfala law hem for pruvim hao datfala woman hem innocent, datfala story showimaot klia datfala man hem guilty lo reip and adultery. Iumi savve sure dat olketa judge lukluk gud lo wanem hem happen and mek sure disison wea olketa givim hem followim standard wea God markem and wea hem talemaot staka taem finis.—Diutronomi 13:14; 17:4; Eksodas 20:14.